24-The Canadman Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003 î 1 W 0111e Th rls IncS a wilh eue. !The Ontarlo Br.ast Scr..ning pirograin provides ~breasi exomlnatlon and a mammogram et no cosIt ta wamen who ore 50 yoars of uge or uver. 'EAS CAN E Moite your appointimuent todoy.I 1-800-668-9304 Let us help you find the superior returns you're searching for. They're closer than you think with the TD Canadian Bond Fund. onàMc Superior returns relative to the mnvestment Inves(ýr eMIS risk involved. That's what investors are searching for. And that's what the 1 'e97% : TD Canadian Bond Fund aimns to deliver. Let's face it. Investing answers cari be 3 yr 8. 2'/o hard to find. But we can help you make informed investmnent decisions. 5 yr 6. 8'/o It starts with getting to know you. That's 10 :r 8.% how we* can imlretan investmnent that meets your needs. Depending on that strategy, the TD Canadian Bond Fund may be a powerful addition to your portfolio. Or we have other investmnent options to consider. Next step? Drop into your nearest TD Canada Trust branch. Or give us a cali. Cali us today at 1-800-577-9594 or visit www.tdcanadatrust.com Mm. F.s camai.arou thog brncebofoeCaad Tus *Mmg prchae tirmangi ID invesiment Serices toc. Commissions, traiding commissions, management fees and expenses ail may ha associated witi matual hWi invesiments. Please rend tire prospctu hefore investing. Tie indicte mae of retriroare histuicl anneal compound total retums as of Sept 30, 2003, incioading changes in urre vaine und reinvestmnert of ail distrihbutionrs and do not take loto account sales, redemption, distribution nr optional chares or incomne taxes payahe by any sacurity hoWer tira would have redoced retoms. Motoal fonds ore ot guarantea or insnoed, tir vaines change frequently und past performance may flot ha reped. linT Mutuel Fo re moaged WhylDAsset Management Inc. 9IDA). Avaiolam ghlD Investnt Series mc. (panapal distohuto), Il) Woteuros C" and c. and indapendant deaiers. 2. TD aeouse Canada lac. (»ID Watouse) isa suhsdry of The Tron>WmDommn Bak. TD Watairnse -Member CIPF. *Tordma ofThre Tortoomn Wai T)AssetManagementilut. is a klensad ysa. Sr. Mustangs embarrass Georgetown on gridiron Massacre, cakewalk, annihila- tion. Milton District fans no doubt used ail tbiree of these - and a bost of other colourful termis - to describe bow their football seniors victimized Georgetown Friday. No master bow it was ebaracter- ized, the 59-O opening-round mout was just plain bmutal. Said bead coach Keitb Pearce, "For the most part, we pretty much scored wbenever we got the bail." Bear in mind that tbe visitors are junt returning to the gridiron scene this fail and weren't expected to make any sort of playoff impact. But ail semblance of competi- tiveness waa laid to waste in the second quarter, when the Mustangs amassed four toucbdowns to ignite an aftemoon-long embarrassment of riches. Overail, James Mclntosh and Daryl Meinen scored two majors apiece to Iead the bit parade and power MD into quarterfinal play. Wbile bardly a suitable tune-up for this Friday's clasb witb host Oakviile Trafalgar, the first-round mismnatch diti offer two sources of encouragement for a Mustang teai detennined to make it back to the tier two finals. Tailback Tsm Anderson looked no worse for wear in bis returu from, a concussion - and gos tbings rolling with a 65-yard touch- down n just minutes into the gaine. Furthermore, Ryan Mitchell booted bis firat field goal of the year and made good on ail eigbt convert attempta. The reliable kick- er's ongoing effectiveness is to say the least promising for the a team that vanquisbed tbemn by a mere three pointa last month. "It (kicking gaine) could very well be the difference," admitted Pearce. Offensive co-ordinator Ian Mclntosb and quarterback Jay Price did a nice job mixing up the attack Friday, while rounding out the scoring witb single majors were Brandon Bycra, L=e Frittenburg and Jon Van Es. Now two wins away from, a returu trip to Hamilton's IvorWynne Stadiuro, the Mustangs take on OT at 2 p.m. Friday. If vie- torious, tbey'll cross over to face one of the West Division's top fmn- ishers November 7. Meanwbile, MD's juniors will host OT in quarterfinal play Tbursday at 2 p.m. EC cagers dlaim tourney titie Corny apel ieqintechmine> i The titles are piling up for E.C. Drury's senior girls basketball teain. Just one week after securing consolation champi- onship bodnours at their own tournamnent, the Spartans won the primary crown at North Bay's Cbippiwwa Invitational Saturday. Drury put the fmnisbing touches on its titie drive by disposing of the boss 44-34 in the finals. This was due in large part to Katherine Greaves, wbo pcrsevered througb a minor injury to leadthe way with a dozen points. Laura Wellstead's 11 1-point performance and sup- porting contributions by Victoria Thurston, Allison Radcliffe, Sarahs Fredricca, Brooke Harper and the ninth straight for EC. Wbile rather dominant in the titie match, .the Spartans needed a fair amnount of draina to get by their opening-round competition. Kicking things off against an older and bigger Sault Ste. Marie team, tise local ladies forced overtime with a last-second basket by Campbell. Then Welltead provided the heroics in the extra session, nailing a shot with nu timne remaining to punctuase a 42-41 triumph. From there, Greaves and Thurston reached double- digits to belp knock off Algonquin 39-33 in tise semni- finals. Wellstead offered nine points, plus somne spirit- ed defense. TD Canadian F - 1