A crying grandchild Ieast of myi* wVorries The Canadian Champion, Fnday, October 17, 2003-il We believe..@ in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. It was such a beautitul day that I asked my daughter if I could take hier daughter for a walk. 'he baby's not quite three months old, so the walk would entail me walking and hier sitting inulber stroller. She and 1 both could enjoy the frcsh air, simple and uncomplicatcd, just perfect. "What if shc starts crying?' my daughter asked. Oh,I1hadn't thought of that. That tumed out to be the least of my wonies. We started out on our trek and immedi- atcly I coulti see that thc sun was in her eyes. The cyes were closed, but bright sun lu your cyes is often a wake-up calî, and waking up coulti mean crymng. 1 quickly figureti out how to arrange the blanket on the side of tie stroller 50 that it covered hier face. Actually, not that quick- ly, because I pondereti walking backwards first. She co-operated by tuming bier head s0 that it was in the blanket coverage, which may be how that termi originated. Everything was fine until a bec stsrted buzzing around. "This is a no bec zone," I said to the little buzzer as 1 swatted him away. He didn't come back, but was quick- ly replaced by a lady bug. They've become thc scourge of society, as you know, ever since they were mntroduced to cas bugs off of plants. I heard that some of the ladybuga bite, and I wasn't taking any chances. "Fly away home," I said, "or l'Il crush you like a bug," which of course you are. Okay, then everything was flue. We werc strolllug along and I coulti relax enough to notice a few tings. For one, strollers with "I'm doing okay, but 1 wish 1 didn't have diabetes. The people at CDA make it easier." iody ,,g.d 10 ,%Én HULP SOMEONI YOU KNOW. CML 1 -800-BAN wwwAi.b.efts j On the Iloose babies have the night of way - no excep- tions. Doesn't matter who's coming the other way, they have to move to the side. It's the mile of the sidewalk. Thsis I liked. We made it to the store and this is wherc it got complicateti agamn. Baby carniages take up a lot of space, and when you're in line, you have to figure out whcre to park the baby. If you put hier lu front of you, you take up even more space, so you have to figure out a way to move up in line with the baby beside you. Now, I always look at babies whcn I see them in public, and I would think that cverybody would want so look at this par- ticular baby, but not many bothered. 'Meir loss, I figured. T'hose who did appeared to be fathers themselves and could relate. Tcenagers, I wouldn't expect to look because they couldn't care lest. But, get this, the women look at you rather than the baby, and smile. It's as if they're thinking, isn't that sweet, a mans taking a baby for a walk. On the retuxn trip, I starteti worrymng am BABYSITTING on page 13 IMPORTANT IRECTION NOTICE On page 9 of our rl8th-24th, 2003 flyer, we "Special Buy Cashmere Scarf' *We have discovered that the tcashmere, but rallier acrylie. of this error, we have removed scarves fromn our shelves. owever; be offering instead Vanderbllt Chenille Scart prioe for $4.97. Anyone lias already purchased Cashmere Scarf" may im Rt for a full refund. We apologize for ny Inconvenience. Dr. Sven Baccbus Certsfted od"ontoc Specialst Smtles- that last a L!fetime h PUBLIC NOTICE MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. 25 52o 29 ROA 27 25 24 21 le! l -1 gw-- Vi p- 16 14 13 -ID qS le 9 a 1 5 MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. Ià~iI55 Thompson Road South, P.O. Box 189 q@Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 1 Visit as online at www.miltonhvdro.com Tree-Trimming in North Area Milton Hydro bas awarded the Tree Trinsmlug Contract, the North Area of Milton to OAKHELL TREE SERVICE. The trimming of trees will commence OCTODER 20,2003 and will be completed on or about APRIL 30, 2004. Please cail our Engineering Deparonent if you have any questions or concerris. NOW OPEN! 311J Commercial Street-Suite 209.Milton M-.905-875-2995 : new patients welcome - flexible payment plans *no referral neeessary - cail to book your consultation "doctor on duty on Saturdays & Monday " free consultations Ml Octobel advertise a at $1 4.97 scarf is no As a resuit these We will, h a Gloria at 1I2 whol a