The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, October 28, 2003-25Z Who Does t. Specializing in Custom Pltted DELEXVingi Wi"ndsd ALUMINUMILIMITIED Eattrae Sggtems Also Vinyi SId& , Soffit, Pçacl dmd ÀtIm:k iNiesS Alamiin aîngh Cai 877-5383 between 9am & 9pm qW a5 YEAR RI1EN WARRTYON WORK!4ASHIP New Showroom Supply e Design e Installation Complete Line of ProductsW0 18 Thompmo Road, Mifton (Cornler of Mainfflompso) 905-78-666 < Professional Cleaning Service GUARANTEED Residential & Small Commercial Cmli telI fume 866-327-5522 or colis 4164575-248 JUMI CONTACTO *Professinl concrts work, diweweys, flors etc *Stamped coloured concrete drivewoys & walkways *Interiocking and retelninfi wef I systerns * Regstone, decks and fentes *Welkouts. underpinning and waerprooflng *New additions weit dmawings andi perncto *Custom finish besements *Kitofien andi betitroomn rernodelng CuTAC MMS 0001: MEL. 1905180784748 FAX 1005) 8714303 5ma: 0 , A -uf. , , CiUueoeinc HOME WORKSlbq COMMI1TED TO QUALITY RISTORAT1ON - REPÀIR RENOVATION M(I1MOR/EXIlNOR) TEL: 905-842-7432 EMAL: HIOMIEWORKS4IYMPATICO.CA GARGElOOR R&R Goeyie Doors - Electi Openen Sales, Service and Instlation Widows, Enirance Doons, Storm Doons, Patio Doors TEL: 51-5-14(AcrON) /IIIRMAX, MECHANICAL INC.W 781 Main St. E. Units 18 &19 AM Tel: 905-875-4247 trehLg Celi: 416-984-1237 Ou 02! JA A u(l k, 1 lkdlel1 Servlng Milton & Area for ààe over 40 years ~IALWYSALES * INSTALLATION * REPAIRS High-Efficiency Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING LTD. (905) 878-4821 103 SelaaveUit #7, Milton 74terprises uly Insured Lui do your work - * Repairs & Reno vations to Your Home *Odd Jobs a Garden Worlt c4 s o *Paiting - laterlor & exterlor 9dJ"478J731 concept ~'nt FREE AmhttuwalCamwt ;r Acceasorrna 'taoe Fbctumo wlth a ne kitchon CUetonmMiDmx NWM StE it #3f 878-9177 Inturior floue Painting I Juet iipurchbue a ew MIII hemni? hiIVe Ra im te add man celui, style & wamtl te y"[r roime 1,,ffrdlile A ROIIUIIS - Guuenteei! Pu*' LUJW1mIUI W&WO NT~ mmM E~I Lloenced Master Plumber wlth over 22 years experlence Cail: 905-559-7415 Fax: 905-659-4867 * RR#2 Campbsliville, ON LOP 1BU HOIMà MNTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates Cali Pet tEt *l Discount4~ *'Wýï a bMmwm 16Mm Ceramic Tules e Halwood FioIg * e R u s * Stee Studs a oecks e Iathmoi Reodes @ Drop CeIiagst 1(905) 876-4023 ste. Robert Noble Ltd. SUPTIC TANK PUMPING 180 At of Hose For Crossing Lawns High Pressure Drain Flushing & Repairs Same Day, Fmergency Service 2 Trucks to Serve You - Radio Dispatch (519) 85-0500 Acte, Answering Service 905-878-6869e~ PO. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD Core's Weil Drl&lIUgC Punap Service " WeIl Rohabilitation " Weil Cloaning *Flow Rates *Water Troatment *Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems *UV Sterilization Systoms *Complote Pumping Systoms Ask folr Tell: (905> 854-4515 io C'DeDe: (905) 691-6118 ý ýýT7j1 kis a Replacement EXTERIORS Windows e Entrance Doors FREE rni Sliding Doors Esi ates yn" Siding 905-631-6685 Fascias *Eavestroughs u - - ---- - -- - -VIF" HOME Cbmjrnwjrm