iS--The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 31, 2003 111F M ILTO N AYC FF~ mi Come<iîan and" Motivational'Sper Gord Paynter and many otiier special guesis. Caalau$ Parade a BK leu1 We welcome Al past memlers, %en f02 Senators, alumni ani friendu of the Miton Jaycees to join us to lelp celebrate the occasion of our 2 5tIh Anniversary liere in Milton. Tickets oniy $3 5 Cocktails ai 6:00. Dînner ai 6:30 Door Prîzes - Silent Aud ion Cali Lianne Krane, 2003 Preuîlent ý4,Mîlton Inycees to reserve your tickets now 905-87ý6-2955