Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 2003, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 3, 200-4-7 ,lConsideýjrabIe damage causedrv in rallway mîshap; nobody hurt OUR READERS w RITE Time Capsules' are genis oj*iii/brniatioti extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in conrext. September 1901 On Ilesday tise C.P.R. section men were replacing rails near Robertson's lime kibis (Kelso Conservation Ares) and while tise rails were being removed, sent a flagman up tise track to stop any train whicis sisould approacis. A freigist camne tearing down grade from. Campbellviile, saw tise flag, tried ta stop, but didn't succeed until tise engine and two cars isad rn off tise rails. The track was considerably tonm up and traffic was stopped for several isours. No one was injured. ise road machine is busy grading some of our streets. A heavy roller is needed to put a flnisising toucis on in some places. At tise tast meeting of tise scisool board tise teacisers' saiaries were raised t> tie fol- lowing figures: W.El'mmmn $780, Miss Pattison $480, Miss McLemn $315, Miss Lawrence $280, Miss Bowes $265. The firat two were raised $30 eses mnd tise remaissder $15 eseis. Tise new rates are to commence at tise begissnig of tise year. TJhe falt fair is isere, and we could stand one severai times a year if it would aiways make tise samne improvement in tise appear- ance of tise town. Tise business part of Main Street looks replenisised, witis every store isaving a new coat of paint. Our busi- nessmen are rubbing their isanda in antici- pation of a isarvest tomorrow. Our streets, under tise care of Street Commissioner Alexander mnd bis corps of men witis tise road machine, isave assumed an appear- ance whicis does credit to tise town. Flanked by grmnolithsc walks, tise effect would ke perfect, but we cm isope for tisat for next fair day. A large number of applicants are after tise postmastership isere. It's not certain yet wisen tise appointment will ke made. Mr. S.E. McKirnon isas tise patronage mnd isas a number of good men wiso are Miltonians from wisom to make bis selection. Milton postmaster is a pretty good tising, witis tise last publisised report making tise salary mnd allowmnces at a total of $977.78. 1 'lH CANDIA CHMPO h Time. Rural resîdent says he'fs quite concerned CapsuesM about pro posed development at Mohawk Anpule WILm ~tramet mtgeswauurs ILui No wonder good reformers are picking up tiseir ears. October 1901 Pair day was favoured with ideal weatis- er - a bright, cool and bracmng day. The town rose to thse occasion and decked itself out witis flags, buntmng and streamers, loads of them, stretching across tise road- way and evergreens until the cedar swamps must have been sadly thinned in places. 'Me old boys weren't forgotten in tise dec- orations, and long streamers stretcised across the street bearing tihe words Welcome Home and Halton Old Boys. Alex. McCutciseon, an old man, wiso has been in jail here as a vagrant for tise past five-and-a-quarter years, died on Friday. The old man isad been very feeble of late. Softening of tise brain developed, wisicis brougist on apoplexy. The post mortem was iseld on Friday nigist and ise was buried on Saturday. It's a sisame that old people isav- mng no means of support sisould be iserded up witis common criminals until deatis releases them, but Halton bas no poor- house. It was a case of "Raille bis bontes over tie stes, He's only a pauper wisom nobody owns." Tise Milton Pressed Brick Co. was awarded tise silver medal at tise Pant- American Exposition in Buffalo for pressed brick and terra cotta. Thsis is partic- ularly gratifying wisen it's known tisat tisey were in competition wîtis tise greatest dlay industries on tisis continent. Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services were iseld on Sunday. On Monday of tiss week, Eli Askin and H.0. Dent drove up from Glenorky, bringing a load of oats front tise congregation of Christ Churcis, Omagis, to tise Grace Cisurcis rectory. It was a kindly act on tise part of tise congre- gation to tise clergyman for tise bentefit of bis isorse and is mucis appreciated. The oat bin was filled. This material is a.ssembled on behai o rhe Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who con be rrached by e-mail ai jdills@idirect.com. Dear Editor: When The Cisampion first reported tise impending constrsc- tion of a massive touriat enterprise tisat would ke built adjacent to tie Moisawk Racetrack/Slots, I read tise news witis a mixture of anger mnd alarm. Apparently tise consortium tisat's cailing tise sisots isas an answer for juat about everyllsing concemiisg tisis enterprise. My main concens is wisat this projeet wiIl do to dhe area's ground- water levela, whicis 1 believe are aiready dangerously low. We already have a water extrac- tion business sîtuated just a few kilometres northwest of Moisawk tisat's gulping up our supplies ai an alarming; rate. Group - which owns Mohsawk - bas an application to double tisat rate in tise near future - mnd 00W this. One of tise items in tise article tisat caugist my interest in particular was a statement by one of tise moutispieces for tise new enterprise tisat Moisawk isas aiways respected tise environment mnd will continue to do so in tise future - especiaily wisen it comes to tise water. Well folks, let me tell you isow mucis Moisawk respects our water supply. As 1 was driving souts on Guelpis Line recently, tise rain was pelting down. In fact tisere was more rain on tisat day tisan we isad during tise Hurricane Isabel acare. uge 1 observed tisat Moisawk isad ail of its sprinlers tumed on full bst. Tisey were drawing fromt water supplies tisat we wiso live nearby rely on for isouseisold use juat to make sure tisas tiseir pristine green- space was saturated beyond wisat it could possibly isold. So 1 tisink we should ail ke very afraid as we consider tise promises made by Woodbine Entertainmnent Gmoup tisat tisey will respect tise water we rely on day to day. For tisat matter, 1 would take everytssng tisey say in an attempt to cals our concemas witis a 20- pound block of sait from now on. John Griffin FIR #1 Moffat Thanks to everybody who helped make Millon's two triathlons such a great success again this year, says national champion Dear Editor: For most athletes, tise 2003 triathlton season is now over. Milton once agan iseld two triatislons tisis year, mnd again tise volunteers were out in Mal force to iselp mun tise eventsanmd encourage tise atisletes to live tiseir dreas of fiising a triatislon. There were a lot of great volun- teers again tisis year, including tie Milton Army Cadets, tie Milton Air Cadets mnd tise Tsuroka Karate Club, as well as a lot of individuais like Pas Haldane, Cindy Lunsu, Jan Mowbray and Susan Pitynan. These groupsanmd individuais isave iselped make tise Milton triatlons a success year after year. Tisank you to ail tise volunteers. You did a great job. Sec you again next year. Ha"r Dames CampbeliviIle Letters welcomed The Canadian Champion welcomes leiters ta the editar. We reserve the riglit ta edit, revise, and reject letters. Lettera must be signed ond the oddress and thse telephone number of the writer includ- ed. E-mail letiers. ta miltaned@haltansearch.com, fax them ta (905) 878-4943, or drap them off at aur office, 191 Main St. E.1 SBrampton Woman Tells You How She Shed 35 Lbs.- Ihad bren overweigbt for ten years. 1 was unbappy and disgusted witb myself. kNo mnatter wbst 1 did, I rouldn't lose my weigbt. Food seemed to bave some strange control over me. I couldn't gel 1past a bakery witbout loadmng up on breads and pastries. il tried variety of diets o my own. 1 Notbiasg ever worked. 1 bad become a 'yo-yo dieter. Discovery 1 read about Positive Chsanges Hypnosis in tise Brampton Guardias. I saw a person I recognized in tise adi. 1 tbougbt that if byp- nosia could work for ber, maybe it coulti belp me, too. Resuits I soticed an imosedi- Ste cbange ta my bebavior. t took off 8 pounds my tîntt week! Beat of ail, 1 neyer feel deprived. 1 enjoy my lite more ansd bave energy to spire. My Recommendation My recommendatios to you ia tItis, give Positive Changea Hypoosis a catI. Scbedule your complimentary bypnosia screeîsing and evaluation. I know you'l be as impressed as I arn. *bWeight Loss *Stress Management *Stop Smoking *Learning Acceleration *Sales Mastery *Pain Management Cati Now for your FREE Consultation Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Alcohol Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georg>etown (Two doora south of the TD Baak) (905) 877-2077 -v F * ~ PositivkeCliarges- Whmr Resule Happen 1

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