The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 31, 2003-25 Classifi dl Ci!MifNiodAper Ciass ifie i i ildacapo.o GRADUATION Ras u saefrom Wi(rd LaurierUnlitersity wiba oesbachelor of business administration sl. MUe bas acoepted a position wl tb e GeneralMAilis Canada Coponon in thieir Vancouver sjJlc. Lindsay strisdoand ac7ubda important goalin he? lij =o uhcbs V/e usis ber continuel sucoess Lappinens REDUCED PRICEI Two plus one bedroom brick bungalow, ahlfaeol on large weter fiori lot i Aistan. Close to amenities. Featuren include: spacioua enf-in filcen oelooldng Fairy'Laite, aepeaaf e livingroom, diningroom, 2 batha. Single defacfied garage. Weil maintnined, many upigredeas. Aalcing $250,000. Pleame call 519- 853-1906 (tle message). CAUTION BUYER TRAMS TO AVOID Fme~r remsel lac la esuld coulp emmi nd Se faon- senda sehen you boy a brae recsrded message ID1010 MILTON - Brand sec 252 poilt. at brick, 44hdsm, 2.5 bIh, + warranfy Greatl ona- ts.. 359,000. (M)6 878- MOBILE home- eflordable pear round lvng, aduft Me- style, Belicoori Lake, Fer- gua. lOOOnqIt, 3-bdssn, 2 bath, f/p. de., apiancus. Pris. indel lot $129,000. e me il:b4.chL MOBILE bosse- affordable er oud livng, aduli lde- style, Belicsod Lake. Fer- gus. 1~Oaf., 3-bdn, 2 bata, dons, aie. Pris. sr- dodoes lot $149,000. 519- 707461 ersal:fdi SELL YO<JR HOME FAST nid for TOP DOLLAR Befor liastig pour borne, reveais 27 lips la gise pou Use compefiline Fiee seoorded message 1-88&266-3«0 ID # 1023 RoWm a bi Springs FOR Leusu:, 6 bey garage in docsforn Acton. Canbuused for os- ur possible busnss. $1500.00/mtonUs seL Coul for more il: <519) 853- 1148 REASOUIABLE Industriel Unta for rat 1,600 - 3,200 sq. fi. Lsadisg docks & drive-ihn. ie 1-908-277- il r t-lr-27.r>P&U. OFFICE aimes for ront sn boffge bildg dornstocs ~~ Mitsai s. 2nd filorela lorS20 uqJeet. CaU Mike Lasas me 90647080 eIL 30 Il m o WANTED TO PURCHASE. Profitable Business in Halton area Either involved rnilh printing and publish- ing or dependant upon promotion and publicily or delivery 10 homes in area. lnterested in busineas clearing more than $200,000 in annual profit. AIl inquiris treated in confidence. Pleasu formard information f0: Box 2133, c/o OakwilIo Boavor, 467 Spoors Rd. Dakvillo, ON L6K 3S4 DE13T Freedeis Canada- Wantud: molas ud quality indivduels for es- pandisg ompanry. Cail 1- 800.690-7203 ext. 2151 MARKET poar Busnss Opportunliy ails Metrolesd Cormaunhly Necsapers. Distribniion ni osver 4 il- filn Cati fle for Inform5e- lion on cuekiy nord ad rates. 416-493-1300 «L237. 10% lut, 2sd and 3rd Mcefgagee. Bad credit OK. Cati Ontario Wlde 1.000- 307-noM 1010 familles canlud f5 bu involsud in nial Canadien deat freedom programt. Muat have debt & mort- 1-80.90-7203 uni 3364 BISIESS Finance Sçse- ialil- Business ncana for aIl puepoaen. Fions Paime + 1%. 0054907M8 CALL SCFS-805-844- 1245. 