Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 2003, p. 6

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I 6-Te Canadian Champion, Friday, October 3, 2003 +THE CANADLiAN CI-IAvpioN Box 248,1B91 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9Tr 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 - Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher jeul Davis Edmor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Ads'ertisiog Manager Charlene Hall circulation Manager Teitr Casas Office Manîager Tim Coles Production Manager Thre Canadi Champion, published every luesday and Pritay ai 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont., Lgl 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland Printing. Publisliing & ttîstributing itd. grnup of suburban companies wtrich includes: Ajax/Pickering News Aduentisen, Alliston Herald/Couier, Barrie Advance, Bolter Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Burlîngton Posi, Burlington Shopping News, City Parent, City of Yorki Suerdian, Collingwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yorkr Mirror, trn Aduocate/Couutry Routes, Etubicolie Suardian, Flamltunnugh Review, Forever Young, Georgetowen Independent/Acton Free Press, Halton Business Times, Ilunonia Business limes, Lindsay This Weelr, Marlram Economist & Sun, Midlard/Penetarg- uisliere Mirror, Mîtn Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassageweya News, Newmarliet/Aurnra Ena-Banner, Nurthumberlanid News, North York Mirror, Ouliville Boxuer, Oukuille Shopping Newes, Sldtimers Hiockey Nons , Osîllia. Today, Oshana/Whithy/Clarington/Port Penny This Week, Peterborough This Weeli, Picton County Guide, Richmond ill/hornhillNaughan Libenal, Scarborough Mitron, Stouffvillelobridge Tribune. Aduertîsing is accepted on the condition that, rn the Buent of a typo- graphical errur, that portion of the adnertising space uccupied by the enro- neous item, together with a reasonable altomarce foi signature, will not ho charged ton, hut the balance of the aduegtisement null he paid ton ai the appli- cable rate. The publisher reserves the right to categurîte autuertisemeots or Tire Mitien Gaxaian Champioe le a Recyclable Produtait Let's hear about those extraordinary youths We've ail read stories about troublesome youths - that's no eye-open- er. However, it's important to remember that this community - like every other one across Ontario - has ils fair share of extraordinary young peo -_ pie, those that through a variety of initiatives 'are committed tn making Lc Milton a better place 10 live. With that in mind, we're proud 10 once again support Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards, co-ordinated by the Ontario Community Dear Newspaper Association (OCNA) and sponsored by the Tembec Paper Altl Group. In conjuniction with newspapers across the province, we're look- Lc was n îng to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of outstanding young- samne- sters, to showcase them and encourage others 10 follow their good exam- Chois pie. Ace Please help by nominating a young person aged 6 10 18 years who's iB's nc involved in community service, bas performed acts of heroism, is con- Wtsll tributing 10 the community while living with limitations or is a good kid ad who shows commilment 10, making life better for others. same The deadline for nominations is -November 30, whi.ch should provide social plenty of lime 10 adequately illustrate just why a local boy or girl is wor- It's îhy of distinction. Nomination forms and further information can be wronJ obtained from The Champion office or by calling the OCNA aI (905) 639- snge 8720. iBage Nominale a youing person today. law. OUR READERS WRITE ntrary toi many politicians' bellefs, same-sex ?mrages are against naturailIawsays reader Editor: hough the headline read Iteen says be's upset..', there o dlue in a recent letter about sex marriages as to wbetber Willes was a boy or a girl. :ordiasg Bn tbe text, bowever, ematter. tragic Bn, see the likes of young e being brainwasbed by left- nd ideology into believing -sex marriage sbould be îy