Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2003, p. 26

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26-The Cenadian Champien, Fnday Octeber 31, 2003 ~ ___ i 1994 Mazda Frntcqc senre - ste ereait ire lai tam las anit ail au sach a aaeittslet mada 4 aucli a apa ne me liant Fa me cana iras epeces etialalila Ian cliuidme 2 1/2 pra te 5 yrs. 908470-7582. liaI as hesk ses chulittan, aur n litenits Ihet gene as netiremant peity asit sciai sight las an. Yeu Osent & Batir Stade peait 7/tete' 1990 Opel Optima like Pas- tiec Leaiena 5500.00 an lient aller. Cati 905-870- 3291 1998 Mustang, ixaittit. 133,000 bras. O/ces/lire e nea cati Castiliait $7.500 aire. Cati 900-7024411 niaIt caxtase liait lexceit paddxck lieaxttlatiy sdaat - ed S mis tram Main Birisite St Retenences req~ 905.87e-3e3e ACCREDITED mev- ing/pecldng/atanaga. De- MORSES limandait is messtcîmtamatianal Frea dxetireetdeer. Colt Dansa aantrabaalprctare carters et <905) 073-7591 UrgentJobs aelcame (905) 829-1282, (886) 000-1313 aiteer crystal tee cape Rayai Deetltan Saenseala il ~ee~ jawaisery xxi sxy~ 95% esicceas mIs. Cerh- cmllecttblaa, eetetea. Colt Ilait CeunI Agent. ste rein JolerlTreny. 906-331-2477 Ian lana Acetit htearence preanaure tnereee~ Fax axnaesfteltan 900-257-17W tOalissila) h ~ I tienir precixas gnanitsxn, aira paaaad away Nanember 3,1997 May me ainda ai lace bIsa settty, And atrapers an yea cen hast l'Il alayas latie anit miss yee Anit ainli mat yaa aere liera. Fan aIl mat 10e lias ginen me Anit ail mev s lait ta de. l'il knew ne greater treasene Tlian me iranra I lied wfili irea My lace tanecen darting Big Nanny BROWNChrletopher (ChrIst Un Iovlng memoay ai asti derllng Son, Dad and Brother, who peeeed eway on Noveerber 3,1997 Sa yeatis lias gene liy, cen 8 reaiy lie Inria, That tiar mersarlax are new ail ere liane lait xl yeu Te liace taxi yxu et ail a an cary anlain. Atid me erair mat t liappexenl, almeatixe mach ta bear. Tliare la neyer a day mai cxxxi acerbe spent Wtllieat minxing et yaa atid hem mach yan meant Ta rememban irean lace anit yaxn erans liienitly amile, Are theaglita mat taing camlxrt. ecen 1er jante ailla. Se xan aweet angel Clilin, ere hape mat yae kexa, Vea anti alerapa be euh se alierecer we 9e. ste lace atid miss yce mare thax yxa cealit ecer listier. Sweet itreama. Mxm, Dait, Jxaliss, Kefli, Cindy, Brittasy, Tmy and Heyle ha Iovln~ memory aie deer huehend, lethee~ lether.ln.Iew & grendlether Ailred Keras wha paeeed ewey October 29,1900 Alang me mad ta yeatentay Tiret laada as straight ta yae Are meaiesies aime liappy itaya Tagamen we oece knew Anit alaxys ecery atiening Wa seem ta hace a aay QI wendanng bacli te matI yan On me mad ta yeatentay Airerays i/ced Wfe Lama, Tersy & Lasers, Elles, Heatiran & Tany enit yaun 8 granitchildasa n Mensorlens John (Oerryf Mnlryde AprIl 29,1939 - October 38,2901 Ifs irean 2 lang yaers aime yea lait as Miss yaa cary mach Lana yau laretier Sheila, Glas, Cas Micheala & Sean (A persan serer dieu uc/t mey are fergalteti> JOBS AVAILABLE Predectien mark ta tht MILTON ares. $11-$1 2/lt r. Att chilIs avaitebte. Fax resemo te: HCR 416-622-7258 en ToI: 1-888-411-1660 il Drivers I Owner Operators ~~edI~edeey 7OMel (US) e 2200-3000 ai [eeak e Fuie e ted cal * Pa d basa plates & permis e Ail bstdgx mils p aid. 96 or neeres a/Tan- dem an/e tractor ai i/saper r~g. besi virer 925-854-5559 20 etackîeg chairs @lti.Oti tacli, Saieli pap machine Ibalita 42/ $500, 4 aniid aaad itieieg chairs @ 52.00 eech, Astique eeaieg ma- chine art h treaitît /maaen- air/e aters acceptedl 905- I 854-1054 3-pca Deteer sectianal & chair Ian raIna decer, tike sea 9400, masanry acal- laid 28 pas. & 40 crasa pcn. $600. 