6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 21, 2003 COMMENT In the nick of time Promises by the new provincial govemrment may be what's behind the latest news that the Halton District School Board has halted school closure studies. But we can't forget that if it wasn't for the hard work of a lot of citi- zens last year, Martin Street School might have already been deemed a thing of the past. Late last year it was announced that the Halton Board of Education would wait until the Town's planning department had revised figures for Milton's residential expansion, especially in the west end, before making a decision on whether to close the school. The board was scheduled to meet to make that decision just weeks from now and a final report recommending the school's closure was prepared just before the decision came in last week to close the book on all pending school closure studies. Whew! If it wasn't for all the citizens who fought bard to prompt the delay last wmnter, who knows what the school's status would be right now. That includes all the people who researched the accommodation numbers, appealed to their school trustee, wrote letters to The Champion and-made delegations at board meetings. We only have to look at the smiles on the children's faces in today's front-page photo to know all the bard work was worth it. O UR READERS WRITEr Malbeuf' email waa sled"y politica: reader Reader says he fails to see how Malboeufs Dma Edfto:ý Ibhis letter ta in response to thse private e-mail Couneillor Rick Maibocuf Sen to Mayor Gond Kratz Mir Mslboeuf states tisat lie forwarded thse e-mail to Mr. Krantz ouI of respect for bis 30 yemr of seMvce, and thit bis intetios wre admirable. 'Ibis from s mms whose political posi- tion proviiies bisu ample eortn1tity to' voice issconcers to Mr.Krantz facç-to tica of verbal concerrna frein opponeaits, not printed documents sucis as t-=&il tisa cati denot dueatg andi be constriwd as confrnttational. l've live in lu Iis community for more tiss 20 years andi in my opinion, Mr. Krantz lias serveti Milton withi itgrity. We ail have'different political, views and it's impossible to please everyone, cisasteis tnily sleazy politesa Iu thi day sud agie of poli"ca aady, it's uir duty as citizena te get: ont and vute for tise candida" wisom we believe will serve our consmunity to their beat ability. And my vot on Novembe 10 will be for M. Konnz. A.G.(Toy) Prie. THE (À4viwIAN CHAMPION private e-mail (O mayor can De seen as sieazy Dear Editor: Perbaps I'm naive or maybe I'mi missing sometbing, but I fait to Sec how a private e-mail sent toi a friend offering advice ini order to save tbat friend embarrasiment andi maybc even worie can be considered polit- ical higb jinks. Rich Malboeuf had somcbhow received information about an apparent upcoming relcase of some facts andi statistics that - at the very least - coulti bring discredit to bis fticnd Gord Krantz's long pulitical career in our town. Mr. Maibocuf coulti have done one of two things - eitber say notbing and simply wait for flic opportunity toi take advantage of the allegations once the other par- ties releaseti the information, or in confidence advise bis friend about wbat hie had beard along witb bis opinion as to wbat this could do to bis reputation and wbat coulti be donc to prevent tic mud-slinging. The faci that Mi. Kiantz decideti 10 make liii personsal mail public, by releasing it to thc media, was bis choice. The fact tbat neither thc media nor thc citizens of Milton were provided a copy of Uic letter by M. Malboeufbhimself appeais to corroborate bis dlaim that bis inten- tions were admirable. I've always been a supporter of M. Kiantz and until 00W would have considered him to be my choice in tbis election. However, I must 00W seriously consider how gooti a leader he'Il lie for Uic future of Milton. Any leader wbo'd relcase a personal letter in an attempi toi diîcnxtit bis frienti/oppo- nient raUier Uian cither accept bis friend's advice or simply Uiank hlm for bis friendsbip and Uic ativance information is questionable. 1 must also wonder how The Champion concludes Uiat Ibis e- mail "bas tarnished what could bave been an interesting election and bas made a mockery of il." Perhaps Uic editor is playing poli- tics. Ted Hilton Centennial Forest Drive Reader says that he'l neyer vote for Malboeuf now Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Onit. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-8784943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jin1 Davis Editre-in-Chief Karen Smitlh Editor Wendy McNsb Advertising Manager Chariene Hanl circulation Manager Teri Casa Office Manager IBm Coles Production Manager Tihe Canadien Champion, pulirsired every Tuesday and Fridsy ai 191 Main St. t., Miton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Bsn 248), is sne of The Meirsiard Prinlisi, Publising & Disiribuie Ird. group oi subbain csmpasies wiricir iscludes: AjaxlPickering News Adnertiser, Alislss HeraldlCsarier, Barrie Advasce, Bslton Inlerprise, Bamptos isardias. Butliisgon Post, Bslngiss Shospprg News, City Parent, City of Yosr sardian, ColiisgwsslWasaga Cssrecliss, Easi Yosr Mirrsî, tris Advocale/Cossiry Roules, tsicore Guardiar, Flamtsrouiir Reniew. Fsrever Young, Georgetown Isdependesl/Aclsi Free Press, Halisi Business Times, Hrurssia Business Times, Lindsay This Weeir. Masittan tcssemisi & Sun, Midland/Penetasg- uisiene Mirrîr, Missn Shopping News, Mississassa Bssiness imes, Mississasîs News, Napsine Gside, Nassagaweya News, Newmarktilurora tes-sasser Nortihsmberland Neas, Noth York Mirrss, larslie Bouses, Oakvulle Siropping News, Ildimers Hsckey News, Orillia Today, Osrawa/Wiiby/CIsringlosJPosi Perry Tihis Week, Peterbsrougir This Weeir, Piclss Csaiiy luide, Richrmond iilTllornhillNsssls Literai, Scastsrsuiir Mirror, Stvilileffxridge Tribune. Adsertisisg is accepied os lire csndition lirai, sn lihe evns ni a iypo- grapticai errer, lirai porion of the advertisisg space sccspied by tire erre- seous item, logelirer miih a reasssable aiiesance for signature, mlil t e cirarged for, bai the talance of lire adveltisemesi wiii te paid for arishe appli- cable raie. Tire publisirer resesses lire rigiri tu caiegorize adnnltisemenis or declire. The billo Caeael Oueepmn lana Reepoiable Penaberi Dear Editor: I'd been Uiinking about not voting for Mayor Gord Kiantz in Uic coming election, but after reading Rick Malboeuf's disgusting e-mail, I'mi reconsidering. The tone of Uiat e-mail waa extremeîy ugly, and Mr. Malboeuf sbould lic ashamned of bimseIL One tbing is for certain, l'Il neyer vote for M. Malboeuf - not even if he ran for dog catcher or garbage collector. Edward Brooks Hayword Crescent Pud by Steve Nease =7