The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Ocober 28, 2003--13 ~laughed at the play until I couidn't Iaugh anymore There were three attempted mur- ders Friday night at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. And Milton residents who witnessed the scene couldn't stop laughmng. Wait a minute. Since when is murder funny? When it happens in the Milton Players Theatre Group's latest pro- duction, Murder at the Howard Johnson's Directed by Geoif Ford and writ- ten by Ron Clark and Sam Bobrick, this play opens in a hotel roomn where Arlene Miler and hier dentist, Mitchell Loveil - ptayed by Sharon Beddoes and Graham Morley - are plottmng to kili Arlene's husband, played by real- life hubby Uin Beddoes. When Mr. Miller entera the roomn, the pair attempts to carry out their plans, with hilarious resulta. Apparently, carrying out a homnicide is more difticult dha any of them. could have imagined. The next scene revolves around the saane trio with a different pair plotting a murder. The story line is ful of twists and turns, stemming fromn a fickle trio and a love trian- gle. How funny Ibis play ie depends on the person watching it. And since humour is ite greatest ment, if its not funny, it's flot much of anything. 1 personally worried that one blonde lady sitting in the middle of thse auditorium was going to dam- age somnething the way sine wae laughing so loud and so hard at every second line. Aund although she was the loudest laugher in thse omr, she certainly waen't out of place. The majority of play-goers seemed lo be quite in their element. I found myself laughing at the one-liners until about half-way through when t becamne tired of laughing. My fiancée didn't laugh much at ail, although hie said afler- ward that hoe enjoyed thse perform ance. It ail dopends on your sense of humour If you don't have one, stay away. Ibis isnt for you. If you enjoy clever, witty humour, stay away Ibis isn't for you. If, on thse other hand, you're the type of person who can îaugh - not juat chucklo, but reaily laugh - at Looney Tunes or the Rod Green Show, Murder at the Howard Joheison's is probably your cup of tea. Itil eidher be stupidly funny, or just stupid - there's no middle ground. Expect to, see some high quatity acting in this play, particularly from the dentist and the husband. Mr. Beddoes plays the grumpy husband with such conviction, one wonders if perhaps hes flot acting. Mr. Morley is equally skilled as the flamboyant, cheating dentist, and seemed quite comifortahle wearing a unique mix of plaids, checks and floraIs - flot to mention the Superman boxers, a highlighxt of the evening. Ms Beddoes' portrait of floozy Arlene may have been more effec- tive if the facility was larger than the Milton Seniors'Activity Centre - hier facial expressions and body language seemed a bit overdone for the cozy venue. The play was produeed by Gary Meteaife, and Susan Cranford was tIhe stage manager. Overail, Murder at the Howard Johnson's male for a great night out. Tickets stili remain for perform- ances October 30 and 3 1. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. eaeh night, with an 8 pýrm. show time. Tickets coat $15 and ean be purchaeed at Delacourti on Main Street or by caimg (905) 875-0629. . Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncana- L MILTIN IA Zl oetinej lNctwear Country IDpotLueIsGre 28 Bront St. N. LarmSuple 905-878-2391I *Propane -_MRnd rdy ,pm'à.. _Pý 15nCoesnays oItl Someetay, ysî'Il be ottered a cigarette or be tempteit to smoki. Before yos start, think about R: every drag yos tala îcrews sp yosr body. Smoking cas casse permanent damage 10 yssr body. Once a petiot starts, il becomes estremeiy tougit to quit. Aid did we mention ail that cash yss Il be blowing in the prscess? Sa, if yos're tempted to start, ask ysarselt, "Whatîs the point?" This message brssght to yss by: Canabian cbampion 1 a%- .earker