k r ln Fianders Fields yln Flanders fields the poppies blow B3etween the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and ln the sky SThe 1arks stili braveiy singing, fiy Scaroe heard amid the guns beiow. S We are the Dead. Short days agov We lived, feit dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie ln Flanders fields. '%-Take up our quarrel with the foe; fTo you, from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hoid it high. If ye break faith with us who die P~~.We shail not sleep, though poppies grow ln Fianders fields. John McCrae Take two minutes to sai thank you MINUTES "The Wave of Silence"9 They shall grow flot old, as we that are Ieft grow old. Age shal flot weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We WiII Remember Them. 'w-ra.9 Why wear a Poppye Please wear a poppy, the lady said. When he smiled back at me and said, "Goodbye, And held one forth, but i shook my head, l'Il be back soon, Mom, so please don't czy." Then 1 stopped and watch, as she offered them But the war went on and he had to stay there, And ail i couid do was watt and pray, And her face was old and llned with care; His letters told of the awful fight. But beneath the scars the years have made (I cari see it stili ln my dream at night). There remalned a smile that refused to fade. With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wvire, A boy came whistling down the street, And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire. Bounding along on care-free feet 1111 at last, at last, the war was won, His smlle was fuil of jos' and fun And that's why we wear a poppy son." "Lady", said he, "may 1 have one?" The simall boy turned as If to go, When she'd plnned it on he turned to say Then said "Thanks, lady, l'm glad to know". "Why do we wear a poppy today?" That sure did sound like an awful fight. The lady smlled in her wistful way But your son, did he come back ail right?" And answered, "This is Remembranoe Day, A tear rolied down each faded cheek And the poppy there is a symbol for She shook her head, but didn't speak, The gailant men who died in war. i sîuni away in sort of shame, And ecase heydid youand1 ae feeAnd if you were me, you'd have done the same; That's why we wear a poppy, you see." For our thanks in giving, is oft deiayed. And 1 had a boy about your size, Though our freedom was bought - and thousands With golden haîr and big blue eyes, ad He loved to play and jump and shout, pî Free as a bird he would race about. And so when we see a poppy worn, As the years went by he iearned and grew Let us refiect on the burden borne, And became a man, as you wili, too. By these who gave their very ail, He ws fne ad srong wih a oyih smle, When asked to answer the countly's cal!. But he seemed with us such a littie while Then wea a hoepyemce mber - nlive. When war broke out and he went away, hnwaapoyRm be-adGv. 1 stili remember his face that day, Little Poppy Little poppy, l'Il wear a littie poppy. Given to me, As red as red cari be, Help me keep our world To show that 1 remember Sale and free. Those who fought for me. V-- r PTE. UJ (JOE) .6 k. r, -.41 916- i- Ir.. ncà lwn..à