The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 17, 2003-6 /Roadway aspect of sign bylaws confusing candidates rhej Campion Aspiring politicians are being urged to do their homework before pitching their signa for the November 10 municipal elec- tion. Town clerk Troy McHarg said staff have received complaints abo*ut candidates posting municipal election signs on Town prop- erty. Its bylaw doesn't allow election signs on properties like are- naa and along roads owned by the Town. "The road allowances, tbat's tse big issue," Mr. McHarg said. 'Me aspect of signs along roadways, he sald, bas confused some. Ins Use region, municipalities and Halton each own roads and elec- tion sign bylaws vary. Town bylaws state candidates can only post signa on private property with permission from Use landowner. If signa are pitched along To.wn roads, like Thompson Road, Milton's public works staff can remove themn immediately and candidates run the risk of being fmned, Mr. McHarg sald. "We haven't prosecuted anybody for Usese," he sald. Town road allowances also, apply to Halton Region-owned road- ways in some instances. Mr. McHarg saa regional roads - like Steeles Avenue - Usat cross Usrough urban areas of Milton are treated like Town roads. But regional roads in rural areas of Milton fall under Halton's election sign bylaw, he sald. The Halton bylaw allows election signa to be posted along regional roads, but Usey must be removed witbin 48 bours follow- mng Use election, saa regional clerk Tins Agnello. If Usey're not removed, candidates can be fmned for eacb day Use sign remalns, se noted. Candidates wlso aren't sure wlsen a regional road is deemed to be in an urban or rural area can cal Mr. McHarg at (905) 878- 7252, ext. 2132. Candidates can also chseck Use land registry office on Steeles Avenue to verify if a parcel of land along a Town road is private- ly owned, Mr. McHarg sald. erty.' But the Town isn't targeting improperly pitclsed election signs, be sasd. "1ypically we don't receive a whole lot of sign complasats," Mr. McHarg sald. "We're doing our best to enforce Usis as fairly as possible across Use board." Signa are highly visible in Milton now Usat Use provincial elec- tion bas ended. local/regional councillor, regional chiair and scisool board trustees - registered in Use lcin Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadian- SoyOne TM Ail 2003 Hot Tubs Must go! * Save hundreds on ail remnaining 2003 inventory & floor models " Hot tubs from only $69 a month * Hurry... when they're gone... they're gone. f~"j475 Main Stret East < L!!J905.6à93.8909-r à 4 NOURS: Mon.-FrL 1 Oam-6pm; Sat. 1Oam-5pm; Sun. 11 im-4pmn 1 FRUMCISE OPPORnJRMM AVAILABLE, CALL i 577-tubs-577 ext 35. Limited quantifies nesulafile. *On approved credit p Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed a Fresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets le Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, specialty flours CzSnacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes ilIl Herbai Supplements, Health Foods and Organic Products Cu Canada's Iargest bulk food retailer & more ... now 75 locations and growing Franchise locations available in Ontario and Atlantic Canada - (905) 886-6756 14Uustprneifi UNif "fie tifico tEdudes sici & gît cerffutes. W1r te supore lad. On MderiW demns e resai fie ngfltta film quane -v h