r 12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003 j c We believe..II i helping. SÛil lots to be done in Eco-Tech projc Yflg wàtadi -l'" u M9 MMb Sirs Eu IUm - 9805-878-3311 OPWI UM1 fluOuOH e 7 DAYS A WW(K ff> MILTON PLAYERS THEATRE GROUP Presents Murder ut The Howard Johnson's By Ron Clark & Sam Bobrick October 30, 31 & November 1 (SoId Out), 2003 Milton Senior's Activity Centre, 500 Child's Drive Tickets are available ait Delacourts (cash/cheque only), or by calling 905-875-0629 norih and a est ot the Ut bau bouindary. The ultirnate goal is t0 create an environ- mnentall1y -sustainilable housing development by reducing energy use, lesseîîing the need for vehlicles and emphasizing transit and reducing waste, among other initiatives. The Eco-Tech Village is a partnership between the Town and Halton Region, Milton Hydro, Rogers, Mattamy Homes and the Province of Ontario. Seemng something tangible on the Eco- Tech horizon also bas Bill Mann, Milton's manager of policy planning, bubbling with anticipation. He's one of the key participants in thse project. "Tlhis really is cutting edge," hie said in an interview. "This is not an academic exercise." But he cautions there's lots to be done if Eco-Techs Village is 10 become a reality. As part of ils concept plan, Mattamy will conduct economical and marketability studies 10 ensure the projeet lis, in fact, doable. The Town won't be involved in actually constructing thse subdivision. An encouraging sign is prospective tinehidi il' Ille pi ce., aiu e sonpa .ble andts the projecti s conmparable iii ternis of square footage. they would prefer to live in a green conrnrurnty. I Exploring the use of svind turbines bas energized many involved in the Eco-Tech projeet, Mr. Mann said, noting a single tur- bine can power 1,000 homes. He look part in an eight-day trip 10 the Netberlands in laie August tel see what the Dutch country bas done to create dlean, green commutnities. He was struck toi see thse country bas been practicing green developruent, mncluding the construction of wind tur- bines, for some 30 years. "They're promoting the principles that we're now looking at mncorporatmng in Canada," Mr. Mann said. A 300-foot single wind turbine pilot project is underway at Toronto's CNE grounds. A potential location for a wind turbine in Milton lis at or near the Niagara Escarpment, Mr. Mann said. Previous studies show there could be sufficient wind action there 10 support a turbine. "But we're very cognizant to the nega- tive connotations they may have in tenris Lots of items up for grabs at police auction If youv been waîching for a specific item in the classifieds, the upcoming Ballon Regional Police auction may be juIl the place t0 check ouI. The lasI police auction of the year will be held Saturday aI the Halton Regional Police Service Beatiquarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. in Oakville, in the underground garage. Viewing and registration will be held fromn 8:30 10 9:30 arn., with the auction beginning aI 9:30 a.m. Refreshments will be available. The year's auction will feature more than 70 bicycles and numerous other items including toIs, jewelry, watches, lawn omarnients, a scooter, boxing gloves, fîshing rods, DVDs, comput- er parts and more. miLWTON PAIt«f di DECOR Corner of ONTARIO & STEELES " Ail your painting needs a Free Delivery " Expert Advîce a Cantractors welcame SALE STARTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th i4. HOME DECORDEPARTMENT CFA- Cl,,NI,0AýS LARUST '-"AtlANTHA CAFE LACF, VFRNA VOIL F ,,Ot IDS ALIBIFNCF ORGAWAISOI IDS RFPTýýt 11 DI'CORATU PRINTý, (ýLo(JLJL JACUI-JARDS DIPLOMAT VLLVLI U)LJL)ý CHENILLE &JACOUARU UPtiOLSIL.PY ,,i, ili. 811,511C & FASHION FARRIC DEPARTMENT B U Y ON i i'klN1ý lf LI 1,I'ILI.il Y)0k,ýý AT OUR REGULAR PRICE AýIil(ýN KNW, ')!Ký 1 ý1H SI10klýA&Ak Aýý 1 iýGN KýL YI iý 1 LK ýij[ L 11 i.:i,ý i'ý P ý0LLK il(jN U 1 i L D bi J 11 INe3, K NI 1 ý KNi 1 ý, KIil 1 N1)ý r Y ýP(lRT,.JAR '-Il i'f' T,_11 1 *11 1 P r N , Ij( Y Br plf3F RI', 1 N1Ný, riET 2 FREE' p t1,ý NOTION DEPARTMENT 1 I-1PA 13Y i il[ t,11 11 ý A'ýý i D 1;A I lit-ki- 11 LAt I. YI LE 1 1 k1rl ý I Lit iCXýK & L WW 1 pli'! SAi IN -?,1BP,ý4i Ii,'iNý A P F) PPAID TRIP.1 Ry thp nietre Sj& LE ffl D4Y PPE FI, RIBBON i' ý & AýÏLI ,FRAP,11( ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE All individuully priced... ALL BUY li GET 2 FREE! HERFS HOW IT WORKS: EnI h%ÇtM S"l Boy 1 flill n1etet or unit of selecteil rrierchardise it Falbriclarid's Regulai SUIMERICK lý I)ricc,. and get the ý)ex1 2 full ineters or units lot equal vaille or less) FREE! PAlff ERNS IndWualW Oced Sale Iii effect Octeboi 27-ýNoverrbei 9, 200, on selected iii-stock n-eichandisý, l on y while ý1Ljailtitics last, 1lost iteins availabie Un. offw Vau NWM" ». »03. in inost stores Look foi the redsale tags Not wW wkh II Ww dbmoft. Sorry nc- ýýl)0cial o!dL-sý 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878309311 inili s essud .N.i said. Mr. Matin said the Eco-Teclh project is generating great word of mnouth. He said Ontario inunicipalities like the Town of Caledon and American states like Tennessee and California have called Town staff asking about the project. "It's taken on ils own life,' hie said. But the David Suzuki Foundation, a respected environimental organization in Canada, said while it's encouraged by the Eco-Tech concept, il doesn't solive an important problem seen throughout the country - urban sprawl. "One of tise problema we highlighted in our report (on urban sprawl released recently) il the turban growth bounri for towns like Milton don't mean a whole heck of a lot," said Miorag Carter, director of the foundation's climate change pro- gram. "The new development is outaide the urban growth boundary." For more mnformation about Eco-Techs Village, visit the Town's Web site at www.milton.ca. Jason Misner can be reached at jImia- ner@miltoncanadianchampion.com. cý__ ý