4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003 More Halton students may be bused Rv TIM WHITNRtIj ýi; I dSpeciairo The Champion i k th ducatio dieco Io revi hi rura ari.s, h rqur t arc: principal i y authoize tiaisp la- Achanging attitude within the new the board's busmng practices with an Kmndergarten to graduation, more tion for students residmng within the Stretsdlle Secondar Sehool Sat. Nov. 1 & Sua. Nov. 2 10 arn to 4 prn -Admission 1211 (Children under 12 FREE) 72 Joymar Dr. aStreetsville, South of Britannia Ire . and East of j Erin Milis Pkwy I 9%5.826.U195 provincial guvernrnîî may mean a new funding formula for school transportation and therefore more students eligible for busing. That's the hope of the Halton District School Board. Earlier this month trustees voted to review the board's current trana- portation policy should a new fund- ing formula shlow more fmnancial flexibility. The huard expects an updated funding model to be implemented by the govemment by next September. If the changes mncrease tie board's ing distances for some students - making more of them eligible to be bused. In putting forward thse recommen- dation, Oakville Trustee Mary Chapin noted the Halton public board's walking distances always have been the maximum allowable under the Education Act in Ontario. I urban areas, the transportation eligibility requirements are: JK to grade 5, living more than 1.6 km away from the sehool; grades 6 to 8, more than 3.2 km; and grades 9 to safety considerations. However, there are exceptions to those general miles, which allow ahi- dents flot normally eligible for trans- portation to be bused. At the discretion of the transporta- tion department, busmng may be pro- vided for a period up to one achool year under thse followmng circum- stances: the walking route is deemed to he unusually hazardous; the provi- sion of transportation shahl be pro- vided to a student for physical, men- tal or emotional reasons, upon Il-I minimum distance required for transportation elîgibility if space is available on an existing bus route, known as Use empty seat policy. Each day both Halton boards trans- port 24,000 students on 356 buses, vans and other vehicles that travel 1,078 routes daily coverusg 4.7 mil- lion km each year. The public board's routes are fully integrated wiUs Use Halton Catholic District ScIsool Board. Sports centre opening features free activities The grand opening of Use Milton Sports Centre is almoît here. The event will take place Saturday from I1 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the official opeming ceremony from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Activities Usat will be held throughout Use day include free skating, musical entertainiment, chil- dren's activities, hockey and skating demonstra- tions, guided facility tours, contesta and a barbe- cue. And, fromn 6:30 to 9 p.m., Usere will be a Di Skate for youUss aged 9 to 13 years. Admission to Use skate is free wiUs a canned food donation. The Milton Sports Centre is located at 605 Santa Maria Blvd., at Use intersection of Denry Road and Commereial Street. Overflow parking will be available at Our Lady of Victory Sehool on Commnereil Street, juat north of Denry Road. For more information, call (905) 878-7252, ext. 2186 or visit www.milton.ca.