Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Oct 2003, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 21, 2003 OI(fh-SI OP OMH GRADUATION Tara Beaver Tara ha graduatedftom Glendon Collège, Ysrk Unitmrity witb an HosoursBA. Double major mn l7rScb & Drama Studies. Inpermit of a diream sbe bas accepied a 1lyear contract witbl.bsiey "A dream ils a wU yb>errr guahs..." Neyer stop drea"hg Sat, Oct 25 & Sun., Oct. 26,1-4 p.m. 91 MILL STREET WEST, ACTON Two plus one bedroom brick bungalow, situated on larg water front lot in Actori. Close to amenifies. Features include: spacious est-lin Iitchen csairloolting Faiy Lake, separalte livingroom, dtningroom, 2 baths. Single detached garage. Weil maintained, many upgrades. Aslsing $260,000. Mlase calt 519- 853-1906 (feave, message). COZY, suait raintaised 3- tons bangalowsu thte cous- try Minutes ta toms. Walk- isg distance ta Kelso Park $269,000.905493-111118 DISTRESS SALE Bank Forecosurea Free lito0f Forectasure properties is Mitas. Oakvitte & Bartngton aise. Rucelve a fieu cemputurizut printout. Free recordeti message 10#1042 Rernax Btue Sflnçs MILTON, 3-tons 2 1/2 bathrooma, customnizet serai. oser lSOOsqt. 1 year nusu. Greaspurti belt. $244,000. Primate Sale. MILTON, susu 1500+ aqft. link 3 tofn, 2.5 batte, up- alaira taasdry. F/P hart- suotd tsars. Avait. enset. =24,1)(0041-4734OS PRIVATE sale. End uni tosushomu. 3-buta, U/R su/gas F/P, disisa mars, est- sn, t full 2 Salf bates. Rin- Wiut baaseet C/A, marry arme, bocks on ta privais hors. Opus House SeI 10-l2pm. No agens, $1681900 906-878440 gosa laras. uisIJa tes- 8784-83 or ususings 519- FOR Lase: 300011111. 6 buy garage in dosuntosus Actasn. C e buetfor ote- ur possible busisess. 51500.00/monte set. Col for more inoa: (519> 83- 1148 HOBBY ehop. mark or stor- ae 900 or lSOOsqft or total 2700 agit.. radation heat rail doos. asaitabie De- cember 1 heom $400 519- 853-1237 REASIONABLE tndusiel Units hornt 1,600 - 3,200 sq. 8t. Loading docks & driveu-n. Phane 1-905-277- 9347 or 1-905-275-6834. 100% lat, 2sd and 3rd Mrgagea. Bad credf t OK<. Cill Ontario Wide 148-& 307-7799 100t famaitles suaitut ta bu involsed sn nesu Canadien dellit freedem progra. Muet bave debt & mort- gaga. 14-004il0-7203 e't.3364 BUSINESS fisasse spe- ahu - buainss tas for ad purpasea rors prime + 1%. Cau 9O0405 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Eithur invotved with prinfing and pubieh- tng or dupendont upon promotion ond pubiicity or dettvery f0 homes in ores. tnturusted in businuas cteering more thon $200,000 in ennuai profit. Ati inquiries truotiud in confidence. Plusse forward information 10: Box 2133, c/o OakviIIe Beaver, 467 Speeru Rd. OakviIIe, ON L6K< 3S MARKET yoer Busisra Opportuniy sute Mutroiand Commusity Nususpepera. Distribution of oser 4 miil liot! Cati today for informa- tion on weekty word ad rate. 416-493-1300 GLEN EDEN extL237COR CALL SCFS-905-844- applicatiora for 1245. t-yr 3.55, Syr 5.10, 1-1 budroora ARN 3.75. Aiso uquify Avait. 