Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 2003, p. 7

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'Is ue f î cre sed eîe trî îtyThe Canadian Champion, Fday, Ocober 17, 2003--7 ~~Ost~'t l0i fURlOflf9 OWi L READERS IVRITE 'Time Capsules' are gems of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. November 1901 The Council committee on light and police reported that a demand had heen made by the Electtic Light Co. for an increased rate for lighting tse town, with dse price of fuel havmng becomne lsigher. The committee wouldn't recominend Use signing of a new contract at an increased rate, but would leave Usat 10 Use new cours- cdl. The company, however, had offered to sell out te Use town and Use commitsee would recommend Usat Use question of Use proposed purchase be submitted to Use ratepayers at Use comiisg municipal elec- dions. Joseph E. Base has complesed his con- tract of building a atone arched bridge on Use base line between Esquesing and Trafalgar, opposite Use fanm of Wm. Eliiot on 3rd Concession in Esquesmng. The bridge is built froin Use foundadion up of fine dressed block freestone froin M. Bate's quarry. The arch is 7 feet by 10 feet, clear of Use watercourse and Use bridge is 18 feet long measurlng across Use moad. The bridge is Use fit of its kind erected in Usis county. It's very handsome, Use work of Use contractor being most credible, and it has cost no more Usan stone abutmnents for an lion bridge. The contract was approved by John Wriggleaworth, chairman of Use road and bridge committee of Use county council. Mr. Wrigglesworth and Use oUser memhers of Use committee are 10 be conguatulased on Use good judgment they have displayed. S. F. McKinnon, Liberal candidate in Halton in the lait election for the Commons, has redured froin Use wholesale business in Toronto after more Usan 30 years. He has sold i interest as Use amount of $262.000, and will resain a few shares. It's understood Usat hie proposes t0 take a trip Usuough Use Mediterranean 10 visit Use Holy Land and Egypt. He will sait on Use steamer Celtic froin New York early in Use new year, remaining away nearly three monUss. Yesterday Use Milton Pressed Brick Co. accepted an order for 1,000,000 bricks for lviitton Snigcnieta -alwsnt"iay Time O~ Snigcnfdnilemi a lt'lay politîcal tactic as mayor suggests: Malboeuf Capsules -î.- the American Cereal Co., Peterborough. On Tuesday afternoon, auctioneer Geo. Andrew sold 26 horses from the American Northwest at the Wallace House. The naine of the owner was Joseph James. 'Me ani- mais were sinall, unbroken and in rather poor condition, but they brought good prices - from $15 to $60 eacb. somte of the buyers had a lively dine of it taking their untamed steeda home. December 1901 As announced by the daily papers st week, Judge Hamilton of Halton hais retired. He and Mrs. Hamilton will sait froin New York next Monday for England, where they will spend six montha after wbich they may return to Canada, but not to Milton. Judge Hamnilton is succeeded here by Judge Thomas A. Gorhain, the late Counsy Attomney at Port Arthur. Last Tuesday evenissg the members of the local bar called at Judge Hamiflton's residence and presented hiin with a gold- headed cane. The presentaîlon was made by County Attoiney Matheson. Judge Gorham came 50 Milton on Tuesday moin ing and took possession of his chambers in the Court House, where Judge Hamilton introduced hum to the Milton members of the bar. Judge Gorham is a native of Newmarket, studied law with the furi of Mowat, McLellan and Downie in Toronto, was called to the bar a littie over 20 years ago and was County Attorney at Port Arthur for about cighs years. Mrs. Hannington of Lambton Milîs came here with hier three children on Tuesday to viait hier parents, M. and Mrs. John P. Roper. Shortly afterwards hie eldeat child, nine-year-old Irene, took membra- nous croup. The child died this momning. Membranous croup is one of the most fatal of children's diseases and is also infectious. It's to he hoped that is wili not spread. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who cati be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirec.com. Dear Editor: I want 50 stars by making it per- fectly clear to Use people of Milton Usat my oniy reason for sending Use e-mail in question bo Mayor Gord Kuantz was out of respect for Use office of mayor, as well as my per- sonal respect for M. Kuantz and ia family. To suggest, as M. Krantz has, Usat tis was "sleazy politica" is absurd. Had 1 gone public wiUs tis issue, hie might have had justifica- tion to make Usat statement. The fart Usat hie chose 10 make a confidential e-mail public bega Use question of who's really playing sleazy politica? It's diaappointing Usat Use mayor, in an attempt to score political points, chose to make tis e-mail Usat I sent in con- fidence public. Now Usat Mn. Kiantz has made tis malter public, Use real