1988 Ceitillec Cimes- ras, excellent cenditian $700. 908-616-1382 A l<ieg Piitaatap Mattresa Set. Nea n plastic. Ceai $1900 Sac/lice 5450.00. 905-597-8459 can daines. BCD Amazing liangain, quane artliapedic pitlaatap eet, nea n pleatic, aarranty $150. 905-567-4042 anti itabven. BEDROOM set 8pce cirer- symeait. Bal, chant. itreas- an, mimer, siglit stands. I Deveteil canahactienNes- I an apexed.. Ceat $8000. Sac/Vice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET t liane sacanai 1,000 yritx. ai sea Ste/c meaten & 100% ny/an car- pet Wtt de liaingreere & hall les $389. stades cen- pet, pait & isatalladen (38 yen/cl Stace, 905-639- 2902 00W, elieep, geai menase mix, impie min asit bIs/t laem by me liag an cabic yard. Bey hase lie laie et tans p/cee. Teggart Feans 1/2 Km West Ol V/satan Chaichiti Bled, as Stan/as Atie. 908-826-1408 DINING ROOM l3pee. Cherry, t chairs, batet, hetch, servan, itecetail cas- stracties. SuIt s lianes. Ceai 911,000. Sacnîtîce 93,000.905-567-9459 MUSTseii. Beautfelcatee & 2 asit tables, aaed & gteae. Caceilent canittiieti, nec/lice $250 alie. 905- 693-9988 NECO e campeten? Dent hatia caah? The a/gisai IBM Pasirure 4 PC tas $1 a DairI Na 99$ ittiant Fani Deileeryl Frea Dîgdai Cam- erai Cati Neal 1-900450- 8369 mere.iteiîeradey.cam - - KARA Jenaellare BURLINGTON MALL MANAGER POSITION Management experience Required Wr are seekiag asetivateit, dyxsamic ixitiniduals reho like a challenge reithin a rewardixg rxvirosxeent. Wr offer uts excellent package wlsich includee base salaxy, commission aid profit sbaning. Please formant resame te: KARA Gnoap Attention: Humai Resoarces 312 Doloseite Drive #2t5 Nomtta Yonk, Ontaria M33 2Nt Fax 416-663-9475 Hiring Fuli & Part time STAFF Traîning * Unîfoitin Suppkad PERSON. 346sFairviewSt.,Burlingtonl ~jjj~aatof~aIkers Lina> 'e e n amp oyar yeu can coun on. CUSTOMER SERVICE RER Part-lime penilian atiailable tan lieay & graaisg batixane & patiy stase Attemeatia & ereekenda. Maat lia energetic, matitiatad and aatgaing. Capasesce set seceesary, 8411 trais Fan naxurva and caner taxer a/talary expectatians ta 905-875-4428 Atm: Use CAMPAIGN CO-ORDINATOR Tire Saltiattan Army n Mifian s laabisg tara cemaianty-aiitided, set-ras* axait indtaitaal ta stiemea the Clirîstimas Kalfa Campaign. Applicant munI lie tlasibla & paseese atrang anganizatiasal skillx. Caîl Debra Blackman fer interview 805-875-1023 BuSy Wholesale Produce Co. s currendy seeking qualitied PART-TIME PACKER REGRADERS The successful candidate(s) miii: 'Be able to mark n a fast paced enviroiment. 'Be able to work flexible hourS, including weekends. 'Have strong verbal communica- tion skills. 'Be customer service ariented, mndvated & energeUc. 