The Canadien Champion, Fniday, October 17, 2003-3 I .V.o, W. G-ac.e 30 Day. or Pu-traca 30-DaYs o iO"y Or Vale OOOO1ka W.n M.haaoml a mspsa We ol retund the Exohaffle PeoLOy A oh 0 anat e1l it mectianic A Sterence ifour pas soon' lie the km (whicils e cornes Cevrs =O e and detai inspectian custmes naaseice hat ya ist) warranty is necessarp mechanical befr a e seeare eaer camparable car ailer tachased, simpy ncluded oit thee sale repanrs emnnback oftered sesOu cas ftareeg inqualty resr iefo antee af eveyrue upr on emenes. rsas wbp warnants and Gaauds suehice asti cle hs uniqe oement asr care sre ef a gua ansees) foa na bassle wa ranty cassis higbst qai tipan a sose pnice whasoever the eegine and tbe avenage, witbn 7 dept tansmisstest Obetoasly, sonne condtiaons applir te ailt, thei bnellila tIsted abose miafrtuateI On nte plsbv tied taae isadvantge of sur geeshy and gond natuare). We'il gise flou the tai details wen waine Yeu. M l ma. P 4X4 NUM4ýM ZMW M~ CUi IL 5 % iait W 4m4 5000tn! One onse OA D Mamp3 On5l,0kn ac , i r, otiîs, H ,a..,t 24,996 0ti#020362 e44,1 StaSS 24 "lm99 - ~2003 Toyota Avdm X lm ifl Im »« uwwLeather & moonroof 10,01kI ete.monof ealc5,0kr 21,000M mmve . Stk# 114 - 0 Maium £U ldMSWAMVlmm73,000kmn Lsatttanros 02,050en Mornoalealnoeene m'Mm!!e Ramair udeqsap il W o*8c«'t U301753 SU5202M3Sk309 68000k 300engeeeieC o pl t e a t o b o y n aMs MSOO k Vilauta Sdea M 00kM M sa0ienilMrdiLns uo 8~~Stk 161436 StkR 753178 eotoietud m --tAuarps M âa 82050 Apn, peaat t43,000tsr Auto, armmt S t 22714 ao tt U702 63,00o 1! 1,401w nOuï Mihelin tem 27,006tuIeatt bSes , eteee o ne 64,00ose11 V, Osto, ait 7 gan. *a18,995 '24,M9 slmi..iP '1,9 $109990 MidIi swdw * lm~ POM lUum i UU m Mid 4 @ 148.000km! V6,abf i &or te 5ttilGn V6 ir pu, 0.psak4- 48,000kml Oaadsealspo750 Thswoum, olfu4 vai u5M % lms s 106 4 su 1906t '17M99 $119991*- 66W »o Air tpe7, CDk5eo 22tileh.1 AMie an, cdntaywçe *i OMOotnl Lestitemool, d8via SLW118219 *14fi 4S47324 80<0M seul $6 9 *$7499 $8999 $nnm . ' liante yaaIl fiusd Iaaey Pimetf rdgu 410 Seàles Aveu Milon 905-875-2277