Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2003, p. 27

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- - -.......... McDONALD. Dorothy Elizabeth I Suddenly, allter a brief itiness, on Sat- urday Octiober 25, 2003 ait the William Osier Health Centre, Georgetown Cam- pus. Dorothy, in her 76th yesr beloved enife of the fate Russell McDonald. Be- ioved mother oft John (Reni), Grace (John MoKenna), Diane (Mike Flynn), the laIe Rosemary Brown (Stuart Walk- eir), Fred (Karen), -Roy (Marci), Joyce (Barry Layton), Donald (Jenny) and Heather (Dan Keir). Cherished grand- mother oft 19 grandichildren and 6 gresai grandchitdren. Predeceased by grand- sons Trevor and Gary. Dear siater of Jesaie Hamilton, Edith Ferrier, George, Archie and Viola Windaor. Aiso prede- ceaaed by hec brother Atex and by her siater Elvira Parchen. Dorothy entît be sadly missed by ail her famity and friends. Fnienda enere received ait the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, nonlh of Maple Avenue, Georgetown, 905-877-3631 on Monday from 2-4 & 7-9 pm. Funeral and commit- tel service will be heid in the chapel on Tuesdey October 28th, 2003 et 11:00 am. Cremation. In memory contribu- tions 10 the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Onterio or the Hospital for Sick Child- ren would be appreciated. PYNKOSKI, Waller At fie Mifton District Hosptal on Saturday October 251h, 2003. Walter Pynkosi of Mifton. Betoseit huas- band of Rachat Pynkoahi. Luving falter of Vateri and her husband Ed Sweet, Sylvia soit her hushand Vittorio Folle and Danny ancd his ait e Louas Fynkothi. Wlter witt ha mioseci hy tus grandchildren Edwin, Tracy, Amande, Danny, Marc, Gahniella and David and hia greot grandchildreni Etdwin, victoria, Aexandra and Jade. Dear brother of Olga, Helen, Anne, Jue and Faut. Fre-iteceaseit by brother Fred. Famity and Vrianda via- tied at the McoeWl-Kociler Fanela Homne 114 Main Street Mitlon 905-878-4452 Monday. Te Funaral Sernice wlt ha held at New Lite Pentacostat Church 824 Thompeon Rd. South on Tuasday, October 28th 2003 at i :oop,m, Intennent ta fottow ai Miftin Evargrae Cemataly. f dealat donations ta New Lite Mission Fand or Newe Lite Building Fand woald ha appredatdei by tae toril REEVES, Mary After a couageoua botta wilh brisaai cancer, Mary died on Wednaaday, October 22nd 2003 at Mition District Hospital in han 4»it yaan She as lovingly ramembarait by han daugitara en, Sarahi aed Rachat Reavea and lars Joan Wood, Ratht Mutear aed han hashand Bryca, han niea and naphews Alisar and Jennofer Wood, Mimi Jemie, Maftheiw and Jonathan Milae. Mary wes a teaucher et and diea rhiand ofth litaf of i Meri S. Pabic School. Famly, and frianda oralied aithe Mcl<er- sle-Koclier Funerai Homo 114 Main Street Milaon 905- 878-4452 an Friday. Tha Funarat Service wes haid et Knoox Frasytanian Charch 170 Main Street Milin on Salunday, Ocloban 2tith 2003. Mamnoriai donations in MIry malat mal ha ghl ta liha chanity of yoar choica. lIMBERS, Sonl L Saddanty et Josephi Brant Hospitl on Saturday, Octohar 25, 2003 Sandi Tishara in han St ya. Lovlng spoona of John W. Nobte. Balonait mother of Jesca. Sendi ai ha misael deal by han fathan Donald. Sarvined by han aisteam Lynna (Bill) vrifînat and Jeckia (Grant) McLean. Friands e oi ncaina he J.Sot Early Funeral Homo. 21 Jaea St., Milan (905) 878-2669 on Frideay, Octobean31si lrm 1 PM anIl ltae time of serviceae 2FM him lte Fanerai Home Chepet. Cremnalion 10 fottow. As expresins oft tyra poil doneans 10 ltae Canadien Casoar Sociaty would heaeppraetad by lita fl I loiln memary ot o dean hueand, fleuer lathe-in-lera & gndithe Allred Kem who purleci away Octoller 19, 1990 AUCIION SALE on Saturdey November 1/03 10:00 A.M. (prevet 8:30 AM) On Robert St. al the Milton FaIrgrounde (Agrlculturat Hall). A large collection of primitive antique itand toolo hrom thte eighteenth and ninetaenth oentury (around 300 pcs.). Ail antique foots were donated by Margaret and Fred Heloon ta fie Hailon Museum Foundatio for Auction. 