Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Oct 2003, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. October 21, 2003-7 ./Sigyn me up Heahe Gbo, principal of the Provincial Sohooe ASL Curriculum Project, weicomes Stephen Nover, director of the Centre for ASLIEngIIeh Iiingual Education and Rmeemh In New Mexico, during hie recent two-dmy viait to the Ernest C. Dniry School for te Deaf. The gilent of hl@ visit was to.examine the provincial echools'Amoedma SIgn Language CwTficulum as a firM angQUage acaemlc Curriculum for denf -iiqa aete.u Provincil wolmot have been a leader le developing andi iplemmntng ASL curriclumnIn North AmerlS. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -0 Ihriskmuwmwiihmp. ~Iru~S«u~.g Fropa. ~oMs koa~oxoiÉaflu on~amrn.qra*~n cost~womooM~o ~iunafaio~ovor. j~~S9 o liIO4liiïl Office of Consolidated Hearings F0. Box 2382 Tel. 416-314-4600 Fus: 416-314-4506 www.ett.gav.on.ca Bureau de jonction des audiences C.P. 2382 Tél. :416-3144600 Tétée. : 416-314-4506 www.ert.gov.on.cu Ontario Case No.: 03-08 NOTICE 0F HEARING IN THE MAlTER 0F the Consoliduted Heurings Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.29, as amnended, and IN THE MA'ITER 0F a proposai b>' the Proponent, Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of St. Lawrence Cernent Inc. A public hea.ring will lie held regarding a proposai b>' the Proponent to secure access to additional aggregate resource north of the existing operation (the "Milton Quarry Extension"). The subject land is located uith0e Town of Milton, and the Town of Haiton His, in the Regiona Municipality of Haiton. The proposed Milton Quarry Extension license accu of +/-85 hectares is located on Part of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Concession 7, in the Town of Milton and Part of Lots 13 and 14, Concession 1, in the Town of Haiton Hsîis, Regionai Municipait>' of Halton. A map showing the location of the site is included with this Notice. The members of the Board (cailed a 'Joint Board") holding the hearing will be mnembers of the Environsenta Review Tribunal and the Ontario Municipal Board. In order 10 proceed with 06is undertaking the proponients have ftled: (1) An application to amrend the Niagara Escarpmnent Plan, pursuant t0 section 10(5) of the Niagara Escurpment Planning und Development Act; and (2) An application for a developmnent permîit under section 25 of the Niugura Escarpment Planning und Des'elopment Act; and (3) An application for ameodments 10 the officiai plans of the Region of Haiton, the Town of Halton His and the Town of Milton pursuant 100the Plunning Art, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13; and (4) An application to aosend the zoning by-law of the Town of Milton pursuant to the Planning Act; and (5) An application for a class "A" license t0 operate a quarry pursuant to the Aggregute Resourres Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A.8. The Joint Board witl hear and adjudicate the miatters noted above pursuant to the provisions of the Consolidated Hearings Ac. The purpose of a Joint Board Heartng ta to hear att of the issues related to the undertacing at one time, rather than having separate hearings. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Groups or individuais interested in participating in the hearing mnay express ei06er their private concerus or their concerns regarding the public interest. The>' may participate as either a Presenter or Party'. A Presenter may make a statement t0 the Joint Board, ei06er oraily or in writing. Presenters most often make their statements ut an evening session. A Part>' assumes the rights and responsibilities of 06is fullest foran of involvement in the hearing process. Parties are usually represented ut the Hearing b>' legal counsel or b>' an agent. The Joint Board will consider requesîs for Part>' status uith0e Prelinsinar>' Hearing. A person does not need 10 seek status in advance fromn the Joint Board 10 be a Presenter. Anyone who wishes t0 request 06at the Joint Board grant 06emn Party statua must attend the Preliminar>' Hearing. