Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 2003, p. 8

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j i S- Te Canadian Champion, Frtday, October 10, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL REORT Ahicic Visconti John Peterson E.C. DRIJRY Mie SCESOL1 Attention Staff and students of E.C Drury High Schoot! Honest Emie's is having it's grand opentng on Wednesday Oct. l 1st 2003. lhe grade eteven retaiting class wnutd tîke to invite you tu corne and check out the new took, attitude, items, and spectats during periods 2, 3, and 4. They have a great new setection of items that students crave and need inctuding: heatthy foods, fruit, mitk, candy, schoot supplies, batteries, pop, chips. cookies, and theie grand opening speciat of Nacto's antd Cheese! They've given the store a brand new look and hope 10 see everyone on opening day. Remembr. "it's jusi a halt away!" With healtitier food now avaitabte, our Drury Atittetes arr fuetting ap in preparalion for their upcorning meets and toumarnenîs. The cross-country train wilt he travetling tu Hamilton on October tst. 10 compete in theirdebut meet of lte season! We'd like 10 wish our spredy Spartans lte besi of lack. After having worked s0 hard, lte cross country teain is going 10 want 10 kick back and relax, and there's no better way 10, do titis titan by curling up witit a good book. Att students will he given lte opportunity 10 do so eveey Wednesday during lap. 'DEAR' (Drop Everytiting and Read) will occur dur- ing tite first 15 minutes of every tap period. itis is also a great way for our grade 10 students tu practice teir reading okilîs, an their literacy test is approaching quickly. Along with DEAR, another way grade 10 students cao ensure success is by cornpleting tite package of practice materials given oui in clans. Study hard grade lOs! If the reading gels 10 be loo munit, students can always unwind in a dif- ferent fanition. Draina a! Drury held a very successful planning meeting lani week. Wr are very excited 10 ser ltront perforin titis yrar, especially amne this yrar's crowd han yirlded lte mont participation in Drury's histoey - a whopping 70 students (or ut leant tais when wr stopprd counting!). Titey have atready plannrd a comrdy: "Here t Arn Darling, " and a musical: "Gidgent gors Hawaiian,' along with otiter luncittime performnances. We cao tell it's going 10 be a very enteelaining year. so wr'll be sure t0 keep you posîrd on lte exciting world of Draina ut Dntey. itis year maeked thte l5Otit anniversary of lise Milton FaIt Pair. To corn- mend this special occanion, lise fuie's theme was lahelîrd , "A Tirne to Celebraîr." As rnany of you probably know, racit year lte fuir invites stu- dents 10 enter individual and/or clans projects to comprîr in aras surit as, hobbies, crafts, and itaking. This year, keeping witit lte tterne of crîritra- lion, studenîs frorn te Drvelopmental Educalion prograrn rntrd titrir var- ious projecis. Drury had îwo of these projecîs stand out. Ryan Raymond's shor box craft wan judged "Best of te Fuir" witilr Citristine Legere and Arnanda Abraitains painting of "Milly lte Clown" will be itonoured, and on display ai te Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies' rneeting in Febeuary. Congratulations 10 ail who participatrd! Before we say goodbye titis wrrk, we'd like 10 introduce a new section 10 our column. NexI year E.C. Drury will celebrate il's 25th annivrrsury, and in work loward ltis prenligious event wr would like in test your knowledge on our uchool wit trivia. Arrn't you rxcitrd?! YAY! Wr cao ser te ryrs of Deury's Scitont Reacit players (lte Sparian quiz tram) ligjsting up. Itis will allow bot te inlerinediale and senior trams extra practice for their upcom- ing lournaments. Each wrrk, wr will pose a question concreming lte school's itistory. Your tank will he te tt'y 10 frnd ouI te answer belore oue next edilion. So hrre's ltis wrek's question: Witici teIachers, currently tracing here, wr also studerns ut te school in lihe pant? Titink hard, and wr'll he back next wrrk with te answer. Ciao! Girandmother Reveals Secr.et to 105 Lb. Weight Loss Success Hi. J'm Patricia Corley. I lo.rt 105 more. 1 was ashamed. and embar'rass"d I had lost ail hope. pounds of fat with hypnosis. My dress size plungedfrom a bulging 24 Instant Resuits 112 to a sleek size 8 in ten short I was amazed. by the change afler my first session. My brain months. The Diet Rollercoaster 1 went on every weight loss scheme. Tried thxe grapefnait, egg, special soup, ail protein, ail vegetable, only starch high fiber and ail fruit <fiets. Speni a fortune on tasteless prepackaged food. Went 10 sup- port groups. Starved on protein shakes. I even guz- zird down straight vinegar praymng il would help me lose weigh. Ilhe resuit was always the saine. 