CET MORE. Canaeda* MEU S AVE SE I Your Ontario Chevrolet and Pontiac Dealers could send you on a Magical Gatherings vacation for eight. Because when family and friends gather together somnething magical happens. Especially if its at the WaIt Dinby Worid Resort in Florida. 25 TRIPS FOR 8 TU BE WON.! WITII TRIE PURCHASE OR LEASE 0F A CIIEVRULET VENTURE OR PONTIAC MONTANA. $ 550 @M~L omIU U 2003 liu loi FUANUCUDT NA 0035 0%* PURCHASE FINANCUNS Up TU 36 MGNTHS ON 20049 PLUS A k k fGet a Disney Gft ackage worthl ovr$200 including Disney " ' " .' merchandisetravel bagJ FIVE STAR SAFETY lATINS. . n dm no.r e Mn vehisies eqilooai wit epimlnai sida air bais Chlevraet Vecnra and Pumitac Mentana hohi a 5-Star front seat rane IR sida im0aCt Iest.àm IF2O2ý Ntl AcCHEVROLETI Fmrthe Isteet Infxormo sua us et <.e.ut.odmp by your local Chevrolet -OIdsmiNie or Poniac -Buick -GMC Dernier or cali us ai 1 -800GM-DRIVE. As f0 Disney artwork4xoperties: COIaneyMMNo puch.: eesay Conteat open t0 residents of Ontario and Ouebec 18 and older ai mhe time of entry. Contest closes November 29, 2003. For tull confesf miles, aist www.familyvanonntes.gmncanada.com. or oisif a participating dealer. For liai of parficipating dealers cati 1-8OO-GM-DRIVE. tWhile supplies aest At participating dealers only. tFtnandnrg on approved GMAC crecki only. Down payment, trade andlor aecurfy deposif may be required1 Monfhly paymenf and cost of borrowing ai vary dependieg on amount bonrowed and dosin payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 01.APR, the monthty paiment la $1667/$277.78 for e0/f36 months. Discouns oroCher incentives may be available where onsunmera opt for a cash purchase price offer. Sy selecting the purchase finance offer, consumnera rnay be foregoing a ch discounfs and incentives whîch may result in a higher effective interesi rate up to 13%> 0 $2000 finance credif inclusive of applicable taxes and wvif be applied againal relevant purchase price 5f deatership. Offer applies onty to, 2003 Venture, Montana and Silhouette. Offar applies onily f0 veicles delivered on or betore December 2, 200. VReif delivery creduts ($8,500 for 2003 Venture/Montana and $7,000 for 2003 Silhouette) are inclusive of applicable tairas and availabie on cash purchase only and %vut be included in relevant cash purchase price at dealership. i'lot ail vehicles are eligible. Vehidle avaulabilify varies by deaiership. Limited Uirne offer. Must ha at Weast 21 years of age, have a valid Canadien drivers licence and ha a quaiified buyer. Véhicle insurance and usage restrictiona apply Se. rawa gmcanada.corn or your dealer for comnplote fermas and condifions. Ytt**Offers apply as indicafed t0 new or demnonatrator 2003/2004 Ventura, Silhuette and Montana. Ofes apply f0 quatfifed rata customers in the Ontario Chevrolti- Oldsmoble andi Pontiac - Buick - GMC Dealer Marketing Association aras only (îndluding Outaouais and excluding Norfhwestern Ontanio). Dealers ara free f0 set individuel puces. U-mited quantifies of 2003 modela availahle. Dealer order (2004 vehidles onhj) ortrade may ha required. Uimied Urne aller etha may not ha ombkned wanh other oSfersand ta sufi(ect o change waifiouf notice Ses your Dealer for condtions raid detaula ATas#Mn conducfed hy mhe U.S. Nabonal Highway Trafic Safety Administrationt (NfITSA) fi Seat tn clam based on Naturel Resourcea Canada 2003,2002, 2001, 2000 Fuel Consumrpion Guide rasegas M Z1Odmbl hiftai*Uer5~étVitUid00*UJIMU~'d~Ui f*.ê.NMfet~hL POUU UUkW~IbeN. ,~d..héatuhi bjpgtg~ife~tUiUfhiIiMm, .uusfmaU 1 D ~1 c -là. r1k, ; Ir.-A r%ý-11 Co IJMQ .-F -' «Y' a r-0ý1 1 inox= KMI M-M M