'Have the ability f0 11h heavy boxes. To obtain an appilcahon: Apply in persan at: 370 Ontarto St. N. Mîh on. LYJ AWI-~LFREE 2 DAY SALES TRAINING SEMINAR Three ai tht aient entabtiahait autemetiva deelars le tht Bertinglen area are etar- ieg e fret 2 day en/es treieieg semisan le preapeat fier gexit na/enpaoplt talion their item. Thin great neminer han 3 geats n munit. 1. Te gmt tht night peepla s raelintic 100k ai tht ratait axis indaatry; 2. Te gitia yxa tha skitts yxu seet lx succatit; 3. Ta ahea yea mhy at ena tht niglil ptace ta atari an netacate yeun carear. At the enit xl me seminen, rea ena prepareit lx aller tha ni~bt csndidsta a nstsny banun anit gsxd benatta pragrsm. Car entes espeniance n prepenet, but ext e maxI. Il yaa art n inaunance, neal talait, compatan, spptiance an dxthiag entes, this ix agneat xppontasity ta teke yxun career te the seat lacet. A/I candidaten muni ha atisilabla Ion thin high penlanainece-setling neminan as November 101h & 111h tram tam la 4pm. /1 yaa cnet lx lia trastait euh nenptct, paie chat yaare cenili anit tati perlai a tasai, ere may hace s pesitian tan yea. Catis wiII ba accepted betwaan 9am - 12 Noon on/y. Ask for Dan Murray or Chriatine McGiIIvray Phone numbar 905-333-3700 Fan rasuma 20 905-333-3934 only fraining by Macs Consultants & Mr. Dean Sampano, ana of Canadas top tramera. mwrv./ivametjvation.com GENERAL SHOP LABOURER Mechancally-înclinad perses ailli paînling eripenance is neadeit 1er generai xliap italies n aatahialied machîsery laliricaitng campany, în/uiting aperate nea, g/sd aelitmante, mate/cl hanitiing, apnay peint, etc. We ara ailiing ta train. tenaIlle, pralti shanng, campatittie aages, taun il liaan daya, plan avertime as reqeineit. Cati Mika et 905-879-3838 Irara 1:00 ix 9:tiop.m. arias nesume ta 905-875-3844 WAREEOUSE WORIERS NEEDED PICKER/CHECKER pîsîtîbtis atinilable F/T $8 par lis. Munday - Frîdair. A/I applîcants musf have geisit arittan ant Oral Englioli Skills. Affinactutia Benafil Package, Praflt Sheritig Campatiy Plemes uç~be peer b, fax Attuellu Wayue Jeeqih - Sealb Servi. M. W., Gakuille d Deadllnes Oaulfl il a.m. for lbeeu.y F 1054764364 BEARDMORE LEATHERS NOW HIRING PART TIME SEASONAL EVBNTIWAREHOUSE SALES ASSOCIATE AVAILABLE *Exceltent cuatemer service akilta .Energetic individuels mith independent mark abitity *Expenience moult lie art essai. but net nequired. We are a dynemic compeny with great irtcentivesf Please specity which peaition you are applying te end xend resusees te: iobe@beerdmoreleeIhers.com Fax: 519-853-9494 Variaus Warehouse Positions Diatnibution cervpany eparating Smo abuta has epaninga Ion enter pickars and cartifiad raach ferklill eparatera with estit Iicenaa n e coamputenizat envirenmant. Pieuse farwurd resume In conhldence sither byfax: 905425-9292 or by o-mail if annlluationm@healthcareloplmtics.ca IFREETRAININGII I Drive 4 Us Il Schooi Bus Drivers Wanted I ci1 905-877-4448 je an equal (VII) Ene Canada Ltd s a ead ng g airai rhird partir nupply chain manager npecializing n a aide range ai aarehaaaîsg, tranapartatîns and lagistica nernicea. Gar cammitmest ta qaatity nernicea and team-lacaaed achienement e creating eaciting appartanrtles n tire Mutas area. We are carrestty aeeking a CSlTrensporlallon Rap ta jais aur teara. Candidates ment passera me tnllsaing qealiticatians: abitity