2-ThC ane Chamýpion, TusaOctober 21, 2003 SPORTS /Powerplay woes return in weekend split IceHawks blow opportunities in narrow loss to Oakville By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion L ogic dictates that powerplays be met with more enthusiasm than penalty killing stints. However, by late Sunday aftemoon the exact opposite rang true for IceHawk fans. But then a weekend with tbree shortbanded goals and an O-for-il1 powerplay wbitewash will do that. "We were actually starting to feel a bit more confident on the penalty kill, as weird as that sounds," adniitted sophomore winger Jonathan Ornelas, one of three sborthanded marksmen and the only mufti-goal scorer during tItis past weekend's home stand. Shorthanded goals are always a momentun boos~ter, and three in two games is no small feat indeed. Nevertheless, the IceHawks' penalty-killing prowess simply couldn't overshadow their re-emerging futility with the man- advantage - which waprn aginst aprn agoinizngy Oakville Friday night.s Under different cireumstances, a 3- i bass to the physically- superior Blades might have been almoat jaccept- able. After ail, that's a three- goal improvement over the neighbouuing rivals' previnus encousiter. But that was bardly tse focus following tse weekend-opening defeat. Not after Milton squandered seven tries with Use extra attacker, mncluding a pair of two-man advantages Usas were noUs- ing short of horrendous. Sald Omnelas, "It's kind of worrying. Just one powerplay goal cosald have cbanged Usat gaine completeiy. But I Usink it'll (pow- erplay) pick up soon." Friday's powerplay woes tpoiled a Usree-dozen save perform- ance by Kain Titi, who turned back 28 thots in Use firat two peri- ode while Use game was still up for grabs. Milton's lone deposit was of Use shorUsanded variety, delivered on a huge solo burtt by teamn scoring leader Ryan Aisgelow - whose tesson goal tally n0W stands ai 12. Nick Dodge, Paul Dawson and Charlie Giffmn struck for Use Bladet, who used Useir size to full advantage and showed jutt why Usey ait top-Usree i Use Western Conférence. Againat Use lowly Bramalea Blues Sussday aftemoon, Use IceHawks masiaged. to generate somte firepower but o more fmn- ish on Use powerplay. In titis case Usough, it merely provided ongomng concero - as opposed to a crippling blow. Omelas tallied twice in Use opening half and linemnate Dean Strong tank a shorthanded empty netter wiUs hall-a-minute remaining to tolidify a 5-3 victory - which lifted Use fourth-place locals to 10-6. Julian Saniano and Ryan Silveira also dented Use twine, while Jantie Flusy was tteady in net forbhis fifUs win of Use year. The IceHawks begin Useir toughest weekend Uhs season againt Use Hamilton Red Wing Fnday night at Memorial Arena. Sunday Usey travel to Oakville's IceSports Aiena. BoUs gamet starS at 7:30 p.m. Steve LeBlanc can be reached at sleblanc@haltonsearch.com. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton IoeHewk Mike DeMerchi (wlth puck> looke to mlnk a goaI-mouth acremble whlle Ilnemete Dean Strong creetes sme trafflc In front of Bramalee'm net durlng Sunday aftemoon action et Memorlel Arena. Mlton prevaled 5-3 ta aplit It two-game home stand. Gridiron seniors feast on opposition By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Miiton's senior football teamns weren't quite fuil fromn Use holiday weekend. I their first gamet back from Thanksgiving, Use Milton District Mustangs and Bishop Reding Royals boUs continued to feast - only Usis uie on tier ti*o competition. I Georgetown Thursday, MD gobbled up a 43-6 victory to improve to 4-I. The Mustangs have had tome key injuries Usis season, but have overeome Usero wiUs per- haps Useir deepett offensive arsenal in recent memory. Lee Frittenburg, Daryl Meinen and James McIntosh ail stood out wiUs two touchdowns apiece to fuel Use blowout. Converting ail six majors and adding a rouge for good measure was dependable kieker Ryan Mitchell. The visitors were every bit as impressive defensively, with an exceptional effort delivered by linemen Brandon Byers, Henry Deetleefs, Allan Motet and Jordan Munn. Donny McKenna intereepted Use hometown quarterback twice, while Frittenburg fusther frustrated Use hosta by blocking a punt. Georgetown grabbed an early lead on an interception and short drive before Use Mustangs moared back to, secure Useir third blowout win of Use year. Meanwhile, BR relied heavily on tpe- cial-teams play to topple St. Thomas Aquinas 29-9 Thursday at home. Chuck Allen and Jon Ram came Usrough wiUs 85 and 49-yard punt retumn touch- downs respectively to highlight Use victory - number two tItis tesson for Use rebuild- ing Royals. For Allen, it was bis second coast-to-coast retumn in as many games. Other majors were posted by Mike Rubino and Marcus Gray. Defensively, Reding got topnotch. contri- butions from a number of players - including tackle Kevin Hines and lie- backers Mike Cain and Greg Dambrosi. WiUs Thursday's win, Use 2-3 Royas locked up fourth place in Use east division and home-field advantage for Use firt round of Use playoffs. They can square Useir record wiUs a win tItis aftemoon St Christ Use King, who're tri winless. NID - looking to ges back to Use tier two fmnals tbis fail - also close out regular-tea- son play today, at home against fellow front-runner Iroquois Ridge. BoUs Use Mustangs and Royals host first- round opponents Friday, and could clash in Use quarterfinals October 3 1. Meanwhile, E.C. Drusy't senior girls field hockey team was elinainated 4-1 by Oakville Trafalgar Friday in Use Halton temifinals. Lt was oniy Use second lots in 28 gamnes tItis tesson for Use Spartans. Kaitiyn Tsurda acored Use lone goal. Steve LeBlanc can be reached at sie- blanc@halonsearch.com. Milton Curling Club has a Iimited numbe of positions for the upcoming curling season. Individual positions are available for varlous age groups, abilities and times. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Membership Chair, Tom Packowski: Home: 905-459-4988, Work: 905-878-6672