10 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 28, 2003 nuiit. John Korta Lou Medeiros John Korta, 36, is senior manager, finance, logistics pricing at UPS Supply Chain Solutions in Oakville. Hes responsible for client and Cor- porate budgeting, business planning, logistics engineering, cantract review and client negotiation. Mr. Korta lias been a resident of Milton since 1996. He and wîfe Nancy reside in Ward 1 with their twso daugliters age 5 and 18 months. He coached minar hockey for several years in bath Milton and Stoney Creek. He's a graduate of McMaster University with a BSc Mathematic. He began his career as an actuarial in pension consulting. Mr. Korta lias workedfor many types of industry including pension con- sulting, personal insurance, automative, industrial manufacturing, trans- portation and currently third-pary logistics. Why are you running? I have chosen ta mun in the local elections because I tbink ail residents of Milton bold a stake in how Milton gacs from a small sown ta a city of over 100,000 residents. 1 believe my personal back- ground as a senior manager of fmnance and logistics at UPS Supply Chain Solutions and previaus employers bas provided me witb the neccssary business and people tools ta, tacklc the many issues that relate ta the accommodation of rapid growth. 1 also strongly wisb ta maintain a sense of cammunity that bas long made Milton a wonderful place ta live. Wbat are the local issues? Wherc will future tax revenues came from? What types of industrial growlh are coming? How can we afford aIl the neccssary town amenities? Will there be the neccssary raad infrastructure? These are the issues 1 will put as my top priorities if elected. How will you address tbemn? 1 believe the future of Milton is in the bands of its current residents and their voice needs ta be heard. Therefore, I will work ta be the voice of my constituents ta, ensure a future town all residents will be proud in whicb ta live. Greg Nelson Greg Nelson, 38, is an independent sales agent. He volunteers in the community as chair- man of the Milton Community Consultation Committee, a member of the Milton Physician Recruitment and Retention Task Force and a member of the Milton Mayors Youth Advisory Council. Why are you running? I bave a strong desire 10 bie part of Uic proces of nurturing Miltonas growUi whilc n01 losing aigbt of wbat's important to ils residents. Many people bave movcd 10 Milton and still live here because of wbal this tawn bas ta offer. Lt is criti- cal Uiat we protecl il. What are thse local issues? - Wc nced 10 improve a communication flow between Uic residenls, developers and town staff. - Relocate bike pallia in new subdivision ta, more safe and practical locations. - Conacquences of industrial expansion and Uic rail intermodal for rural residefils " Parking " Imnproved transportation " Resources for youUi in Uic town " Communication belween sehool boarda and parents - Relationsltip bclwccn youUi and police How wiil you address them? Counciliors nced to, belp open up dialogue between their constituents, Town staff and devel- opers. Residents in Uic ncw subdivision in Ward I want to be part of fmnding a prac- tical and safe solution for implementing bike paUis in Uic area. I strongly believe in this and would want Uic Town staff and thc developer ta team up witb theru. It's a bealtby, democratic process. We need to be miisdful of Uic quality of life for rural residents so Uiey don't get bast in Uic shuffle. Councillor-constituent communication is Uic key. Developruent ta date bas tauglit us tome bard lessons on wbat works and wbat doesn't. A solu- tion must be found to belp families that lack parking without introducing safcty bazarda for emcrgency vebicles. There is dcvclopmrent in Uic works for public transit. The timeframe needa to be examined and it needs to truly reflect Uic pop- ulation. Milton's youUi necd to, lc given Uic opportunity to be beard and lic more involvcd in decision processes Uiat affect Uiem. I will con- tinue 10 work on improving relationsbips betwcen youUi and police tbrougli workshops and sports events. Lou Medeiros, 41, is an educator with the Peel and Halton boards of education. He lias worked for the Peel Board of Education for the past 15 years as an English teacher. He's currently teaching English on-line from his homne in Milton ta more than 30 students across Canada and Asia. He lias served the community as founding president of the Meadowvale Neighborhood Centre of Peel 2001, current president of the Milton Youth Chorus 2002-03, chair and co-chair for the parent/teacher coun- cil for Our Lady of Vctory Sehool 2001-03, soc- cer coachi for the Milton Youth Soccer Association 2001-03. Why are you running? 