Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2003, p. 26

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2.6-The Canadien Champion, Tuesdav. October 28, 2003 'I PCLOSIFED BoxUe 90547".300 CLASSIFED ROUIS: Monday to Frday .9:00 aDi 5:00 p. CIEàss i f iI dl1a i0i m Im M 1 10 1I1,1 Il Two plus one bedroom brick bungalow, sitatd on large water trugn lot in Acton. Close to amenities. Features include: spaclous 081-rn kitchert owerlooking Feiry Laie, separate livingroora, diningroom, 2 baîhs. Single detached garage. Wall mainlained, many upgrades. Asking $260,000. Please cali 519- 3-iodas sonda toseshouse. Masy upgrsdes inciudisg neser broadiaam, hard- soori tirosrig ta diaiag roam. Mats betitrori rotai- ly reno'd ta 2003. Prisse: 906-976426 CAUTION BUVER TRAPS ITO AVOID Freeiot reveals tram ta, avori Sully, errais and se tiras- sanda whes you bey a free resondeti mesage ID8#1018 MILTON - Brandi ses 2525 sqtt ait brisk, 4-brsai 2.5 bilh, + wenranly. Grea taca- lion. 359,000. (905) 878- II.TON. 3-br n sainsd Ismatrome. 1900 sq.ff. mdc. prrof. finlater isbmir. $232,500. 90111"6-8131. PIVATE sale. Esnd unit tosahoma, 3-beris, UJR s/gus F/P. dstang rossa, at- sn, 1 tuSl 2 trait battra. Fin- ised busement C/A. many apgrades. Loveiy mature are, bedes on ta piveite homes. $16,900 905-876- 4408 SELL VOUR HOME FAST andi for TOP DOLLAR Betare listing your home, Free rgon remist 27 ripas ta gise yoe trie cosapetltlve esige. Fmee resorderi mes- sage 1-888-266-3496 ID #1023 RaMa vue aIpriffl PmR Lems: eursraq.s., 6 bey garage sn dawstomr Aston. Cunbe setitorotî ar prossible busises $1500.00/mort sel. Cal fror more iro: (519) 853- 1148 REISONABLE Industre Ust terrcent 1,600 - 3,200 sq. lt. troeting drocksa & drive-in. Phone 1-905-277 9347 or 1-905-275-6834. OFFICE speca a e t f r trtage bttig dosatosi Mirtos on 2arl fror s/eteve lor, 520 oqiset. Cati Miki 11064764M2 est. 30 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either insoiveri with pninitinig andi publish- ing or dependanl o pon promsotion andi pubiicity Zr divr 0 h aies in ares. Intereste i n business clearing isore than $200.000 in annuel profit. Ail inquinies treated in confidence. Please ionward information la: Box 2133, c/o OakvIIIo Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. OakviIIo, ON LOSK 3S4 tion on weekty Word a rates. 416-493-1300 NOWII12bdoa pr ex5237. ment availabte Sept. & Oct. LARGE, newty renovateri -Fridge & Stose, Iaundry 2-bedroom. 4 appliances,1 tacilties, No doga 5194853- harrisoori floors. Close ns 4374 open 7 days/week aill amanities, panfi-tike set- s eday aprosal. Opn ing. From $1029io Houa ctbr 5-7, 1-4 pm uite. Avait'abie mme- 3MONEY $3 100% lot 2nd andi 3rd LARGE 2 bedroom n s diateiy. Ariington Btsd., Sur- Morlgages. Bad credO OK. ment wfireplace. Milton, lingon. 