The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 17, 2003-15 UU ~UNam ;Mau '0~ 1UE -1 - w 1. S' U** il_ 111L 1lm hirqpd 2000 Gran Cara V6, pw, pl, pm, cruise, tilt, air, IV6, pw, pi, pm, cruise, tilt, air, cassette, St< X102-1. Certified, cass. Stk 2 0~ ready ta go! TlI±?I à ! 1; Good PoUI WM Bai Ciud Lt HMW Clmtuh HuI RuethIuI Voir Crdft! ý* - *w Pmu Cru* *Ne * mboblm.w WE CAN kELP!! lu Could Rp Drivino --A N.àw Vahirià* TflldV 2001 Chryu n rhS 22 bm S PW, PL, PM, tilt, cruise, air, CDI V6, pw, pi, pm, cruise, alum. wheels, anly 29,000 km. I tilt, cond. Bal. ot warr., bnrght StkI P647 sîlver , and P2711 iST i 72ocerrrrsc chrislr "cc, 2M0 De Durag. 2M0 Jeep Gr"c Cheiàu 2003 Dodge Carrait cehides. Ecarple. 20,000= 0,000540.0 0% AP912 ,rcrth terrc. rccchry aymecr 2703470930 Cmosto bcrmcemcc SOio.tralcb mla U2000tS0000Sd ioLermel charges and Wuaet c icIudeO croc ccpaher Sesadaler fcmcplète Pelaits Cabi creste lace raterlracrrlg & cash las rates are crrcrcy eccluslve and cay rpr bc cccrOrrep If ré» cacalwr rn lieu of 0% purrhs crchrg siecrc rate of Iccerest la 7.99% Vetccies ma org e «wW eecgas sroes 2SUSM op1 là7 f un Up 7'2 vu li 71 Oft Sie" A.. là HwWy 2.5