Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2003, p. 11

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.1' Th~ t'nn~dj~n flhsmnann. Tuesdav. October 28, 2003-Il Joyce Savoline, meumbent Bnan Burton Joyce Savoline, 58, came ta Canada more tban 50 years ago believing in tbe democratic process ami tbe spirit of community. Tbat was tbe basis for ber subsequent involvement in pub- lic office. Like many of ber colleagues, sbe began as a volunteer witb several organizations tben became a local ami regional councillor for tbe City of Burlington in 1982. Currently sbes in ber tbird term as cbairman ofHalton Region- tbefirst cbairman elected by tbe people. Why are you running? Im running for office again because I bave mare ta cantribute and there is still sa much that I wauld like ta accamplish. I kiieve in nat just what we're doing at Halton Regian, but Uic way Uiat were doing it. I believe in an accessible and transparent gavemment. I believe in accounta- hility. And I believe in making Uie neccssary investments in aur conimunity and aur infra- structure ta maintain aur quality of life and Uic bcalUi and safety of aur Haltan cammunity. These arc exciting times and Uiesc are challcng- ing times. I would like Uic opportunity ta apply Uie knawlcdge I bave gained from my experi- ence ta mflucnce Uic issues Uiat lay abead. What are tIse local issues? lxi Halton, managing grnwth and containing taxes at or klow Uie inflation rate are top priar- ities. I am conimittcd ta protecting and main- taining aur quality af life - aur diversity, thc uniquenesa of each of aur canimuni- tics, our agricultural heritage and natural environment. I will cantinuc ta wark ta ensure Uiat Uic opti- mum balance is struck ktwcen Uiese priorities and growUi, tbrough aur Halton Utban Structure Plan. Our Haltan Urban Structure Plan bas consistcntly proven ta k strang and defensible and it is central ta aur efforts in managing grnwth. How wiII you address thens? Managcd growth continues ta k addressed through Uic Haltan Urban Structure Plan and Uic review of out Officiai Plan. The proccas for this review builda an Haltans practice ofking apen, transparent and consultative. These plans defme cnvironmcntally-sensitive arcas, greenspace and agricultural landa, as well as Uic urban boundary and devclopmcnt landa where managed grawUi will k permittcd. Cantaining taxes continues ta k enabled by rigaraus budget pracesses, long- terni financial planning and strong fiscal man- agement Uiat cansistently eams Haltan a AAA credit rating. Robert Heaton Robert Heaton, 45, who was a Halton Huis councillor for nmne years, works as a computer consultant. He bas served on numerous committees and bas worked on campaigns for odjer candidates at varjous political levels. He's single and lives in Glen Williams. Why are you running? I'm running for regional chair so we can be a cleaner. safer and stronger Halton community. What are the local issues? Halton Region can be more democratie like it used ta be when Rick Morrow was Uie firat chair back ni Uie 1970s. The transparency of Uie Region working for you' is an issue. 'The pub- lic first, Uien Uic developers' seema ta bave disappearcd over Uic term of Uic present Halton regional chair, espccially wiUi Uic discounts given ta developers Uiat you and I arc not offercd when we apply for a building permit, etc. If we continue ta dry up well waterresourccs ni Uic rural arcas, we probably won't continue ta have prosperous and strong rural/agricultural cammunities. There arc oUicr yardsticks we can use ta measurc if wc ni Halton arc rcally cxpericncing a better quality of life. Those aUicr cheekilats nidicate Uiat wc're bcading toward a failing grade. We can get Uic heaiUi care we necd. Howcvcr, Uic Region bas borrowcd almost $100 million dol- lars ni Uic Isat two years, usnig up moat of ail aur debt options for yaur future. This mcans Uiat wc won't k able ta bosTow for a new truly regianal-type hospital like Credit Vallcy in Peel region already bas. Doctars at Uic Bramptan bospital, wbich many norUi Haltan residents use, are question- ing if Uie Brampton bospital can service Uic needa of Uic people, as Uiey are aheady experiencing growth-related stress. Halton Region is also responsible for flnancing patient care Uiere as wdll. How wiil you address them? To acisieve aur ecanomie growth potential along Uic Hwy. 401 comidor, we're going ta bave ta keep an eye on Uic Canadian dollar. I llke a strong Canadian dollar but with Uic type of economy we bave been experiencing bere in Canada over Uie last few years, if aur dollar continsses ta risc, it is tmlikely Uiat foreign companies will k commg into Canada. M "if ICan Doft-You CanDo Il" Lt Boverly MIII. they made It easy! Murray - Townsend - Before Murray~..U After Tôwnsend Brian Burton is a professional engineer who recently sold bis steelfab- ricating company. He bas also managed large ,nanufacturing companies infour countries. His most recent community involvement, besides the recent provincial election, bas been as a member ofthe 1-itizen.