90-1-00 cati Ontano Wde 1-oaa- Asaitabie Nov. lo 5i70OlIoslitt 30-779 $800month + stiires 905- TOWNHOUSE- rent to - 878423 own, trme bedrooma, tree CALL SCFS-9054844- 1245. l-yr 3.55, 5yr 5.10, LOWER tevel one bed:m appioceo, gas fireplace, ARM 3.75. Aiso eqsity apartment in Park are avaitabie immediatety. Cati morigage programo, ne- Asaitebie Nosember lot. Geoti 905-335-6502 gardiesa of income or cred- i $750/month inctudes eriti $120.00 nithl, fis & last il ds No smoking/pets. requireri MILIETOWER 8MLLSIDE DRIVE 1 bdrm apt dosatoso Man 1 &2 Sedroomn Apta. Si. Mi ton. Newiy renoaat Close ta Dowrntown. LARGE bedroomf witri ead taranate floors frige, u stop at walk in cioset, oms bath- stase, Air cond. and patia. Front Door. om$Wmnhicuie aailale Nov. lat 41640&6-l room0/otr inci90asse 9M3 arien Opmn (905) 876-1249 ct u îe(0186 I kedosisaparient 875 restan.ce 4861 arien Opmn 1 beroomaparment$875MILTON, untamiakeri spa- ascl utilries, cari e TiV & cios omo tanda avait- iaundry.,l bedrom aylant- MILTON 12-Pies- 2 brr arite immeiatey cati 416- ment $750 + utiities. Barri apt. asaitabie Nosember 896-3917 inclade indge & stase. lst 2 appiances, A/C, ca- - Downtown Milon. Parking rite tv inciaderi. Laandny ROOM FOR RENT in & nicaiy deconatecl. Conrad tactiliies asaitakie on pnem- dosntown Miton. Kitchen (esen) 905603-78 allr ise s. For tuntrier information & iaundry tacitities, saielite 6pm, (ceit) 905476-558 plue. cati 9054878-9100, TV. iota ai Parking. anyrime 905-510-8152, $550 00 par manthin tcts- aine. Asailable immediate- 1-BEDROOM riasemenit MILTON, asaitakie, 1 bei- ly. Asn ior Conrad (cati) apantment, Southi ai rossa ground tionr w/paris, 905-76-5581 & arien 6 Georgetown. Pdsate $875+, 1 bedrooro avail p.m. (90) 693-0780. home. prisate estrance, able $835+. Cati Mary iauadry, satelite, paring, (90S) 296.025 fireçlace. Suri ciea quiet protesatona. reteens. ONE bedroorn $865 montri $750kaaatn indclse. IIos- plua hydro. Modemo ridi- 702-0582 159, ceintral Milton, resemver ribasemea paring, stsvetrdge, Nov. 2-bedron en 1. No Pets. Referernces. apenrrnesr. No peta/amok- Fiunstt 9064784123 UNFURNISHED or fur-ýs mg. Availale Nosember nrtier mm in large, dlean lat. $95/montr indausrve riome in counrry Betting, wlftr cei rrstast. 905- Norft end ot Miltas. ctu ta 87____M._ue_____a_ h 40t Shans kitcriea& bathn. ACCEPTING applications downtown Miltron $425 on $450/Mo iadludisg ton a Ifidrar aperment ta a 31390/montri. Asallale io- utte parin.t noadry dleaqiet buiding. Avait- rsedistely 70657W-4017 Ms evr et o abeDecl/03 ret of $790. moker. ao pats. Assit. Cati aller 6pmn 906-878- 3 bru romatrouse, wo ap- tmmediateiy Maie pre- 55pliascas ons Brodte St. Nos. terned. 906475-1518 or 5351, $1060.00 90645-936 416.402-00 1RIOKT 2-bedroorn base- ment aparriment ta couatry BRAND new Greenpark sefttng, between Semi Aptroa. tOOOeq.tt. Georgetowa and Actan. Asaitabie Nov.lst. 5 al)- Lotsuof ou or parking ad pheances inctaded. 3 bd aroae$850month adal- roromr 2 1/2 bath + garage. cane ra oPeces avWdabte ss. o ets. 595- $1450mothtplus uttilee. for trutde2 1/2 yrsta5 9743Nopes.5 Cati 905-454-4435 yrs 905-878-7552. VUsi ua DOWNTOWN, spacioas (6o0sq.ft.) groasd tesel, LARGE 1-bdsli dOsstOWs aewiy rnovated, 1-bmn location apentroant sn 4- apt. Appinrircea, lausdry, p19xo Large kitotes, betri t/p. prisate deck & drisemay. noom, s aignoorn & bed- N..Jt $850/nth Kantia rossa $775/mo . hearfry- 514397 dro. Flrst./ast required n 51P941rige/soae Inciaderi. 2 MORSES boarderi. ta- ERIN 1-bedrooro apant- bdrm tomer levai ot duplex doon/ouloor Cai Dosa mente ta qaiet budilding. appros. 1200 aqtt. Lange et (90) 0737591 Avaitebie Nosember t. room, rosa iaandry Prom $700/moath indaudiag naudge/arose îislded erMites. Cati 5194332448 $87shso + hydro. 