acceptable. ot because tbere's sometbing g witb society that in Bbou- of years bomosexual mar- hasn't become fashionable - ccause iB's a denial of natural As such, it's such a ludicrotîs concept that it doesn'B even menit consideration. Willcs expresses a belief in the Canadian tradition of givmng equal rigbts Bn everybody, yet criticizes Halton MP Julian Reed for exercis- ing bis own rigbt - or, in my opin- ion, bis duty - Bn vote tbe way untold thousands wanted him Bn. WbaB left-handed tbinkers refuse tn admit is that bomosexuals already bave tbe saine rigbts as everynne else, including tbc rigbt Bn mar-y someone of tbe opposite sex. A law tbat bas always applied Bn everynne is bardly discriminatory. Regardîcos of dlaims Bo tbc con- Erary by politicians wbo are out of toucb witb reality, legalizing saine- sex marriages doco affect the tradi- tional form. 1 believe iE contagninates aond devalueu a ritual its participants bold sacred, and tello normal, bet- crosexual couples that in tbe eyes of a gutless govemment and crackpot courts tbey're nn bet ter than homo- sexuals. WilIeo thinks Ebat anyone opposed to same-sex mariages is an outright bigot. Well perbapo it's time for Society Bn evolve enougb to accept bigotry as a normal, whole- some lifestyle. BetEer to be a bigot than a bloody fool. Milton Don't expect an easy ride as a Milton poitician 1 want Bn applaud ail of you wbo registcred for Bbc November 10 municipal election. You bave sbown wby we sbould be proud tn live in a dcmocratic Society. A total of 39 local candidates, including tbose for mayor, local and regional coundillor and scbool trustee, bave bravely Brown Bbeir bsts into Bbc ring. Let it be known that you'll also be cxpending tolme blond, sweat and perbaps Bbc occasional Bear or two. The mayoralty and wards 1, 2 and 4 races will prove Bn be boxing matcbes. The mayoralty race wiil sec six candidates duke it out wbilc Wards 1, 2 and 4 eacb bave seven candidates clawing for two spots. Also, Ward 3 bas four people battling for two spots. Two will spar for tbc position of Wards 2 and 4 regional coundillor. Bar-y Lee bas been acclaimed as Wards 1 and 3 regional counicillor. Tbis year's civic election stands En, be one of thc more demandmng and influential Milton bas seen in somte tiane. Tbe town is growing by leapo and bounda. Issues great and smail are emcrging almost daily. Milton is on Bbc cusp of finding a new idcntity witbin a sprawling GTA wbile attempting Bn maintain that gmail-tnwn feeling many grew up wiBb and oBbcrs are only begniîng tn leam of. In 2000, Bbc 'Big Pipe' - a gigantic and expert- sive piping systemn Bbat draws water from Lake Ontario - arived in town. WbaB iE did was open Bbc cyes of new residents and industries. Prior to Bbc pipe's construction, Miltoos's popu- lation levellcd at around Bbc 30,000 mark. The bousing market bad pretty mucb stabilized and manufacturing comnpanties weren't always sold on Tihe Big Picture moving operations En Bbc community nestled against Bbc Niagara Esearpmcnt. In 2003, Milton's population ballooned Bn 43,000 and will go mucb bigJoer in Bbc years Bn come. Wbicb brings me Bn my point of blond, sweat and tears. Tbis kind of developmnent, wbether you sec it as gond or bad, isn't rcaily Bbc point rigbt nnw. As a mayor, councillor or scbool trustee, local issues emanate from growtb. Parking. Garage sizes. Protection of Bbc escarp- ment. Big box stores. Rural garbage pick up. Arts. Sports fields. Transit. These ane the the tbings your constituents will look Bn you En address, and Bbey'll expect you En be ready tobhandle it al. The number of people you will represent will grow eacb year. The number you will be respon- sible for Bbis year wiil grow next year, and agata Bbc year after that. Being a Milton politician will require a lot of work. Dnn't be fooled. StilI, Bbere arc more issues Bbst will comne up that 1 can't even Bbink of at this moment. Tbe winners in Bbc fall clection wiil be instru- mental in cbarting Multon's future. The ts-uth is, being a Milton polifician will be a tougb job. Davii

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