Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 2003, p. 32

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32-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 3, 2003 CLASSIFIEDI ____ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ HOURSI Ontri 4ri oo Fureio T orn o the Areas #1 import Deaier IRvhw Parkview Children's Centre 1mOnday1 VolanteartMembarship Coordinalnr Wxrhivg 3 daya par week frxm xxx office in Milton, Ontario, this povillon wiît ha raxponnitite for cra8sg n extunteer dalahase andt motivailg volantecen lx asaînt in "Agricalture in the Ctaanrnxrn activltias. This position ditl alan assist with mernharnhip devalxprnt ctvi- tes, and orner routine office unclixs. The nacceantut candidate it have expenience inan office eneirxsnmen, and anund knxctedge xl comput- ars and cemmxsly aned noftiwara. Sa!f motivation and ntrng communication nkittn are a mant. Compensation witt ha aI a cempatitiva hxurfp rata. Pleane forward yxur ranama to: Execetina Director Ontario Agi-Foxit Education xnc. Boxo46,Mitn, ON, L9T 4Z1 Or E-mail to: Iir.actacrat.oog Fan: 905-878-0342 Only epplicenla invitant for an interview evOi be contacant. No tatephove inqoricos pteeoq. EUREST DINING SERVICES MAPLEHURST CCFPC MARTIN ST., MILTON, ON Cook chila faclIty la loakîng for: *Gaseral heip (ltaning & Sanitatioxt *Cnxks *Aanemly lise wxrkems *Stiipper/recaivar *I<ichen Aida *Expeitnced DZ Drivers Seeking retiabla Part tîma corkeas Excellent cages, 7 days/ceek xparatixnn Prirnarily day lx earty aftimoon shit avaitatite. uniformn provideit Constant basiness damaxd Ploase fax yaer reaumne ta: Fax# 905-875-2437, 905475-2438 Emaîl: 20002@compaaa-canada.coss SNE Sunrise 0f Oakville JOB FAIR Wednesday, Occober 8ch, 2003, 1:OOpm-4:OOpm 456 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON, L6J 3H9; (905) 337-1145 Here we grow againt If you are looking for a coreer where your work makes o cfifference, look no further. Ornly new - applicants need apply. 'b»JING SER~VICES ÇOORDINATOR' PROGRAM COORDINATOR COOK CARE MANAGERS DININlG CARE MANAGERS ROOM ATENDANTS, Appiy in person or on our webaite at www.sunriseseniorliving.com WAREHOUSE PERSON Fult-lirnî Days - Dalies: Pick orders, shîpping, receîvîng. Drivers Licante, computer akîlîs, gond physicol cotdifinn requiroal. Renchliht and/or condcorhing Experiance an ossef. Mfail romme te: P.O. Box 6418 c/o tbm Oukville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakvllle, ON. LIK 3S4 Fax ramumne te: 905-338-2057 E-mail: ontarlosooner@hotmall.com SUPEAINTIENDENT COUPLE SREOWIRED IN ACTON Required for a dlean, quiet apaitment building. Saits a retirai ceaple, Cteaxing and maintenance axperience an annel. Office coerage is required. Pleaxe fax rensmans tx: 519-853-4374 Onlb'y aueaaaasui applicanis wil! b. conlaoclad 0~Y Pkase Kecycle tNs Pape Éiuuesoatum iv isaldvg for s raila, friaody, out- galvgpersan for Ined Soe. Must ha salas oriastat, upba andale fa thinkpqcf. Compuler eop. & goe phase voice a mast. $12/hr. Falfbrne, Mos.-Fn,. Cmli MicheIll at 905-827-8230 * LICENSED TECHNICIAN * APPRENTICE TECHNICIAN * LOT PERSON/DETAILER FORWARD RESUMES TO4 BURLINSTON TOYOTA Fax: 905-335-4048 - Tel: 905-335-0223 Busy truck ahop raqulrea Llcensed Truck Mechanica or 4th or 5Ih year apprentice lmmedlatelly. Goont cages & benefito. Excellent woring conditions. Fao resume to0905-878-3520 or Cali for eoqxinies to 905-878-0900 GLASS FABRICATION Company in Oakville seeks energelic people t0 010n sur fast-paced production & installation teas. Foil-lime positions avarlabie for * custom glass fabrication machine operator, fechrician, glass cutter. 