ta matii-task Ina tant pacad enviranment, misimara et 2 yaara related espenence n lagistica, tneigtrt, asit/ar antan management, Mîcraseit OltIce/Lotea Natea akilla, AS 420 cystera eaperience, excellent agealian ta datait, ellectne cammanicatian si/lia and a team player. We are alsa saaldsg me talleaing: AdnilnhetretleelOperatlona Coordlnator Thia a a tatt time peaitios înnatasg a caratasatîsa et lagiaxios werk, Caxtamar Service asit dispatch effica respasaibuiitiee isclading dalty entiies et inneicisg, FOx, AIP asit A/R, ceordisaflan et ceatamar reqeesta, acliedale nulbeasit & isheanit appaintrsests, pracesa inbeandlnatbausd shipmesta asit îsventery trassactiaxa aittris a GUI basait WMS syxtera. Ment ba praticient n Werd anit Cacel asd ha able la anrir Indapen- daslly, lia fienîble, cary arganized asit set metinaleit. Melerlal Hendlar Tira primarylanctîan etme peafian jasa parterre daflea relatisgtxmelenctixsa atarder latlltîmeat, shipçing, recaîcisg asit enerail rearelixase aperatiasa n a lent paceit ansi- rasmeat. Ttra persan meat be alite ta ererli asit perlerai ailtis tlrselîses asit deaittises an watt as aeuluisg flexible limera asit alias reqairait. Rexpaxettatires indade: * FankiltlReacli aperatias * Rckisg entera, asleaxisgllxadlsg canfera * Cyde ceantisg, specai prajecta Plaaae ratasti rexeme te: Ceai Canada Ltd. Axta: HR Depailment, 100 Sandalaxait Parliaay, Went Bramptas, Ostarie, LiA lAB Fax 905-840-6831 rtrenk tran arasa elle tare airean lalereel, lixtxrrly tiraxe erra laretreeri aelerladtaran criernea arabe nxnlanled. Dieeratiy anit eqaahty are tire Irandatan ni ear espixymeer pradircax Arena FaCîlities Operator/Groundskeeper Reperting te the Manager et Building Operatiens, ibis rota relit be respensible fier the safe and efficient eperation et the acheele recreatienal tacilities. This la a encycar ceetract pesitîtin, werkîng le the arena during the wînter ce pregramme and with tha greunds crere fier the remaînder et the year. Thîs indu/es îce surface praparatien, maintenance tif tha tideor pool, buildIngs and relatad building systems, anitorial duties, and specîbi avent praparation. The pesitîtin raquîres frequant anening and waakand shifits. Specifîc Requîremants: * Class B Refrigeratron Oparatur cartifîcata * Hîgh schnol dîploma or equivalant * Vaîrd Class G drivers licence and gond drîoing record * Able te parform ail activîties reithîn thîs dapartmant (le. liftIng, clîmbîng, morir ut haights) * Musti hold ur be willîng te obtaîn a Cartîtied Pool Oparator ce rtîf i catie * Groundo maintenance okîlîs Indu/me oparation and cara tif narieus aquipmant * Miner carpantry, plumbîng an/ elactrîcal okîlis an assai * Prîor hortîcultural coparîtinca an ansat Applaby Collage îs an indapan/ant ochool for 620 young men and reomen n Grades 7 to 12. Foundird in 5955, Appleby offars a unîvarsîty praparatery aducation te both boardine and day students. Applaby offars an Invîtîne annîronmant with a competîtîva salary and banefîts package. PIeuse san/ your rasuma by Nonambar 3, 2003 te: Haman Rasourcas, Appleby Collage 540 Lakashora Road Wast, Qakeilla, ON L6K 3P5 Fan: 905-845.9301 Emaîl: îobs@applaby.on.ca Web sîta: www.applaby.on.ca

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