4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 10, 2003 TH CORPORATION OF OTOUT SALE CET-Of IS NO3(000057,.2003 AT AMlGT FERAI 70000 TICEETS AVALABET. FOI F0AAEWOTOVE 00 oLo00. AL. 000000ES If« AY ON TE~ SF0000000" oRE REQUSSI FOR BlD Be 01ft suPPUied4Yfthe Town of Million wUibs roceivod by the Sevices Depatrent, Purct*stng untiR 11:00 a.n. local fine on: Otobr 22, 2003 Dprtrent, Pwdiseting, 43 Brown Stret, 2nd Ploos, Milon, Qnta noilbuuiness hours, Monday tlvough P#14ay 8:30 amt 4 «30 p.i 4* alêidocunttee of. $284) (imci. GST>. Payrnent con Io madue /An" inqirle rogfldnj Ibis bld may b. direoted to Pwcl (W) 75-5404.1U you would preVer the bld document. sent ty colr -oplt th;b. s o BdDcmn or nteTw' - Ilo Onine, morin duin herbotdrv cmain Prced frr tefndasr iigot usua Corner oUOTAI &SEEE ut Wthe cornn SaturdayMrtnsteesSau mornng drIn ther bot divecampign