00t.1 miortgagu progrema. ru- 1-1 budrsom gardieso0f sncoe or crut- [ Avait. Nos. 15 Avi..e.1 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- bursbpeaut$85dn/ r ogpj, a mci. ~ ~ vat atitiue cat1T iaantry.1 butrora apal ment $750 +uAvtit. Bote 90 57 isFor mone gn &natone. DwtwMiton. Parking Leo0ird à Penny & noaiy decoratet. Conrat (usai> 905493-O78 after 6pm, (cuit) 908-876458-1 I anytimu MILLSIDE TOWER 123 bdroa&P- 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE houau aparnunts. Pool, 1& Ber-ar Apte. weighf rosa, suses, 24 Claie ta Dosustoun. hoar sidus surveittance. Bai stop et 05155ilu. 9054154968 Front Dose. 2-bclrm aperbount sn dloms- townr Mitton duplex. Stuup (905) 876-1249 sta.s ns ebstdres pleasu. SsaWrei5tar.ca Avati. No. tlt 5650/mo + stifilea. 905476-567 allr 7. MILTON 12-Plus- 2 bdr BASEENTest prmat ap. asaitabte Nosualo BASEENT nitprivte ot. 3 apptiaice, AIC, c ustrasce. parking. taustry. ble tv inctecled. Launt satellite, jaS5ZZI. i utillties. facithe anadlable on pr No amoking or pets $875 lou. For lorter informait Nov. lat Firstrfst M0578- pies cuit 90541048152 4891 DREAMNG 0f ownisg your ntLT . apdo en d ownhoe e cn el I bdrrs aparft. e nt oms hme m cenhuip y located on quiet strer www.no-money-down.net Pleferusces. Fres purtis or cuit 14166-206468 Pluase nosamoking/put ERIN 1-butrosa apart- 905444M4 mente in qaiet building. MILTON, asaitabtu. 1 bus Asaitabte Nosumbur la, rasa ground tsaor w/put From 5700/monte irtdudig $85+ 1 betroora ea udto". Cali 5194833-2446 able $835.. Cati Ma FALL SPECIAL CALL (US)>295462 NOWtt 182 bedrosar~t- MILTON4, sewiy renosati ment asaitabie Sept. & Oct. bachutor apartinuset. Asu Fritgu & Stase, iauntry abie immetiatey. Shar faciltue. No doge; 5194538l- entrasse, primate kilc 4374 opus 7 dayu/wuuk en/bath. $650 ai loin rame day approsai Opan No amoking/pets/chtildr Hosu ctoier 5-7, 1-4 pri Femalu ordy. Cetl 9154 GROUND lusil 2 betroosa 51 apt. for runt in 71 Cempbulvlle. los cd park- MILTONIItALTON Hiles ing, hldge & atone att utili- Mira. hrors 401. Bright u te indaderi. $000 pur sy onu betroors main fic monte. asaitabte immu- apartraait ts esecuti datelt Finit & tes requfred. country home. Pouce (906) 84-6 Jeremy country location. Nesu but HORISY- 1 bdns apit in monntis arkng (u ai cunr ot luvel. lsd. Suit single son-emc No emolo5g/piete 8700 utiti- îgp ~ i 61 tiee iscluedi 906-75- Fii aid lut monte ,ml 2M 6 ences. 966478-1515 LARGE, 1-bed aon part- ONE bedroora $865 mon Slett cloue ta, GO, paring, plus btidro. Modem baui bat air, lauasrY, ns 841ak- ing. central Miltion, isg(pert. Aviilgl Novers- seived paffin ber lut. 5759/monte. Cai atveige, Nov 1.t 905473-2132 Pts Rferencu - F886.ea 0868474125 a er iF nl- ot g. tl- 10 ni- v ut ki- ti- 8- ta NEWLY resovateti 3 usais., SHOFIELD, Merie one budroora pies tIenaf FURNISI4ED bedrosa arte At the Mtos District Hospoia on Satsrtlay, Octobur ficu, iacuzzi tub, 50-mi hitch- use of kitchen, liing, latan- ltth, 2003. Matie Schofieid ot Millon, tosing moter of un & liing room, basumest dr n akng. $t10 pur Mike Schstied ot Missisaa. Marie wilt bu aissud by atorage, flt cabie pkg., Lo- ek(11)87- . hrgadagtrAda.Asvieormmbnc caturi on terra Nortesuest of wu,<0)8608. brgadagtrAdu.Asriu0 eebac Brampton. 