'/CH-aýmong Canada's top 10 mpoets MacJeans The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003--5 11 I OiTf m m CHILOREN THUIS ý0w4 Conservation Halton (CH) bas been telectcd as onc of Canada's top 100 employers for 2004 by the editors of Macîcans magazine. .This is Macleans' fourth edition of thc best-selling publication that bas become a benchmark with thc business community and job teck- ers. "Wc are very pleascd that our environsental agency bas bcen sclected as one of Canada's top 100 employers," said CH Chair Jean Williams. "The board and staff have workcd bard during Uic past few ycars ta improvc our human resources practices. We know bow important it is ta attract and kcep quality staff dedicatcd ta protccting Uic cnvironent." After an extensive rcvicw of more than 51,000 companies, 6,000 invitations were sent ta selectcd companies and organiza- tiona, which wcrc asked ta com- plete a comprebensive application dctailing their operationa and buman retource practiccs. The selection criteria involvcd Uic rcview of seven key arcat: physical workplace; work atmos- phere and social; bcalUi, financial and family benefits; vacation and timc off; employee communica- tions; perfonmancc management; and training and skilis develop- ment. "Wîtb the competition for quality staff, companies are looking ta dif- ferentiate themacives by how they manage people," stated a press release issued by CH. "The select- ed best businesses have demon- strated this cominitment and are recognized as great places ta work." CH shares this achievement with high-proftle companies such as the Bank of Montreal, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Dofasco Incorporated, IBM Canada, Ikea Canada and the TDL Group Limited (Tun Hortons). CH is a conimunity-based envi- ronmcental agency that's responsi- ble for, flood control, wetland pro- tection, environental. planning and thc devclopment of conserva- tion areas for recreation and educa- tion. The agency has about 75 perma- nent staff members and 300 ses- sonal employecs. PR20sARDSNCEOE NO HOER 2004 Blaze 2004 Cavalier 2004 Chov Pick-upu 2004 Malihu vu o0upt upte 48 molM 2004 Vonturo Vans 2004 Impala I ' IJOCASHBACK OCSelect Models. See sales ado so for details. gServing Milton For Over 3 le Generations The sensible way to buy a car or truck RIcaRDSGN CDEVRGLET-OODSMGBILME HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON Community-based group makes cutfor prominant publication S, J- - 1.