issue is no longer Use e-mail or Use fart Usat hie made it public. No, Use real issue la wheUser it's rigbt for Use mayor 10 arcept financial contributions from companies doing business or aeeking t0 do business wiUs Use Town - a point The Champion's article and editorial ignored. Town policy states Usat no employee ahail accept gifla of any kind froin Usose providing services t0 Use Town in order to avoid con- flicts of interest. Why are Use rulea different for Use mayor? For Use recoud, when I decided to seek Use position of mayor I alto made Use decision Usas - in order to protect Use integrity of Use office - I wouldn't accept donations froin anyone. As mayor, 1 will be indebted 50 no one except Use peo- ple of Milton. One of my goals as mayor was 10 adduess Use whole issue of political contributions. The fact Usas tis is now an election issue had basically acieved what I was striving for. Now Usas tis issue of political contributions is hefore Use voting public, 1 doubt very much UsaI any candidate is accepsing contribu- dions froi any consultant or devel- oper for tis election. 1 put my name forward 10 mun for mayor because I believe, as do many Milton reaidenta, Usas it's dine for a change. My record as local and regional councillor speaks for itself. My arcomplish- ments over Use past six years - and what I wiah 10 accomplish in Use future on behalf of Milton reai- dents - is what my campaign la based upon. I don't need to retors to cheap political tricks. Tis is an assempt by Use mayor 10 divers Use focus away froi hlm nos oniy on Use issue of political contributions, but also away froin ia record as mayor, and direct Usat focua towaud me by trying 10 portray me as a bad guy. 1 did noUsing wrong. I was sun- ply trying to do what I Usought was Use right Using. Rlck Malboeuf Local and reglonal counclilor Dear Editor: There was no need for Rachel Freer 10 identify hier- self as a female in hier lester of October 10. Her naine already did Usas. AlUsough in Use unisex society she foresees, namnes won't mean a Using anymore. l'i quise aware Usas one'a sex makea no difference t0 one's opinion, thank you Rachel. And if The Champion hadn't mutilated my lester of October 3 heyond ail] recognition, 15 miîght have heen ohvious that in reflexively responding to Use heîerophobic protst of Chuis Wilies on September 16, 1 was nasuually inter- ested in picturing the person who wrotc it - white doing so still isn't an unconstitutional invasion of pri- vacy - and I needed t0 know Use correct personal pro- nouns to use. The carelessly aunhigunus 'Chris' was no dlue as ail. Is should have heen quise clear 10 anyone who can read Usat I wasn't condonusg bigosry - after ail, left- liss are Use worss bigots of ail - but facetiously paro- dying Use tiiesoine liberal mantra Usas we should evolve and acceps Use unacceptable. AIl of us except homosexuals, Usas la. Believe it or not, 1 did nos say that homusexuals arc leaser human heinga. Ini termis UsasThe Champion evi- dently found sun strong for Canadian conaumpîlon, I sald Usas legalizing samne-sex mamrage senda Use mes- sage 50 convensional couples Usas Usey're officially considered no hetter Usan Use moas offensive exponens of outrageous public homosexual behaviou-. What 1 really cailed Usein was cdisorially aubadituted with Use inappropiase and misleading 'homosexuals'. What Use govemmens and ils puppet judgea are say- ing la Usat we're ail Use samne as homosexuals. Strange as it may aein sosa generadion too young t0 remember the original meaning of gay, a great many of us sake exception 10 tis arrogant insult. 'Me obvious extension of the speclous logic beind Canada's head-long rush t0 compulsoiy homosexuali- ty, and prohably alieady on Use evil agenda of Use loony lefi, would be Use legalizasion of pedopilia. Afler all, pedopiles are no more responsible for Useir preference Usan homosexuals are. And wouldn't il be discriminhsaory t0 sancsify one form of deviant behav- iour and not another? Les no edising make it look as if 1 support pedopil- la, but in Rachel's evolving socicty - where vosing anything but Liberal is a hase crime - anysing is pos- sible. And 1 wonder, did Rachel and Cin-is each have two fathers or two moUsers? Davld Townson Milton SIZE 22 TOSIZE 12 'jUsîng hypnosis, there are: -No Diets -No Shots à A -No Supplements -No Drugs -No Weigh-ins It is an ali-natural method. You use your own mind for safe, sensible permanent weight Ioss! 'Weight Loss -Stress Management 'Stop Smoking *Learning Acceleration 'Sales Mastery 'Pain Management Cai Now for your FREE Consultation Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Alcohot Free (905 GeS oth ieowtw orgetown >oai dr St ofi ldDoivtw rositiveChanges- (905)o suh fheT 877-2077 "Vhem Rsuls Happe»" n Man opposed to same-sex marriages says he didn 't state that homosexuals were fesser human beings -L

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