The, rinnrlin 'hsamninn TuoAgdav. October 28. 2003--O Richard Day, meument Afier graduatingfromn Osgoode Hall, Richard Day was ca/led to the bar in 1971. His pracnice is primarily in real estate and business. He took his undergraduate degree in Eng/ish at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where he wasfortunate enough to win a hockey scholarship. Mr. Day, 59, and his wife, Karen, lîve on Fourth Line near Lower Base Line where they have raised four chi/dren. Richard and Karen both grew up ifl Timmins, and Karen taught French at Milton High Schoolfor afew years afier graduating in /anguagesfrom the University of Toronto. Why are you rnning? Wbile many important issues will affect the people of Ward l in tise next terni, I arn empisasizing only one issue during tise campaign. Tisat issue is thse threat 10 our lifestyles from tie massive residential developmnent pro- posed for tise Town. What are the local issues? Whso wants to live in a city? The present population of urban Milton is roughly 35,000, but tise plan- ners and developers are proposing building bouses for yet another 35,000 people within an unbeliev- able five years. It boggies tise mind tisat anyone would propose 10 double tise wisole town in only fsve years. Many of our subdivisions are experiencing problema witb roads and servicing and parking, wisicis quickly turn into safety issues, especiaily for cisildren. Everyone in my ward is experiencing great problenis witis trafflc because important roads like James Snow Parkway bave not been built yet. Houses are being built before tise roads and services are in place for tseni. How wiUl you address them? My view is tisat, except for true legal commitments and infiling, tisese sisould be a moratorium on large-seale increases in residential development for tise next terni of council. We need tinie 10 allow our new residents 10 be assimilated into our comniunity and 10 gel tisen tise services and safety tisey bave paid for, especially doing ail we can 10 gel commuter traffsc off oui local roads. We bave 10 cousit oui blessings in Milton and protect oui lifestyles. Brian Penman is a recently-retired secondary schoo/ teacher and department head. He's chairman of Meals on Wheels, past chair and director of Conservation Ha/ton, member of the Milton Library Board and vice-chair of Milton's Administration and Planning Committee. Mr. Penman is married to wife Heather and they have sons Jason and Stephen and new daughter-in-/aw Katie. His hobbies include avia- tion, art and photography. Why are you running? I bave served tise residents of Ward i and tise Town of Milton for tise past 27 years. Milton is currently experiencing pisenomenal growtis. Growtis of Ibis magnitude is neyer without prob- lems and bringissg fiscafly responsible solutions 10 tisese issues is wisat my candidacy is ail about. Tbis is wisere niy experience counts. What are the local issues? " CN intennodal proposai " Growth " Integrating ail of tise new isomeowners into Milton . Dramnaticaily iniproved public transit and GO service " Solving probtenis associated witis gridlock " Land use in tie 407/Nintis Une corridor " Debate and resolve rurai garbage service decision - Road widening 10 accommodate growtis: Derry, Treniaine, Andrew Garrod, 2à is a student at the University of Toronto's Mississauga campus studying for Trafalgar roada an honours major in history and philosophy. He bas lived in Milton his entire life and has volun- * Construction of teered and worked localy. He was a delivery boyfor T/w Championfor ei ght years. Prom this expe- James Snow Parkway rience, he began to develop an interest in serving Milton. During his teenage years, he worked at - Resolve subdivi- loca/fastfood restaurants. He currently volunteers in the local citizens' group Pesticide Alternatives sion issues associated for Milton as director ai' large. He's also active in two clubs at the university level. witb parking, bylawsý and thiser enforcemnent and bicycle patis How will you address them? e à .Lobby tise C a n a di a n Transportation Agency and chsailenge CN at every step - Develop an expanded transit seiseme involv- ing tise Province, tise Regions of Halton and Peel and GO Transit (bus and rail) - Co-ordinate advanced signalization 10 ailow better flow of traffsc west t0 est in tise moming and est t0 west in late aflemnoon - Expand tise land use possibilities for those trapped between Missîssauga and 407 - Tabulate and set on tise result of tise curTent rural garbage survey *Incorporate funding for James Snow Parkway into tise capital budgets of ail pannera in tise project - Revisit and mps-ove oui minimum standards for future subdivision agreements and improve communication among ail parties Why are you mun- ning? I am deeply con- cemed witb issues surrounding tise growth tisaI Milton is now experiencing, and 1would like to be more actively involved in future planning. I would also like to bemore actively involved in tie community in wisicis I live. As well, I feel strongly tisaI thse duty of politicians is to be responsive 10 tise people tisey represent, and one of my primary goals is 10 be available and responsive 10 niy constituents. What are the local isue? Issues tisaI bave been expressed 10 me by res- idents include tise preservation of greenspace, tise issue of tise placement of bicycle pais in tie new subdivisions, wisicis as proposed wiil cul dirougis residents' properties, and a desire for improved bus service. As weil, some residents bave expressed a desire to sec tise town's policy on cosmetic pesticide use re-examined. Also, residents in tie new subdivision bave expressed s conceni over parking bylaws. How will you address them? I would address tise issue of bicycle patbs by looking aI alternative possibilities and would work toward ensuring tisaI better planning is done for future subdivisions. Regarding bus service, I tbink tiat service 10 tie new areas sbould be on par wits tiaI of tise rest of Milton (if it is not already), and I would be open 10 exarnining tie possibilities of increasing bus service in generai, finances permitting. I plan- ning future development, I would work to ensure tisat tise planning takes into account tise necessity of preserving greenspace. Finaily, I would bring 10 town cousicil's attention tise issue of tie bealtis effects of cosmetic pesticides. I ternis of parking bylaws, I wiil examine tise fea- sibility of suspending bylsws or constnscting common parking lots, in order 10 aileviate tise problein. YOUNG DRIVERS la the one you've iseard amazing tings about. Here's why. t. Our copyrgted prograin 3. Anyone can tus-n teens loose teaches nothn less than tise licences. We go way farther,~ secrets and skills of lifetime deeper. Our grads learn their collision-free driving. license to survive. 2. We teach our life-saving 4. We're tise Canadian standard erpergency maneuvers behind the excellence. 750,000 grads in wheelnot just in a classroom, yeas-s. Oum NOVEMBER 4 WEEK COURSE Stasling Nov. il Tûs & Thurs. Eveninga (6-00 pm -9:15 pm) DECE.MER 4 DAY COURSE L Dec. 20, 21, 22, 23 (9:30am -4-15 pm) YOUNG DRIVERS@eq»f Canada Your hicence to survive. oý0'9 Collision reef 0.75)8 juin ~ w w wyoungdrivers. c on 'I M Brian Penman, mecumbent Andrew Garrod Nay of There's only one YD. -