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING A staff mentber will conduet a Public Information Meeting on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 ut 7:00 p.na. in the Main Lobby Meeting Roona, Granite Ridge Golf Course, 9503 Dublin Road. Milton, Ontario. The purpose of ibis Public Information Meeting will be 10 provide groups or individuals wiîh information on the hearing process and the different ways in which 06ey can participate in the Hearing; to identify groups or individuats who wish 10 participate in the Hearing; t0 ask each such person or group 10 complete a Notice of Intent fora describing 06eir concernis, issues and requested level of participation; and 10 answer any o06er questions the public mu>' have. FILING 0F NOT'ICE 0F INTENT TO PARTICIPATE Anyone who does not complete a forn indicating their intent 10 obtain part>' statusaut the Public information Meeting, and who inîends 10 do so, should subrnt written notice of 06eir intent 100the Office of Consolidated Hearing b>' Monda>', November 10, 2003. The Notice of Intent should contatn a clear statemrent of the person's or group's intereat in the hearing and tha1 06ey wish 10 obtain status as a part>' ut the hearing. Please note that the namies, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of contact persons may be circulated in advance of the hearing in order 10 ensure discussion amnong potentiai parties. PRELIMINARY HEARING A preliminar>' hearing will be held by the Joint Board appointed 10 conduct the hearing on Monday, November 17, 2003 aI 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. The purpose of the prelinunar>' bearing is 10 hear submissions from 06ose who will be seeking part>' statas and mile 06ereon; identif>' the issues lo be considered aI the hearing; establiuli the pre-bearing process (information and document exehange; meetings of parties and 06eir tegai and technicai representatives; scope the issues); and 10 deai wi06 an>' o06er preliminar>' maltera. HEARING The Joint Board will commence the public hearing of evidence on Monday, Januat' 12, 2004 aI 10:00 a.na. in the Council Chambers, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. The hearing will continue, if necessar>', on Januar>' 13 10 16, 19 to 23 and 26 10 30, 2004. IMPORTANT There will be no court reporting aervices provided by the Office of Consolidated Hearings for the Hearing. If the parties consider tha1 06ey require a transcript of the proceedingu 06e>' may, with the Joint Board's approvai, obtain sncb service aI 06eir own expense. If you require the assistance of a French language interpreter, or an y C-,, 6 o06er assistance, please advise the Hearinga Registrar as soon as you receive Ibis notice, and the Hearinga Office will attempt 10 accommoilateDe00 your needa. TAKE NOTICE tha1 Ibis hearing date is peresaptor>' 10 ail Parties, If you do not attend at this hearing and identif>' >ourseif, the Joint Board ma>' proceed in >'our abaence and you ma>' not receive an>' fur06er notice in these proceedinga. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION x-Ld Copies of the Notiee and documentation submnitted b>' the Proponent pertaining 10 titis undertakçing are availabie for inspection during normail. u.s business houra aI: Town of Milton Planning Departmnent 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T 5H2 Office of Consolidated Hearinga Suite 1201, i2th Floor 2300 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Contact: Aune Bouck Tel: 905-878-7211 Fax: 905-878-6995 Contact: Susan Dunn Tel: 416-314-4600 Fax: 416-314-4506 E-mail: CHRegistrar@oeb.gov.on-ca And available duning operating houes at: àgF The Milton Public Librar>'T 45 Bruce Street sO OI Milton, ON L9T 2L4 H Contact: Jane MacDonald Lcto a Tel: 905-875-2665 DATED at TORONTO, this 29tb day of September, 2003. t Miftas Que"y Exteso Susan E. Dunn Hearingu Registrar ua.5- C.6 cm. 7 taý.l! cý. Corne to the Swap for a great demi on your 1Ski & Snowboard Equlpm-ent Great prices on New end Umed Clothlng Equlpmeflt Drop Off Fri., October 31, Noon - 10 pin -Sat., November 1, 10 arn - 2 pni Hours of Operation FilOctober 31, 4pn -1 pm ýSt., Novernber 1, 10 am -4 pm Sun., November 2, naon - 4 pmn Unsol Equiprnent pick-up Nov. 2, 6 - 8 pin Methoti oi Payment: Cash. Choque & Interac New Produet Displays -Dealer Boaths Ai proceeds ta SUpport the Milton Heights Ractng Pragram More inia an the web site www ntitlnhsight.aaf

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