The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Octobor 28, 2003-431 Company awarded for innovations at plant< prestigious indusoîy award loi- its innova- tions in Milton. The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) presented its fourth annual Canadian Innovation Award ini Process Excellence to tie Eaton's Cutier- Hammer business unit. The company was recognized for its implemrentation of LEAN manufacturing at ils Low Voltage Distribution Assemblies (LVDA) facility in Milton. LEAN bas created a 33 per cent reduc- tion in the cycle turne for the faciity's main producus, paneiboards and switcbboards, Ireduced mnventory by $200,000 a year, freed up 18,000 square feet of floor space, and realized annual cost savmngs of more tlsan $500,000. General manager Clayton 'l ichkowsky accepted the award from Perrin Beatty, president of CMIE, on bebalf of the man- agement and staff of Use Milton facility. "Wbat began as a joumney driven by the Eaton Business Systemt quickly tumed into a culture and way of life for everyone in Milton. "Dedicated teams turnied some ideas that were initially considered unworkable, and soins even crazy, into great accomplisb- ments," Mr. 'lYcbkowsky said. Cutler-Hammner's Milton LVDA fadility fabricates and engineers paneiboards, switcbboards, custoin panels and transfer switches. War Amps Programs Time counts. The War Amps CHAMP Program gives child amputees a strong, early, start iD lite. I timne, CHAMP graduates will continue the, legacy of "'amputees helping amputees."l Ta order documnenames tram Our Canaien Mlftay Hedtege merles, comtat The War Amps. E-;ZEE ACCESS. TEL.: 1-80-250-3030 FAX: 14-00-219-898 or vusi Our Wob S it ometartes -a ho borrowed # fro-chu rgea pmurced tet -ecaVmry pries. hjiesiied îîlutriai iun ufaturc thaI. s a1 leader in fluid power systeins; electrical power quality, distribution and control; îîîimnîuotive i-m'îine air mnnaernent aond luei .LOiioïiiy- Ulih.lil I ir.i teris for fuel economty and safety. Eaton's 55,000 employees work in 29 countries on six continents. lus Canadian operations are and manufacturing facilities across Canada. ext 234. 2003flWMOIAMIAI4 M 2003FU PiI! ERI4 113 green, parchment leather 39,899 P3004 company car, loaded $Ulm99 us - EXP Explorer 4x4 Spart X3017 Red, moonroot Explorer ES 4x4 X3017 red, safety croup, p.root Explorer XLT 4x4 X3049 Silver, mid grey clolh, trailer tow L 3031 V6, auto, 4dr, silver birch Lincoln Tawn Car Cartier 4 ir 13032 melo999 Silver, moonroot Lincoln 18 V8 L3035 $279M9 Auto, 4dr, p.moonroot, green Lincoln LS V8 L3036 s m Auto, 4dr, bik, ioaded 200FU NM3M Mustang 2 dr Coupe M300 2199 838,09 Pony pkg, handier pkg. $1 Mustang 2 dr Couvert. M3014 851,799' V6, sport pkg, leather $4M Mustang 2 ir Coupe M305 842,099* V6, sport appear. handling pkg 321M99 Mung OT Couvert. M301$ 848,999 Auto, leather, math, 10100 avoid 8399 Mustang Canvert. M307 V6, sprt pkg 3M',9 . Mustang OT Mach 1 M3018 tom med M302 Black ssm Mustang OT Coupe M3022 M L___ BIk, loaded 34U 200 WIMMA LX UhTY 2M0 FU TM 200 F0U1FCJ 4 ir Sedan T3039 moonroof, spoier 8199 4 dr Sedan T3043 biK moot, spaif 82,9 A3017 Company car, rod, low kms $8139* 13m md, oosnroof, spoler 321,999 A3022 Company car, wagon, s1,9- 4 dr Sedan TM04 sprt pkg, silver OlOUO 3.01- 4V, spruce green, spoler 823M89