The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003-29 Se sure to gerd ini yoiar It pet pics Îor rtext morilsg *Cbainpion Petqg feait*e. Fach ýn pî1 Tî PÏÏUl' WIÙe ý;hUber Unw 1-tM* ýý will Ieceive a $'Z5. GfÎt Certif icate f roa a participating iverchaht. Blue Ab. 00 Domestlc Short Hair Grey Tabby & White Male neutered ai am oatgainagandIpiSyfriL 445 Corn"11 Rtd, QOkvill io Mal-5 naiot P"Aquariums, Fish & Supplies Small Animais & Supplies #Puppies, çdj<ittens.4Birds ACCESSORIES *PET FOOD TONS 0F TOYS FRIENDLY, KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF .905-875-0475 Open 7 days a week Mon-Fni 9:30-9:00, Sat 9-6, Sun 12-5 Cail Maureen to book your appointment 256 Pari Stmt 0 Downtown Milton J(905) 876-0141 PET' RE SO0RT no ffdin* grooming e Diay Gare id'Iship Days IDoggy Day Carme) 0 Early 7 arn drop off - 6 pm pick-up 1* Playground playtime 45 minutes per day M Individual Indoor/Outdoor Rooms 0 Sign up for daycare 1-5 days a week. Work that extra energy out of your dog and give them companionship duning the day when you are at work. Cmli for Information or to take a tour of our faclly. *7594 Auburn Ad... Milton What does your pet do ail dayll Give them a break, Give them a Mdend. " P layground equipment " Big yard to exercise and burn off extra energy " Play with a new found friend 905»878-9410 I -