The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 31, 2003-21 * 'B eaver Tournament Àý set for a solid return Holiday bash back up to six divisions By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion ilton's holiday hockey Mbash 15 up from the ashes once again. While canceled two of the last four years, the AA Beaver Toumnament will celebrate its 28th mastalîment - mainly as the new "We've booked extra ice for this. Some of themr are more fun than skill, but it's (ail- inclusive showcase) better than having just five or six players representing each team and the rest sitsmng on the sidelines and flot competing." The four-day showcase will also include a lobby-based shooting challenge provided by the Canadian Tire Events Team, while Gatorade will act as another chief sponsor, with refreshments for ahl youngsters. Although the Beaver's revival is certain- ly cause for celebration, there's still con- Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -/A piece of the Rock Milton's Josh Arnold la ai amie afler being picked up by the Toronto Rock in Saturday's National Lacroase League entry draft. The 21 -year-old goaltender was taken in the eighth round, 79th overail. Both surprised and pleaaed to be drafted, Arnold played the last two sea- sons with the hometown Jr. B Maveriaks before cloaing out his junior career with the Jr. A Mîssissauga Tomahawks in July. twin arenas - from cem a M this type just can't last - December 27 to 30.0 that truly ensuring its And early indications survivai requires scaling suggest the Christmas back to a more appeaiing beksocse coud breakshowc uldtwo or three-division enjoy its greatest over- format. ail participation in But Pullman isn't recent memory. ovneofdspr "Things are going coinced f this, par-s very well. Response iarly fter hsya' has been really good," responew'lhaet said toumnament chair reeM1aybae i'l bravei toe Ron Pullman. r-vlaei fra)i h Added Milton Minor *future, but right n0W I don't HoceyAsocitin resdet think that's the way to go," hie HockeyAssocition residet Jo said. "Preserigtehsoyftetuna Bruno, "It's great to sec the toumnament s vn h its ftetua back on. ment was a good move, and I think the Advertised on the OMHA Web site a lit- numbers show that." tde earlier than in previous years, the Steve LeBlanc can be reached at sie- Beaver Toumnament is back up to its origi- bachlo.erhcm nial six divisions, with the minor midgets as a surprising entry to this fold. Explamned Pullman, "We weren't even planning to have the minor midgets in, bu there's flot many toumnaments at that level, 50 it could be our biggest division - pos- sibly as many as eight teams." N I H ' So far six minor midget squads are comn- mitted, which matches registration for the T C E tyke loop. There's five entries signed on for IceHawks (11-7) minor peewee competition, while the novices, minor atoms and mmnor bantains vs. Buffalo (5-13-2) have four apiece. Game trne: 7:30 p.m. at Memorial The Beaver Toumnamrent has suffered Last meeting: Milton won 7-2 in from a lack of volunteer support over the Buffalo years as well, although that doesn't appear Who to watch: Somewhat stifled by to be a problemn this timte around. recent line tinkering, veteran foeward "It's flot an issue this year," noted Wes Clark is due for a bust-out per- Pullman. "We've got students coming i to formance. Ryan Angelow and do their community service for ochool and Jonathan Omelas should be able to do people are phoning me wanting to, help out. some stats padding as wetl. The response has been excellent." The skinny: Milton whipped up oni lIn addition to the actual gaines, the 2003 Buffalo the last two times and -bar- toumnament will feature an all-inclusive ring a complete collapse - ahould skills compesition - whicls will -see ail have po problemn doing s0 again . players participating rather than just the 1Champion's pick: Mitton by Oive. usual handful from each team. ______________ The flu shot. It's free. Now, it's easier. This year, many employers are offering workplace clinics to, make it easier for you to get your free flu shot. As well, many local pharmacies are holding clinics so you can get the shot when you shop. We have ail seen how serious infectious diseases cars be. Getting your free flu shot is a good way to protect yourself, protect your faanily and protect the people you work with. You cars also see your doctor or cali for a dlinic near you. 1-866-FLU-'N-YOU TTY 1-800-387-5559 Let's Beat the Flu! @D Ontario