4-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Ocober 21, 2003 Ail-candidates meetings start Monday at MDHS Tlhe Milton Chamber of Commerce and Milton Junior Chamber (Jaycees) will co- host ail-candidate meetings for thr-ee of Milton's four wards as welI aa mayoral, Halton regional chair and school board trustee races for the upcoming municipal election. The meeting of mayoral, regional chair and school board trustee candidates wil be held Friday at the Milton Leisure Centre at 7 p.m. The meeting for Ward 1 will be held Monday; Ward 2 next Tuesday; and Ward 4 November 3. They will be held at Milton District High School at 7 p.m. REQUEST FOR BlD 03-250-T, Dempsey N.Ighbourhood New Parks Devlopment Bed on for=s supple by thie Town of Mîton wîll be reoelved by the Corpoiatê Survton Depoetmnt, Purchasing untll 11:00 a.m.Ic locltime on: Novmiber 12, M00 Diocumuts, waI b» avalible on Octaboe 22nd., *"Mandatory SIte MoetWg tp be field on No ti»r 29, 2003 at 1:*00 P.M- * Meet on site Dixon AvelCobbmRd Bld documn my be obtuuned at lb.e Town HaO, CoWaperI SeuvIcs Deeýe, purchasng, 43 Bmmw Street, 2MdFloor, Milan, Ontaro duwig noirud busines bain, Monday through Fulday, 8:30 am. Io04:.30 p.m. TheS e Ia bld document tee of: $65500 (kid. GST). Payment cm 1,e mmdi Any inquines regmfig this bld may be dhrected to Purchushn al (gSy 87&4404. IU you would pufer the Wî document sent Iby couuler, plemsoosWthe t* quWo for Bld Document <oiu on the Tftn's web sWww pim ltie anid -m and tq=nkgbds we ah.o pom0 n te wê*.i Douglas Rhllng BA, CFP Cerdlfl Finandial Planer intesme ffi gCtue *Professional Investment Management *RESP and Education Planning *Retirement Strategies *Pension Transfers Company Packages Retiîing Allowances *Estate Planning *Mortgage Brokerage Services For a free and comptete analysis of your fmnancial health, eall: Milton and Mississauga (905)876-2400 driding@ipcc.org /Hot off the grill Aibeit rghmmmr alle iq one ci u eman» fttt ho WM bsrbesulg for 8* uus Ijntd Wey (0 Milon t#mdral lng luncheon eM Meuitor Tbumedoy aftwmoon. The emmsao -.* haumadni by Guide TonfI14 th past unilon Mhlpr on tMutl. Pholo by LORNA WHJTFIELD I[1 1