1-pr 3.55, 5yr 5.10, ARN 3.75. Alan eqsily mortgagu prsgsamts, se- gardlens ni incoose or cied- IL 1 bdnrn upi' donsoc Mesn St. Milso. Nucfy reafl ed laminate floorn, badge, atone, air cond. and patio, avoulable Nov. lst (519> 853-336 after 4pm 2 hdns apt uieable forre liracd couple. Cloe l ali amanites. Available imme- diately. Forlfudiserinfossa- hon ceti 00010-152 or 900478-0100o A butter tisas averae u partrnt- ail applusnces &! A/C. Only qiuet applicans cossiderud Nonsrumokes ns pets, privale un- lrancu/parhisg. $1300.00 utilite indludud. Ph. 906- 8704561 ACTON large 2 hedrois, ground floor $775/mUs plus; <519)>053-600, <519> 0&1- 63m COUNTRY aparlmesf 1- boss. brigisf, recenly sen- safed, perliallp finsabd, leunday auperaf o enirasce. $790/monah, at icusive, CaH MUse 905478-4 FALL SPECIAL CALL NOWSI 1&2 bedinoos epart- ment esedelble Sept. & Ccl. Fidg & tsse, leusday fadfflties, No doge 5190- 4374 opes 7 dlays/cuuek srne dey epprosel. Open HousuOctober 5-7, 1-4prn pliancen os Brste St.Nv 1, $1050.00 905-078-9138 LARGE 1 -bdrro downtown location aparinentins 4- pies. Large luilcisn, hath- rosis, liigrsorn & bel-i rosis $77Suni. + beat/hy- drs. Firstl/isl requireil. Fridge/stose incisud. 2 bdrr oIle levai of duplex i pprsx. 1200 sqft. Large roonts, sas iaundsy Iridge/sove includ $875/ms + bydro. 90&-299. MILTON (Dorset Park) 3 bdrrn bungalow c/fflsbud barrît Asel. De.l. Spa- diuo backyard. Fidl & Slosu inci. No smok- ing/pets $1250/monts. Cati 90554M MILTON brand new Grespark Sumi Appron. INo.s5 appilascen sn-I GLEN EDEN cild 3 hedmois, 2 1/2 COURT bath + garage. $1450 APARTMENTS monts plan atilitiuu. Cali 122 Bront Street, 905-854-3435 Ricilc SoutBa, Millon ns Vie are now eccepling NE 3bdro bse applications for NW3bdomhue 1-1 bsedroom Milton, 5 appliancea, A/C, Aveut Nosvi Nssumbur 15, il1 hudroorn $1450/rnth + ufiliiea Cafl Avalt Nov. 15 Fumando 905-878-307 1lbdrooin l st&lnestreq'd Avait. Dec. 15 1-2 bedroois Analt Dec. 1 2-2bedroom Analt Dec 15 Formm d«.adn E2oeCU E sew 3 bed- wlt alee rsom docnfocn Mitas a~:i:i $1300 + ufililen. Ns 905-070375 pets/5soking. Referencea O'idhs Misors 060478-10 Loonar Q Pen LARGE, rialf renosated 2-bedroan. 4 appliancea, hasdcs.d fisoru. Cloue f5 ail aennlies, peafu-lke set- 82 IELLSIOE DRIVE atlunie. Anailefile lame- Close ta Downtsws. ___________ Frnt Door baleis, garage, end unit. M 7-29 Ruferencea & credit chsecks )958814 $1275 + utlidesiOfle90-76- TOWNNOUSE- Mitas reail BILTOOI nale, 1 bud- f0 ses, Usree bedroomu, oist giond filo wdyelis taie apphenrces, gns ffIre- $875+, 1 budromi avait- place, asedlable miaete- eble $835+. Cali Mary fy Cati Geoff 0&833&M60 (0M)>209-10l $1200 mINIs, frest & ONF bedrouin $M6 monUs reqard plus bydnl Modem butd- ing, central Milon, meieved parking, sfsntfsdge, Nov. 1. No Pets. Referencea. FimLtl. 90-8704123 ROCKWOOO, 2-budroorntï apartlmunt, unt-is idchen, MLO sibdsa L-shapud lising/dinisg. cILOasN, formle asai- $825/montb includes ap- ciuti le fo irnnell c ait1- pliances/atiiieo/parking 09e8-3917 ey al 46 519-056-M4000g, SPACIOSJS 1 bdrm base- ment apartmeot Milton large NIches D/R, 4 appi. pris tane paring, pssvateftelc guries & pa- tio 6850/mo. snci ai flrs/ltasl/rufer., ns smok- A BELLE fas ingpeu 08-00037 osse. Fully fur- nlnhedimodemnzed 10 share. No smoking/puts. $500. Cati 90-854-0959 LARGE 3 bedrosom country ground pool, lausdrp moint 21f/p 2 living roos To share c/single coafosg pur- os 5550/mo + utlUtie WbwM: St. Paul's United Church 123 Main St., Milton W111111: Saturday, November 1 9 AM - 3 PM ARTISANS, VENDORS, BAKING, CRAFTS, CMILDREN'S SHOP, CLOTHING,CAFE SERVING HOT LUNCH Everymmo WmIcoma 8hop lep' Chrpiluf.aa Aisbaeu maiy $11 aoult Chiliurs fIEE CHRIT OPEIN HOUSE. 