Thes w much me to LnZBy l in 10 mon wili develo B REAS CANCER The risk increas- es with age. The Ontario Breast Screening Program prov des breast examina- tion and a mam- mogram at no Cost to women who are 50 years of age or over. SMake your ( ponmn today! 1-60068-9304 TOflno BIn,, et, BURUNGTON PMWE 1RR O.EW& BLUISWRET(905)331-76o fit WunA M SI fin l:u-5 Pin The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Octaber 14, 2003-23 Masterfeedsl'U MILTON aPet Food li Supples Country Depot à eM i CloehIng, Footweer 28 Bronte St. N. w ltGre 905-878-2391 ND.1 * " e w.c< VT Fonu Supplies Mouday - Friday 8-6pm e Sat. 8-Spm e Closed Sundays Pope Catern Sandwih 9irays e Cheese 'Trays Il Fruit 'Trays Saads 4 Minxed Greens wviti Basamic Dressing e !Potato e Çreef e Pasta d *1Caesar e qomato and Bocconcini e MainatedVJegeta6(es SeafoodSaaLALso 4vai(a6(e q'asta Entrees 9[omemaée Lasagna - Mteat, V/egetab(e or Seafood (resli Pasta) *. 3fomemade Canneloni or9ifanicotti (Fresh Pasta) P'enne u4th Sausage andomato ettucni 4(fredo (9Fresh~ Pasta) e 5Pene affa Voda Mveat Entrées V !Parmwgana e Chçn Coron Bleu CCb4n Parngana, e C(kken Frentn e Kaobs-Chicen, Bef or Prk~ e steak (stiip(oin) fBradedfCaa rps oe nd *ow Trot Desserts ontmi neAvfenu &t vaa6 e u Treq s ~Peaegive 48 bours notice for bookipgs. j289) 242-0990 (905) 876-9908 LA-Z-BjOYT IRNITURE® SLLERIE5 Nutrition Notes Didyou know.. 1 in 5 Canadian children are flot getting the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables they require daily. Halton Food for Thought Contact Program Coordinator 905-845-5597 ext. 201 ir< * * i I W"