2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003i ,,No particular issue dominates candidates meeting Ry JASON MiSNER The Champion Wben Joan Campbell found ouI early lasi week tIsai se would be one of four employees ai ibe Allendale long-temsn care facility to lose ibeir jobs 10 contraclors January 2, she feli the best lime 10 gel answers was ai Friday night's election meeting at ibe Milton Leisure Centre. Unfortunately, she left wiib lingering questions following the t-wo-hour plus meeting. Il included five of six candidates for Mitton's mayor, four for Halton chair and three of four sehool board trustees running for the public and Caibolic boards. Ise meeting involved an opening statemrent from each candi- date followed by questions from the crowd of approximately 200 people. Ms Campbell, who has worked in hairdressing at Allendale for 24 years, asked mayoral candidates Gord Kraniz and Rick H I h 1r1Fm î;(id;1 oi ', r S r îhn \ ft r the nueein', \'l, Crnpheli sîjîl sýhe stibi doesn't know whuîtheî diey wouid uly wo saVe ((ke 10 jobs fileced She directed the question 10 the three because they were on regional council when the decision was made about contracting out some services. Ms Savoline explained regional staff were directed ibis year to, conduct a restsucturing study of services provided in long-term- care facilities operated by Halton. She said ie four employees to lose their designated jobs were to be bired elsewhere in long-term, care services. Mr. Malboeuf said hie couldn't promise to stop thse job loases, but said hie received an e-mail st Tuesday concemmig thse issue and is Iooking into is. MIL Krantz ssid hie had "flot been part of a debate on ibis what- soever" about conlracling oui services ai Allendale, and said if elecled hie "would oppose the laying off of ibose people." MILTON TOYOTA'S RECORD BREAKING DAYS TOOT 'BREK 2#04ISS A S B S -- --- ..... NO SECURSTY DEPOSIT ON AIL NEW 2003 M tmes Ave. VEHICLE LEARS MloON ÈE"7&-17OO0 cosi savmngs when the four employees - wiib a combined working experience of 85 years ai Allendale - are to be hired etsewhere. More importanlly, Ms Campbell said sbe's wvorried about wbat impact changing employees will bave on the seniors wbo are used 10 moutine. "I couldn't believe it ibat after the years we've had ibere (ai Allendale), we're kicked oui the door," she said after ihe meeting, noting she's flot sure what ibeir new jobs wilI be. Before the meeting staried, members of Local 261 ofithe Ontario Public Service Employees Union disiributed flyers oulside the Milton Leisure Centre, alersing residenis to the coniracting-out issue. Overail, ibere was no dominant issue ibal gripped the cordial candidates meeting. In addition t0 the inqunry about conlracting oui services, ques- tions included a complaint about the amneil comning from the sewage treatlment plant on Fulton Street aa well as transit, the youib and lack of ssafflng ai libraries. The no-smoking bylaw - smoking bas domninated town coundcil since January of ibis year - was brought up but didn't flare thinga up. The question 10 the mayoral candidates was about the decision 10 sflow designated smoking roms (DSRs) starting January 1. None of the candidates said ibey would betp in repealing the DSR bylaw. Said AI Volpe: 1I don'i believe any kind of (bylaw) 10 encourage people 10 imoke is really doing anybody any good." Somne residents attended the meeting 10 belp make up ieir minds before voting and to hear responses 10 issues ibey're con- cemred wiib. Long-time resident Henk Verkerk of Lyndsay Court said transis muat be offered 10 the new subdivision areas in iown. "There needs lo be someihing available for ie new homes," hie said. The meeting was put on by the Milton and junior chambers of commerce. Mayoral candidate Vito Agozzino and public school board trustee John McTavish couldn't attend the hneeting. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadian- champion.com. 117 MW*rUweRd CD1~ ~M oosopoat &30-PM FEATLJUE vDoor Pdzes 0 Fashion Show vSpecial. Displays v Gift Bags for ,Every Bd Fov Cour free £nvita.ttan Jslea.s caUt (M0) 878-120 www.brldalshowcase.ca By Invltstlon, only, so cafl to~idyl