5100/monte in- ROOM FOR RENT in wiit bu Seki in tee chape at tee McKocaleKaclier ciie nspt 047 outou iin icu Fanerai Hanm 114 Main Street Mifton 905-878-4452 0477 o et &10 iandln fMitn. satioue on Friday, Octobur 24te 2003 et 11:00 am. tf dusiruri 0477& landryfaciites satlite memnonia donations 10 tee Canadien Cancer Society or TRAFALGAR/Stee ne T V, totso0f Parig. St. Peui's United Church suud bu appruciatu by the 2-bdrm apt. tor rent, ftde $550.00 pur monte inclu- atone, bliido. cebie $1100. aise. Avaitabie immudiate- aiy Bachuior apt. $650. 915 y. Auk for C %nd ,cui) 875-4632 90541176-5581 & sitar 6 l-eaney: David Amnbras. Martin BRAND resu Oreunpark May11, 1958 - Octabr21,l1978 Suai Appros. laOOsq.ft. ' Avaitabtu Nos.lst. 5 ap- iTwunty fise yeams. pliinces inctudud. 3 beri- Ryan, Patick, Jactyn, Geoffrey, room, 2 1/2 bute + garage. LOKN oahuuau Jason and Joshue. $1450 monte plus utities. to shar 3 bedrsooatown- Vour nephews and niece. all 06-54-335 ous. wakin di - t. Anoherguneration! R.ck/mscueGO Station and MatI, Non- omokur. Asking $60 suite Somutimus i se you, utiliis. Asaitabtu immu- tn eech of tem.. F1RT TME diatuiy. Cati and tuasu A moud uyubrow, a half cocked gris.. BURS 1M message et 905478-8105 A golden blonde hais. Why rentefrun yoa cen IJUNFURNISHEO or fer- y are stiti a purt of teis susrd.. 0wn wdth zero dlown? nashud rsom in large, clean Toug ohaebngn frsln. Free lilt of homes esvait- home in country sutting, Tog o auSe oefr5 og able with undur North end of Mtasn, closeuto $1300/mnte in Miltton, 401. Shere kitchen & bate. Rummein youaleways..Monaca Oakvittu Burtington $425 or $4501010 inctuding arua. Free rucorduti utitities, parking, iaundry. message Must bu sury nuat, non 1-88&266-34%M saukur, ns pute. Assit. 9 1D05 mmediateiy male pru -f tusmo ta ~ errud. 905475-1518 or j Thank you to aul GEORGETOWN Harri the good wishus Schoot ares. 5-budradoifa;moin (3 uputairs/2 dlownsti> 2ilmmre kitchuno (1 uptirl . caimmru-s dosunstaias) 2 washrooms. Asaitabtu Nosumbur iSte to mature famiiy.a $1,800/monte plus aftuls. Cas Sptit main fisor for $1 ,200/aonth and ae LE OOFRI- Big siser Hanna and Msa Dad, met for $500monte att-' MIcWele & DwWl, are sury proad and eocitud ta wut- tes 60/4 Cali 9015411 crne tet prucisus t0 irl Mt ye Lu. Danaio Bore Notije-Carefi 0159 Monday, Suplumbur 22, 2M0 at 6:3 pmn in Barfington, 5 1 c ec MILTON4 -main ffoor ban- wrghmng albs. 11oz. Shu as also iosmngty sueicomuti by: o 2-Ptii ek galw, baromsshaed gialcparents Asn & Densot ee Gale Donofdo an To- 42- Peria Scn yardu budrosacs, OSean, Dos Donoffris; une Mikuy, Mîku aod Dase & susse 402 - Kah ereE yardn apilnca cousins M a and buran 40- A.madewDc $1,000 + 50% utiltees. 'This ai Msw 2- . eth Asatlablu nosu assment fgirlfro*compJ uour amtty. 401 - Frank Sinans epurtaurint, 2 budrooma, 256 - Paul Lccs ctuan, auperafu untrancu, 707- Lorct & Toc $800. Avaleble Nosumbur 537- Kcn Devis le.t M <96 93-1419 or 556/557- Frank Riosx (416>3124228. _ Yra ane herby givra iscui 3 to. tosurhouue, Broute St.. ns eppliasces. Nos. 1/2003 (906>875136 3 tons. 2 fll batea. suer GO & highwaye. 4 spptlasc- es. 51300/rote plae utitues. Nos, lut 647-29&-1713 EXECUTIVE tosunhouue esaitabte Decembur let. 1750 agift. 3 btns. 2 1/2 bath, firupiacu. finisSes beeemunt. Prime Miftan ao- cation. Watk ta 'GO. $1,500 ath. <90S) 510. 8152 MILTON 3 butroors, 1 1/2 battis, garage, esd unit. Ruferancue & credit check. $1300 + utittdes. 