9TH ANNUAI, 26 Queen St., Milton Christmas collectables & Gifts. Saturday, Nov. 1/03 9 arn - 4 pm -0am - 4pm Dont. Rieli Una <nos Swallos) are heyond tbsfied to announce the sale arrivai of Michael Jamesa, waigb- ing 7tau6oz.t a2:39pm on0cober 15,2003. Michael asssved sporing more bair tban has daddy & a sery sur- prioed look on hos face. Big siser Madeleine Rose lu eocifed to floaiiy hase her 'baby"borne. Special tbanks f9 Dr. Sbarma & the L&D norses ai OTMH for ail aher wonderfui sopport. JONIES- Chris à Catheruine fbank God for his grece in fbïr Ide. Catherine Grace asslseri os September 18, 2003 et 1.52 ams welgbîng 71he. l2ol. Calebi, Joaiab, Anna and Cady are abolutelylissslled As are grand- parents Ian & Anne Jones and Jesse & Joy deAtb. Boy? or Girl? 'Il yotar f amrily & f riends5 wllh BerU Annoursceents l or 001717111E LEE 1 Ut. No. lst 100 1:30 Pm thovwp» bad Arma Uom Hall flelSb* avallable at #m dolor Mzes, VJ, Food Fam, sunnort Nielwof'g- Preililients... A Starlight Balil DATE: FRIDAY, NOYEMEER 7 TIME: 7:30PM - 1:OOAM LOCATION: GRAND CHALET 324 STEELFS AVE. TICKETS $35.00 Anisve for puncb as 7:30 pnt, disses et e:00 pm fndlowed by dancno ondes the' stas. Falsalos asin auction dema. Cast bar asasiatile. Dnch priý l 1 zes - loangweekend ielwa for Smo as afe Pifear anM out Inn - Niegara -osise el Win a prlze for nefting Use moat ticketat S Pleane cont e re Smith s t for Tcket a(905) 693-1705 CORRADffn Bruno Peacefuly eithUe Mllion Distficf Hospitl on Tueeday, Octobefr 201h, 2003. Bruno Cofirael of ilfion In fils 79fbpyeur,hbeloved husaendoftse ltBrunseCotradeli (see Maro Lovlng fai ni Glsolea nd fier baend Ralpb Rlzzato, Helen and ber band Deaniel Csesasco Dansand ber busbend Parfck Shield, Joan nd fier husand Stan White nd Steme nd fils wide Knnflen. Nomo an Rebecca, Jeflrey VIcofa nd Peter Cremaaco, Meal, Daniel nd Cary Shields, Zacaay nd Isaac Whilte, Coauriey, Ceam nd Mattbew Corradeti Banno to Own Shields. Deor brother ni Mary Mamastla Rite Mabec nd Van nd bms elfe Mysts Family and frands rnay siei et lise I0cKarao- Koclior Funiaal Homo 114 Main St. Mils. 905-878- 4452 friss 2-4 nd 7-9 pist os Fila A igil Seavice il bebnld Filaegt 8:30 pin The Faner assi will bu culubruled at Holy Rosasy Calbohic Cburcb 139 IMuetsn St. Miltos on Salorda, Nosumnber lut 2003 ai il:00 arn Inturmant to llow et aue Milton Esurgruun Curnuterp. An expressios of syrnpahy memrnoal donations an Ose Mîfts. Dinsrct Hospital Foundation would bu appreoiate NAGAROON, Anna Leasors Peascafl l her lansdp by ber aide ai lise Guelphs Gunura Hospital on Tbamsda, Octobur 23, 2003. Anse Lenora (Grant) Hegeadon in flur 81sf per ws lise belosud wiu ni Artisar F. Heganlon ni Surey BC. nd Beveley nd ber flusband Artfhur Devim ni Rclswood. Ann as thlie proud greodmotauhr ni Jacaise nd ber husband Micisael Rayser, ubble nd ber hanband Neal Deaconnd MeHgdoand ruatgranmthf- ne ni Mackenzie Daiso Fayner nd Ashdysse Jaiie Rayner. Cremtason fin taken place. A pnvate fan*i aeavloewli bu beld graeside et Use Rockwood Cuanufeay An expreseions ni sypath, donations f0 Use Heand Shroke Foundaflon ni Ontario or fa tise Canadien Cancer Society coudd bu appreceted by lise feuilU (ards allable eithUe Gilbert Macnfyre à Son FHc(519)8561100 or 519-822-4731),or by Il m.