905-299- T17TTP ~0085 OPSTEEN- Murray andi Janlon (Foanaîral are pleasesl ta annaunca trie brtr oi treir beautitut dagh- ter Grace Jacqsrellne et Mitron District Hospital on Octoker 20, 2003 seighing 7tbs 130z. Radier andi Oses are iterii sitri 5m snes sitar. Prauri granri- parents are Con & Christina Opstees ai Miros ari Joha & Bevesiy Feenstra ai Haisby. Spediat trienks la Dr. Hanter, Dr. Cvetic. Dr. Watada asti ait trie esotienis nursng staff tar at theïr hatp asti sapprt. &Poe CoME LE Sat Nov. lst 100S 1OPm flimpwni Road Armia llclet avallahle at 1h. door Pries, P4, Food 7th Edition Milton's Book Festival for childreo Sunday, Nov.2, 2003 12 noon to 4 p.m. (rain or shine) Adufts $5 e Children $2 At Milton District High School Readings with Canadian authors, illustrators, storytellers FEATrURING Kenneth Oppet, Barbara Greenwood, ry Wallace, Janet Wilson, Mary-Bilen MAcLeag Aubrey Davis, Werner Zimmerrnann eReadings a Displays * Activitiese Face Painting a Book Signings Fsu~m:9585IF (905-875-4636) ~wtown.miton.on.ca 13-PRe DeBSr sectiona DINING ROOM l3pce. chair for retro decor, tike Cherry S chairs, butfet, ses $400, masonry scat- hutch, server, drosetai con- toid 28 pca. & 48 cross pas. struction. Stitli n boues. $600. 1988 Cadiiac Cimar- Cuat $11.000. Sacrifice non, excellent condition $3.000 905-567-9459 $700. W0616-1382 EXERCISE eqaipmesr: A King piiiomtop Maîroa Eiectrosic treadmIti, tike Set Nem sn plasic. Coal nes condition. Rowing me- $1600 Sacrifice $4500.K chiae,satironay bike, stop 906-507-9459 cas riee. dlimber, beet offert Caressa BED mazig bagai Kits, Amerises Sesaty BED mazig b ri, AB18. best offert Wood quees onltopedic pdtaowtop atone- Cheapi Brote sea- set, new inplasti, w-5Uty eir andi 100 mise broVre sari $150. 905-507-4042 sutl 100 plasic beer baicifes. d5ele fiest ofer Vas meats tor BEDROOSI set. 8poe crier- Fard Aerosar. Days 90&- rysood. Bad, dchut res 667-1033 or ngrits 519- er, mirror sighr sands. 63WR. Doserait construcion. Mev- NEED a comparer Dont er stesed.. Ccist $11000. hase cash? Tire original Sacifice $2400. 905-567- IBM Penlsm 4 PC ton $1 a 4042. OsDy No $$$ dossi Fast CARPET i risse sesemil 008505 Fme Digital Casa- 1,000 yrds. rot ses Staia- eral Cai NoSi 14804S& master & 100%/ nytan cer- UN6 Swwdollrdaycomr Pet Wit do liviagroosai & hall ton $389. tadadea car- pet, pad & installtilon (30 yards) Steve, 905"39- 2902 -$$$$33 Wasted -ail dhina. COW, srieep, goat masure siteer, 05181er tea cape, max, riple msx anri blacki Royal Douffori, Swamovsi, toaro by te beg on subis gises ieelery, ski tsys, yard. Buy tros thse tans et catiectibies, esates. Cati taira prises. Teggart Farns Jari5/Trs2y 905-31-2477. 1/2 Km West 0f Wknstoa WANTED:. eacrm players Churchill Bled, on Steetes ton Tuusdey rder Wague. Ave. 905-826-1406 Cai Vais 906478-13688 rc.oI CLSIID ONTEITENT WARREN- Sean and Deanne are triiter to ansoance trie bintri ai tries sas Andras PaulI, bomn TuesdY, October 21, 2003 weigkring 7iba 15 1/2oz.. A dairriag rirotiner to anea and Taylo. Prosod gransdpamants are John & Lou"e Warren sand Lorralne & Wayne Gate. Trianks ta Or, Hanter & OS staff at MDH.

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