1 saw an opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of mny community in a positive and active way. Members of our community in Ward I come from a widc range of backgrounds but share a comînon goal; lbey want to, grow and protect their community in a balanced way. Wbat are the local issues? For Ward 1, the issues include both short-term issues and issues for the longer termi. The short-term issues include: " hnproving parking contraI " Improving municipal bylaw enforcement " Providing better communication with resi- dents The long-termi issues include: . Fast-tracking a more realistic public transit *improving polic- ing, snow removal, garbage collection and recycling *Improving side- walks and biking trails throughout *hImproving com- munication bctween established commu- nities and new sub- divisions in Milton. How wiIl YOD address themn? To addrcss the short-terru issues, 1 plan to wurk closely with my colleagues on counicil t0 review and re-work some of the existmng by-laws to reflect what is really happening in Ward 1. 1 will establish a more open and accessible net- work of communication by introducing a quar- terly newsletter and establisbing Town Hall- styled meetings annually. To address the long-term issues, 1 plan to mecs with Regional and Provincial officiaIs to estab- lish a realistic transit plan for Milton and ils res- idents. 1 will establisb clear and concise lime lines for the improvement of sidewalks and bike paths along major arteries in our ward. I plan to foster communmication and co-operation bctween ail communities in Milton. Howard Pfeiffer 1Professionally, for the last 35 years, Howard Pfeiffer, 64, lias been involved in sales, market- ing and manufacturing with one of the largest clothing campanies in Canada. His career cul- minated for the final 13 years as president and CEO of Warnaco of Canada, a business that employed approximately 750 people. Why are you running? Explosive growUi in Milton over the past sev- cmal years is presenting Uic Town and ils counicil wiUi a multitude of issues and problemai that 1 believe need t0 bie addrcssed. f ve lived in Milton for Uic past 25 ycars and watcbcd il grow. I want ta bie part of thc next counicil 10 help ensure that developmcent in our beautiful town doeî nat occur at Uic cxpenae of ils cbarm and character. Wbat are the local issues? Developruent - Reccntly, I bave scen Uic rapid dcvcîopmcnt of Uic town's castcmn cdgc, Uic sale of wbat was bclievcd ta be undcvcboped parkland bcbind E.C. Drury Scbool, and many transactions wiUi large developers occur. From bomeowners and thé media, I bave beard about Uic many problema Uiat are now presenting Uiemselvcs in Uic new dcvelopmcnls including Uic driveway lenglli, inadcquate parking, garage sizes, drainage problems, and bike paUis that suddenly appear in places Uiey were not planned. Wbat effect will future developmrent plans, including the mid-peninsula high- way, have on the Niagara Escarpment and aur rural lands? Traffic - There is increased rush bour traffic an Derry Road, Tremaine, Steeles, and other roads as people fromn Burlmngton and Hamilton mncreasingly use these roada ta bypass the 407 and Highway 5. How will you address them? Development - Council must prevent these prablenis before they occur. Counicil needa ta protect aur natural resources wbile planning for thc future growth of Milton. Traffic - I amn presently on a steering coin- mittee for thc residents in thc area of Uic No. 14 Sidemoad and Tremaine Road intersection, whicb bas become a major safcty conccmr for anyone (driver, cyclist, hiker) trying ta tumn or cross at this increasingly busy and dangerous intersec- tion. This is one of thc town's beat gateways ta thc ecarpiment and everyone's safety is at risk without traffie liglits to control. Uic speed and crossings at Uic intersection. Deck & Fence Design eComputerized Kitchen Design aContractor Services *Painting & Decorating Needs 700 Main Street East, Milton cea vealont store Heurs with friend, blp service. £ On~ a7a mlaturiay ......... 8:N0am - 6:00pm 905m878m8lI 71 Sunday ......... 1G:GOam - 5:00pm T, i