0-The Canadan Champion, Tueaday, October 28, 2003 r-~ Vst us at con rnkuauflowuiap.oeu 48lLaurier Ave. 878-2881 Chinese art of tai chi offers a 'time-out' opportunity for those who are stressed out By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion F or many Milton residents, Sunday mornings mean time to catch up on some much-needed sleep afler a hectic week. Ed Cooper lias a different way of recov- ering from tlie week's streaaea. Every Sunday moming, lie and a group ofMiltoniana can be found in Victoria Park at Town Hall practicing the ancient Cliineae art of tai clii, an exereiae Mi. Cooper saya is bath relaxing and invigorat- ing. "I like to gel out and flap my arma," aald Mi. Cooper, laughing, and admitting tliey muat look liumorout 10 people wlio know notliing about tai clii. The group lias been meeting for the past 10 years, ram or alune. Escli Sunday mom- ing clasa is free, wliicli Mi. Cooper aaid ia lia way of giving back to the community. "We gel 75-year-old women, 25-year-old guys and ail agea in betwcen," lie saad. Mi. Cooper said tome people wonder liow tlie Sunday morning group can keep practicing outaide, even in tlie wmter. "We dreat warmly and keep moving," lie aaad. He explained that altliougli tai clii move- ments are performed alowly, tlie activity generatea intemai lieat, whicli radiales out- ward b create a feeling of weil-being. Beaidea being a tai clii instructor, Mi. Cooper ia alto an accredited tai clii compe- titionjudge. Tai clii was ïnitiaily practiced as a mar- tial art, lie explained. Escli move can be used as a defence against an attack. As peo- pIe liegan realizing the beailli benefits. tai clii grew in popularity. Tai clii involvea movements that appear tranquil and serene, Mi. Cooper said. There are no jerky movementa, juat amoolli, flowing, energizing pattema. Tai clii soft- ens lIe joints in people wlio tend lobe atiff, and' givet energy b people wlio ttruggle witli fatigue and Ietliargy, lie saad. "Aithougli il booka timple 10 do, tai clii requires effort in leaming Ilie sequence of movements and training oneseif to tel go of tension in the liody," lie taid, adding Iliat its important b have an experienced teacher. Mr. Cooper teachea formai classes m ha Circle of Frienda Tai Chi Club, which is alto celebrating ita 101h anniversary. The clasaea take place at the Milton Seniors Activity Centre, but are for people of ail agea. Mi. Cooper recently retired from the cor- porate world and ia now apending more time pursuing hia passion for tai clii and sharing il witli others. lia fact, heu aoon be bringing tai clii matnaction to bed and breakfast facilities, golf coursea and corpo- rate boardrooms. "Who needa a streas reliever more than a busy executive? After a aliort aeaaion, we aend tbem back to work energized and refreahed." Todaya socaety îa extremely streasful, he aaid. Tai clii provides a time-out opportu- nity ao people can cope more easily with lifes demanda. Altbougli moat atudenta uae their tai clii for relaxation and stress relief, Mi. Cooper aaid tai clii can alto be effective in pain management for arthritis aufferera. Range of motion, power and balance may lie lim- ited for tlioae witli artliritis, lie aaid. Tai clii strengtliens tlie support around tlie joints to lielp keep a person active. Mi. Cooper was introduced to tai clii wlien he travelled 10 Malaysia in tlie early 70s. "I came back to Canada and as life became busier and more atresaful, I tliougli Id pick up lai clii again," lie aaid. Altliougli people who decide to take up lai clii wiil notice liealtli benefita immedi- ately, tliere are alan long-term benefits tliat come about aa tlie art ia practiced and refmed, Mi. Cooper said. "The more you inveat, tlie more you get back ouI," lie aaid. "Ita like investing money. Over time, you aee more benefats.'~ Mi. Cooper ia currently liolding an Introduction to Tai Clii clasa Mondaya at the Milton Seniora Activity Centre, 500 Cliulds Dr. He said tliere'a atili time and apace for tome new membera. Those inter- eated in joining can cail Mi. Cooper at (905) 878-8647. Ihose interested in the Sunday morning classes ai Victoila Park are welcome to simply show up at 10 a.m. Stephanie Thiessen cati be reached at s:hiessen@maltoncanadianchampion.com. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Ed Cooper leada the Circle of Frienda Tai Chi Club, whlch meets year-round at Victoria Park Sunday mominga. Hors, Mr. Cooper and group member Kathy Braun show morne moves. t' k k-, fl Programming Schedule - Tuesday, October26 - Monday, November 3rd, 2003 ee. YnhvW .COgeCO.C8 61 7335,, Pfi~ggefi ai E.,lyW,,fi 33,£ fip33 Pfi~ggd 37 Eafily 333.333 EuIII33 5, & 633333 Ph~gpd fi, E37yW,37 0d337~ 5p~ fip~, PIi~~~d 1030336 C~g~ fip37~ HS F333333311 s fia 73353 Paggd fil! Edia,,, sa35.~ ~ V~, Wta~ 3337332 30p~~ ~ ~ ~ & 3fip~ ~ W3333k 07333.3 i PlI Edadi, NORTH HAIION STUDIO ~ 3333333333 5fi13333333333 6303333 633 h~p4,~d ~ ap~, PEgg.a il,' 5.33533 fi3333i V33.a £333333333,71 6.30p,. OlfitlVB33,afi <1333) 7fitç~ t.pTaik <Ufil) 7.303333 dadal 35t~~ GdaplfiEi333333da A 730333 LII. 3337333. Ed3,fi3 33'3fip~ H33Jtfi33 0743333 Gda337/33~ o.a~,,, COGE0OC~33I.333333 8035<33 fi~i~< ~* aoop<i 33733330333333 fida~ 3333333373333 530p~ 6.13 1337 7 30333333 Lau~er Plaza cg-ai sao~. ~~ 830333 Ifi33~ 35333333 MN80 w,,a a a 83033.3 8.333 338.33 MAI33 ~ iofi.Iu. 8303333 H33A33, VIII. 6303333 S.i~a,. ~ 7338338333533 500 Launer tivenue ~ 33, ~ ~,, ~ ~MA 137 70080 037.. fi.37a~ ~ 800333 S033'iIZONE MiIto~,0NL9T4R3 1030p~ 33dIiHffl330Ifi'3d.~t2fi îoao~ £e33CI~Oa2o e £338. 3330833~ 331333333 laI, MayliI 3333111 905.878.9306 Milton JC's Mayoral Vebate Tues. Oct i8*i 9pm