ç' advisory committee for the Mid-Halton Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion. Why are you running? I arn a candidate for this position keause I klievc Halton is at a cross- road. We can continue ta make way for urban sprawl and traffic conges- tion or we can manage aur grawth ta refleet more of Haltan's highly- desired quality af lîfc. The chairman is in Uic beat position ta influence this chaice - unttam- melled growUi or grawUi on aur tcrms. I was boping Uiat sameone wiUi marc cxperiencc at campatgning wauld came farward ta pramate this new direction. Wbcn none diti, I knew Uiat it was time ta take my tuns ta campaign as a 'citizen- politician'. Wlsat are the local issues? The primary issue for the residcnts of Halton is highligbtcd in Uic Ipso Rcid survey on Uic attitudcs of Uie residents of Halton. It found that Halton's moat bighly-valued arts-ibutc is Haiton's quality of life and Uiat Uic residents want that lifcstyle maintained wbilc managing growUi and protecting Uic enviroament. How wotsld you address thens? I would manage this growUi by mapping aut for study Uic waodlots as defmcd by Uie sevcn ente- cia recommended in boUi Uic 1999 and 2000 outaide cansultants' reports. Develop Uic areas Uiat arc Uien left. Make devclopment k adapted around Uie existing enviroament, nat farce Halton ta change ita cnviranment. At moat, only hall Uic coat of new infrastructure is king paid for by development charges. The rest cnmes frnm ynur pocket. Halton is a bighly-desirable place ta livc and work The existing resident bomeowners and amail businesapeople slsouldn't k subsîdizmg rampant grawth. Anne Marsden Anne Marsden, 58, works in tbe volunteer indusu-y as an audit managerfor Tbe Auditors, a national volunteer family ads'ocacy organiza- tion. Sbe bas 20 years' experience in administra- tion o! a multi-million dollar corporation simîlar ta tbe Region ami 40 years leadersbip experi- ence in community organizations. A Halton resi- dent since 1971, Ms Marsden bas been married f or 37 years ami bas tbree sons. Sbe's an active member of Burlington Alliance Cburcb. Why are you rssnning? My busband and I have a personai standard af moral values Uiat requires us ta share aur talents and address Uic needa af ail Canadian families. There are a significant numkr of audits Uiat effectivciy demanstrate Uic necd for a change af heart in Haitan's lcadership. Wc are conimittcd ta using my skill set and Uie bols available ta Haltons CEO ta effect Uic neccssary changes witbin Uic Halton administratian and impact on provincial and federal leadersbip ta ensure acceptable and equitable standards for ail Canadian famiuies. Acceptable and equitable standards include Uic eradication of cbild pover- ty and bomelesanesa. What are the local issues? Quality of life as impacted by home carc/health care/environniental protection; preservation of agricultural landa/greenspace; management of pesticide/pollution concenis; ichoal buildings and grounda deemcd obsolete by Haltan buards of educatian gnd lock and Uic need ta protect the environnsent; cost effective and accountable adminis- tration of the Region; lack of municipal contrai over the dcci- sion-maksng process related ta these issues; informed and representative dcci- sion-making at the council tables within and at the Region; escalatmg cost/unreliability associated with delivery of hydra ta Uic Halton. cammunity; and Region leadership ni emer- gency/health care alert situations. How wiIl you address them? Utilizing my akili set and Uic tools available ta Uic Halton CEO, including standards/policies set by Uic municipalities, I will'cnsurc the Region is managed and providing service ni Uic most effective and efficient manner possible. I will personally champion bringing control of quality- of-life issues back ta tise municipal coundil tables wherc Uiey belong and ensure elected rep- resentatives make fully-informed and acceptable decisions. An immediate review will determine Uie necessity/cost effectivenesa of Uie Halton Region CAO position during my term of office given my extensive administration experience ni a simailar environment. Cali for a FREE NO ENROLLMENT FEE!* BE~E~L~ FI L~ ~Sau.d on fui peogun, exoluiso proêaot. We#f(. I(anagernen/ (~~vhe., I I

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