1877 Haillon CountyAtlas. Lotsofu antique fur- nitore andt glos and china etc. etc. Excellent collection of Ltd. edtion otints to inclade: A.J. Casson, Tom Thiomson. Terni cash or chaque ta/proper ID. Auclioneler Rotl (Rabtole) M. Whtle (905) 876-2884 FEINIG Drivers IOwner Operators Naedeit Immadialalyl e 2200-300 mi/aaeit e Future itadicaleiti a Putit buse plaies & permils o AIt bridge buis paidl 96 ni nacer c/an- dem solo usd01 aiw oleopet ragit. 1 (800)467-6016 DZ Drivers Requtreti for winter maintenance operaftons. C/tan abstract Tel: 905-055-190 Fu: O0541-1759 BeAY !QW 10I #à S11,1111. & LEAU*d NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. Ainsi/y biarnss il faaily tase lE -lY-WR-LAI 954Ml HUNT Chrysier Jeep Purchaee or 1ase ltat nota 1 you car or lruck. 500 urontesSt. S. 905-876-2580 itw.untichrylerca 1996 Maxima, Standard Cariaid, 142,500km, deat $500.0C:(01 7 FORD ascoallstan ago 1995, watt mainleinait an caltant condition, grear 905-8544767 MoJce it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Te Iease er parchaoe yeur car or lrack Hwy 25 S. ai Borin Rd. 905-878-2393 1 MÇ-R7I-RR7~ CMI1 MMU ML E3TArE tf you are riety on aouna,; recal htait, rosi/arns a chante tron asur curaent timiat or tookn for a tas Casit YOs oaa Il to ilsi fi l i/ten oui anitat Wh Fhudcosdra estate awosholt) P roincal traensits cousa Ryau LaPaga truin, nemsona itevalopnant unit suPnOou Ho lito getsa quîrk strn * tis ro naîira yout incona Mm m Illilif iU I Ewà Il, amum Seuling Ilnufmoai flnowtIl reOrta oSetl -mob Seipa 8774M0 O0L mm Maui 905870101 bR" L...~- ue, Moadee*l 90021420 URBAN TRADE MVairdager dasiïIwl iïetdiî Our Mapleoie Mail locution reqoîres u coroat-otueul- oit indiuiituul wth excellent management stilîs, Con- itues sitoulit sîso poses s pintai salas rocorit, flair lot mercitnitisa presenlulion unit axpertise in citeituling aid cage coîtrol. Il /00 continua 10 be I serines atout your cateer in, lushion reluit munage- mail, ce hua un excallent oppollunily for yOU. PIeuse fax your rasume to 905-33-6410 or e-mail te: travlsm@urbantrade.ca i Note: cfiitmunagement opporlunilies uvuill Milton Retail Support Centre 2701 Hîgh Poit Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 5G5 FULL & PART TIME WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Startlng Salary: FuilTIme - $15.23 Partinte - $13-88 Shift work 198a requirement. Duties include: . assembling cuslomer orders accurately and eff iciently . Sorte heavy lifting is required (Up to 701bs) Are yoti interested in as esciting challenge? Do you tee) (ha) you are a friendly, motivated, mature, responsible, fleoible, individual who recognizes the importance and valtue of eoceeding our customers eopectations? Ail those interested please fax resumne f0: 905-671-5158 or emal ontarlo.resuwies@obeys.COmt Northern Group Retail Ltdl. viv ara an E-cammanca daparntn fon oun U.S. cas- tomera and hase immadiata temporaly posiliora avait- able for fia following CUSTOMER SERVICIEIORDER PROCESSINO " Ordar pictang andt pactring *Staning intound invantoly " Hendling manchandisa transtara *Data etty and gana offica itatias " Soma customaer aervice lesta as raqained Tha ideel candidate malt ha able 10 worh in a telm envimemaent, undar minimal supervision andt adepto f0 e chasging lanniomant. A computer background woolit ha a dainfta easal. Thteamporety aalgnmenit wilt ha tram Noamar 20M03 - Janualy 2004. Onr houry rate is $9.00 basad on appras.. 15 - 20 hours par waak. Titis position a/Il ha ravioli tan peraent employmant in Janonty 2004. Intarastait Apphicants pisas amai AniETrhaNà".o or for las rasamne t0: (800) 265-9864 Attetion: Ania Torchis. Hiring Full Part timne STOREFRONT STAFF Fuid Taining e Uniform Supplied APPLY IN PERSUN: 3465 Fairview St., Burlington .ust West of Walker's Uine) An employer you cen couant on. Order Piokers Night shift for Miftis warehouse. Top wages -andi excellent benef ifs. Ontransportation recommendei. Please Wa reume to: 905-878-9010, Attn: Guy Ramsey OrpplyIn person of: 2705 Durante Wayr Million CAMPAIGN CO-ORDINATOR Tae Salivation Army in Milton as iooking fansa communliy-mindad, aalf-moltvated indildcua ta ovarsea fia Chrierlaa Kate Campalgn. Applicant muet ha flexible & possess strong organizaliona sius.. Cati Datca Biackmen for