1 would lose weight slowly, then quickly gain it back plus esteem soared. my fat melted off at an average 3.5 pounds a week. got the message 10 zap my appelile. Hypnosis gave me instant control over my ealing habits. My cravings came 10 a dead-bait stop. Binges dissolved. My confidence and self- MMLII DISTRICT mUi SCIOLo "MUSTANGm MESSENOER"g Thte lurkeys are roasllng, our fei.s a%re fhot atast - îng and ils lime for Commencernenit D)ue 1> the Double Cobort escapade of lte paI yeur, lthe Iwo graduating classes will te itaving separate ceremonica loday. The staff and stridents at MDHS wish aIl grad- uaîing studenîs the very test in their posl-secondary yeara. Speaking of turkeys, thte Jr Mustang Football team killed, dressed and baked titrir Loyola couniterparts in a 20-6 trounicing. Ben Clifford itad a laudable per- formance ruaiting over 200 yards for lwo îoucitdowns. Thougit i may seem like the Mustangs are already as unstoppable as a turkey with ils head crit off, Coacht Grant warns titat lte tramn bas nol yet reachrd its full polential and many more titrasitinga are 10 comne. The squad again takes 10 lte field Wednesday facing off againal Iroquiois Ridge. The Jr Girls Basketball tramn is on a streak of titeir own, easily upsetting bot BR andi Lord Elgin. The girls are now in a three-way lie for first with f .our points in their division. You can catch their next game Thrirsday againsl MM Robinson. Their senior corinterparta, however, are having a lit- dle Irs success, strriggling t0 gel even a single point early on in lte season. Despite tat fact, tite tramn remnaîns optimistic and plans on a major comneback in lime for lte playoffs. In volîryball, te Sr Boys are also sitowing trur grit winning ail gamea 10 date. Witt s0 many trams doing well, lte tern Champions Supremne comes 10 mind. Well, not qriite, but at titis stage a place aI the OFSAA championsitips dorsn'î srem too far off. That'a it for titis week. Enjoy lte holiday, kick rip yorir fret and accidenlally lrave ail yorir trxt books at scitool. Have a safe and htappy Thanksgiving. '1THE ROYAL REPORT'1 Es Preston MOcNII Llana-Darla Pressé DISDOP BoDlNs lieu SCUOOLR Ocîober t.tmes rolling in wîîh temperamental wraîter and I hanksgiving and Halloween festîvîrîrs in sîgit. Students and slaf fare tinding il hard 10 believe il bas alrrsdy bren a month since lte 2003-2004 scitool yeas started! Student Governient is announcing te winners of te Thanksgiving Food Drive, The two itomeroorn classes lthaI have rither tite most cans in total or the most cans per capila will he rewarded wiîh a pizza party. AIl procerds will be going 10 the St. Vincent de Paul Society 10, help lisose less fortrinate enjoy a happy Thanksgiving. Thank you 10 ail who have donat- rd 10 lte cause; il bas bren greatly appreciated. On Tursday, lte Varsity Girls' Field Hockey tramn jour- neyed across town for a beated game against E.C. Drury. The gamne endcl in a lie, Abby Daigle and Alana Petine botit put forth an excellent effort titrougitoul lte entire game. The Girls' will br travelling 10, Lester B. Pearson for their final game of lthe season on Thursday. The Junior Girls' Basketball tram was victorjous against Lord Elgin on Tuesday nigitt. Caillin O'Connor, wilb titirtren pointa, and Jua Cosme with rigit points, racit showed strong offensive tramn play and added 10 lthe 28-il win. The Senior Girls' Baskelball tramn also fougit bard against te first-place tram ai Lord Elgin but unfortu- nately came up short. Nonetheleas, Diasa Cosme provided te Royals seitit a tierce offensive performance, 'Me Boys' Varaity VolîrybalI tramn attendeli a tormament last Friday ai West Dale Higit Scitool. The juniors on te tram sitowrd paricular strenglth, rising 10 lte challenge. Lance Coliner andi Paul Borscok bot dernonstratrd consistent effort driring thte gamnes and proved titerselves leaders amnong lte team. Good Iuck 10 te Boys' Varsiry Football tram, wbo witl br playing Oakville Trafalgar on Wednesday. LasI week's Student Vote was open 10, all students in social sciences. Il was a chance for stridents 10 brcome more leamnel in politics andi exposrd t0 lthe aspects of democracy. Surprisingly, te resulîs of lthe Strident Vole ai Bishop Reding differeli froin somte of te choices of rte voters in Mfilton... Talent Show and Remembrance Day ideas are rtow surfsc- ing ut Bisbop Reding. Have a great Thanksgiving andi enjoy lthe long weekend everyone! Quotalion of lthe Week: 11 awoke titis morning wilh devour lhanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new." Ralph Waldo Emerson Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Slrees Management Stop Smoking Aieohot Free 35 Mà So NIe Dovneto vn - (Twodoarnoehtd&eTDbu) PositiveChangesr (905) 877-2077 "W1ïhm)?RstdeHaepen

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