905-876- 0678 MILTON- Witaos/Wood- mail, 3 bdrrn.. leml rosa, 4 appliancue. ser GO, rat- sida parkinga $1275 + sul- tu. Avait. Nov, lut 905- 803-9267 NICE 2-loutroont. Hsrd- suotd fisara, 4 spplnces. Close toait aen" ea park- teke settisg. heom $1029/mo + utitities. Avaliabte Oc/Nv Adnistos Btvd., Badisatan. 9054810070, sww.prssnlUn EXPERIENCED teacher suitl suai one-on-oine suith yoar chitd 10 buiki reading, wrfflng or msth skîits, et primary 15 high school osv- ai. Strategies tor students wifh leaming dîsabilities or Math Phobie. Cai 905- 8784914 CHRISTMAS is coming. Cat 1 # Educational Toy o. in North Ames;ca- Otecos- ery Toys, Imc. We staer home parties, catalogue sales, gift baskets, pemson- aV corporelte shopping days, fund-raiserm. Open House Sat Oct. 25te Katie IPasqaute Educationa Con- suitant 519-623-2796, squ- aiiy@mogers.com or discovertoysin.com/kpus- quese ay famiiy and friusdes lor mensr teoaghte. flassa my00te birfhday celubra- iday t miti atmays remua- Ena Bstdgman ree Mini Storage lie Drive, Milton ay tRobcrcson cdo pua la dmi aras of A~T~TITAN yora tII Agmeaa mite Csuefbm Mirai Sisae, as a 6asuboyrdcfaba'pu ,atrcmemofdrabavc 16TH ANNaAL nt Uis aiSi be ona 2O 03 atO10amis, mess payminfll ofa enai anfam aagcscsts id inte- TCRAFT & ART SALE est owaag irpupaide ts I acl o irutis Uesltrmseraktitut.triasai ad uday, OctobeT 266 Soi a 9 kCcwI M aro pr titwaa 130 VENDORS fa givra ta you. Tir creSis of liae Unies) afil be soit in 10:00 aam. to 4:.00 p.m. tepay tirbalaI wCxe<aioateacMas Sbrse re tir ig to irawversainer Children: FREE e Adulte- $3.00 ait Georgetown HIgh School 70 Guelph Street-- a Food and Beverages RAINBOW VILLAG Day- 1 onty truadmit $500.00, Both & DipaseRils cars Sas spaces asaitabte onty loton suotd escetier ooth & isplys Rafles for chiitren 2 1/2 yas ta 5 contion $2000090187 a ~ ym. 906-878-7551 Visit US 746 AN proc«*l P0 ilarns t .aI -in -11Wl A King Pitlomta Maîtres OGeoirettem 55L8.,tt1 Set. New in plaistic. Cor * .Scisoal 'ituent $1600 Sacrifice $450.00 * 905-567-9459 cas detiver. 2002 Chuvrolet Mites L5, amIen, spoieur, lyrmwarranty, mint cenditas., fly loadet. 6700 KM $17.000 90"-78- 6841 palaon tar elerfy lady in Lovirvlte aires 7 daya/wuuk job uharu. tslnfboltster- ni es, Fred or Befti 905- 33&Mw BED Amazisg bargain, gaueen orteoputlic pitlosutop set suu sn plastic susrrnty $150. 905-567-4042 sutît detreer. BEDROOM sel. spics cher- -yo. Bet. cisat, drss- er. mincir, sight standa. Dovetatl conasarcton. Nov- er opusute.. Cost $8000. Scifficea $2400. 905-567- 4042. CLONED HOM: NU75-3300 CUMWED HOURS: r4uày to hik 4 9.« M - 5.0 Pz 2W> - Lu classiried Ads appear at assIf e, d Imi m Pou LRS? 1111&1111 Wrfth Pesto/Evangeliat H-eittert Nunes SchodUe. Of Meetings Frcn 0ft. 25 to No3v. 22, 2003 - 7:15 pm At: Tihe Community Roorn John Tonelli Sports Centre 217 Laurie Ave <W Oq Otf St> Milic <Oponaaed by your friande, TIo Adventste A Whole n.w worid awats you COME! BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENOS For more information, Please Cati: (519) 82-776 (519) 835-831 FREE ADMISSION, FREE BOOKS5 & FREE SALVATION -77= - » , Iq

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