intarviewa 905-875-1023 JOBS AVAILABLE Production workin the MILTON ara. $11 -$1 2/tr.Ait shifts avaitahie. Fax resume to:HR 416-622-7258 or Tai: 1-888-411-1660 Thte Canedian Champion , Tuesday, October 28, 2003--27 wide rangs oi arelisusing, transportution undt lugistics services. Our cummîlmest te quali/y services sond team-focused uctienement is creafing esciing opportunities in fie Mition aras. 00e ana currantif saaking a CSITrnoflrlallon Rap toljoin ourftear. Candidates musI pansera lte totlowing qualificaions: abilty f0 malitit in a fast paced envinonmant, minimum of 2 yeums related aopenenca in logintica, lreigitt, andflor otitan management, Microsot Office/Lotus Notas akitto, AS 400 systamn espanrenca, excellant attention f0 datit effective communication okilîs anit a telm player. 00e ara aira seaking lte tatfowing: AdmlnlatraleOperaions Coordinator Ti a sa fuîltlima posion invotving a combînatian of logistico watt, Customen Sermice andt dispatcit office raspansibillies incluiting deity enVries of învoicing, FO's, A/F unit A/R, coaordination ot castomer raquas ctedule outounit & intound eppoinlolants, procesu inbounit/outtound shipmenfs andt insenlory transactions waithin a GUI based WMS systera. Must ha proticiant in Word and Bxcal anit ha able f0 worh indepen- itandly, ha tleible, vety organized anit rat motivatl Maela Handiar The primaty fonction of fie position is toi pattons dafias ralaling tsfthe lunctions of otitar fftlmant, sitipping, receiln and loserait warahaura aperafiont in a test pacal ai- rosmant. Titis persan must ha abie f0 woth andt patton thin limatinan and deaitnas as watt as wothing fleaible taurs it andt taen naquirait. Rasponsibillfila ea: *ForllttReacit opensfian P icking ordars, snloadingitcading carrera *Cydle caunting, spacial projects Fleasa submt rasamne 10 : Esat Canada Lfd. Afin: HR Depattmant, 100 Sandalaood FPoial West Brampton, Ontlaro L7A 1A8 Fax 905-840-6831 iOhanh you to ai Ilua a/a lava sanan inières, but anly il aho have Vian eeaitfor an intl il be contactit oa.UPr MN#MOIEiI Darryt SiBlier Skate Cenlers sl looking for a Teare Leader in our Acton and George- loren Skate Cenlers. We are looking for e self-relIant, mature individuel 10 nonla in lte skate conter and supervise a number oft part-fume staff. Fuiltime or part-lime hours are avatiabte. The succeseu candidate AviII have a background in hockey and have ex- pee faxn a resuet nichae Datisie ait 519-821-5402 or cali 519-821-2141 HAIRSTYLIST &AESTHETICIAN Eoperiancet Haimtte andt Aastfln raqairad for basy doanloan Milaon Spa. TOTAL SKIH & BODY SPA ni drap off resuma et: . 258 MAIN ST. E., MILTON OIt BURNER TECHNICIAN Raqaîrît/ for service & installations. Applicant rast havea svaiid G2 Dît Borner tîcense. (Combina- lion G2 Gas/Dil Licanse aoaid te un assaI) sndi- vit/ual rast ta seff-mafviaeci and sbie to trotu- hiestosi, reasir, and/ inslali oit equipffieel. Wage commanoarafe citit aoperiance. Fax resumne : Ruas Kidd 905-878-5501 BaiIey Heating &i Cooling Ltd., Milton Here wo OROW agalîn In Rockwood »VolrEquin. Solutions Pa,*ur FIJLL-TIME EXPIERIENCIEO WELDERS AND GENERAL LADOURERS REGUIRED For relding ahop in busy manufactuning company. Muet be a reliable tearn player. Somne heavy lifting raquimed. FULL-11ME RECEPTIONI9T/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REQUIRED Flaeaemoli your resume f0: msrlene@esystemnhorae.com or Fax f0: 519-856-4141 HERE WE GROW AGAINI We are looking for e dedicated cus- tomner service oriented window and door installer. Clean driving record re- qulred. Wilages wîil bei based ori ex- perience and qualifications. Fax resume to 905-873-0272 or emfail buywise@bellnet.ca ib Canabian C apw has thla perfect aoiutîonor youri business f rom our Retail 10 Who dooes l to Clasaifle s night fit for your nere or axisling business neetis. Auto Body Poison fnn extramaly tusy auto collision tepsir tacilily. Encellait aorkiig conditions. Eoc. ages unit henelit pacteage Celi 015-18"912 or affer 7p col 905-57743177 Eaàu PERMU IVANT Fui) Urne. Experience required. Monday f0 Fnidey. Milton (905) 878-8156 1

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