9 glass & mirror insfaliers & assistnts. Appliconfo must hase preoios wark experience, es- cellent English & maîhemafica skills. Production jobs require Autocad & basic computer okillo. Compefifive cages, unîforms & benefits. Please fax resame f0 Production Manager 905-829-1103 RECEPTIONISTIACCOUNI1NG CLERI< Ellon Manulacturlng requirex an expeniencet recela- tioniut. Some clenical/aoministrativa reponsibh ties are axue- ciateit citti the position. Applicents mont have a posittve attitude and be alie to bu cton ine anat paceit exviorment. Competitive ou arn and benehitn Plaie fao renume to: (905) 878-92110o email info@etnmaxafactxxx cern KARA Jewellern BURLINGTON MAIL & MAPLEVIEW SI-IOPPING CENTRE POSITONS AVAILNBLE. MANAGER Fuil Time/Part lime SALES ASSOCIATES Reteil Jewellery experience required We are neeking motivateel, dynantic indinidnals who like a challenge within a rewvading environent. We offer an excellent package wlnich incladen base salary, commissin and profit nharing. Pleane formant renncee to: KARA Groap , Attention: Human Renourcen Fax 416-663-9475 Or mail to 312 Dolomite Drive #215 Nxrth York, Ontario M3J 2N 1 Hamilton Brohar loohing la tlt ihasa pasillons 1. Experlencod Commercial Linos Service Represenlive Job function ciii include bock up service f0 pro ducers and clienfs and markefing. Orgonizafionol skills a must. Minimum 5 years toperienca (mini- mumi 3 yeors commercial>. 2. A Personal/ Commercial Producer A self-motivafed individual eith proven production i okilto for sur commercial department. Witt considar personotl lins producer who lu roady to moka the mno f0 commercial tises Please contact AI Pleîrangelo aI ACUMEN INSURANCE GROUP for an appointmenl 905-574-7000 RPN REQUIRED UMMEDIATELY RPN requîred for prîvofe AI client in Milton' Gunranfeed 24 hsors/ceek. Must be avoulable ton ail shifts, 7 days/ceek. Cali Deb" at 1-U3Ml0 ext. M586P visHWASHEI9 WANTED Fuil time or Part time Daytime or Evening Fax resume: 9054875-3051 Now Hfiring Cooks Servers Apply WI5hln 55 Ontario St. N Noan accepting applicanîs foi *Wlaîi staff - Bus staff Apply wîîth Resumne to: 189 Mill SI., Milton, On JDE DOO'S is Hiring! Full Time Floor Manager Salony, lItP, benefits, erîperience prelerreit Resume and reforences required. Cali. 905-632-5110 exl. 63 To arrange an interview pesn r FuIl/Pin fr art-timaSra.Kc e Staf & Druverss " Shift worc. daya. nièghtn and wmmkends " Wage negotuable wvitli experienco PUas. fax resumé Ca: Jason Gouldlng, Humain Renourcen Manager 905-469-1924 NOW HIRING DISHWASHERS à UNE COOKS ai The Harro Reetaurant 345 Sleeles Avenue Eant Milon, Ontario L9T 3G6 (905)1878-8161 aot.2 Mont ha rexponnîbie and raliabta, Fait andt Pait rima positions avaitabte. Contact Brad or Tamar for infornation or dmop off a ranuma. RAMADA INN Fu8t-tima and pat-Orne sift cork avaitabia, for HO)USEKEEPING Muni heabhe ix cxrk caakandn. Appiy in pemson or fan (905) 878-9701 LON DO N Fulil Time Retail Store Management 1 (jy ~ 1) and Oe fM Part Time Sales Ascociate Provides c fifl residenoja cleaasag servce. Posiions Avoulable One time deans avnnlalsle. Relevant Reteil Experience Requiced Let us take cave of ail your cleaasng nees Fax Renume ta: 905-468-7183 Fer a ce cern, ne obhpgtin an haosa estimate Mapleview Centre, Burlington plise cali r0-877343 n x.a. PART TIME TEACHER FULL TIME PIIESCROGI. TEACHER Must be o graduate of o program in ECE. Experience citi alternative curriculums on assot . Parkvîec offers on excellent salnry, bonefts and cork envirsnment. Creotive, enthusinstic individuels farcord resomes ta: The DIrector 5451 Lakeaberoe Rd, hrlon, ON L7L 1lEl Fax: 905-34-9850 t-riday 9 arn ta 5 pm GARAG! SALS Thi s * j 3Ifejl GARAGE SALE Soturday, October 4, 8am - l Pm 81. Robert Street Miacellanaaua solaclian MOVING SALE Soturday, October 4, 8am - 12 noon 2070 Blacklock St.- Brookvllle Ramn ai Shinal U "lA6FMILY Hiton Hurricanes GARAGE SALE Garage Sale Minor Peewee AA"Saturday, October 4, Hiockey Team 7:3Oam - 11:30 Saturday, October 4, 8am- 1lpm 615 Moorelands Cres. Milton Mali Parking Lot ownszng- îurnîîua, stapper, Noir Zellers waik-Ii, huichas waia, badidng, ae.. Rai edala: Sunday, Oclahar 51h GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Satordoy, Ochober 4, Saturday, October 4, 8am - 3pm 10:OOam - 3prn 7295 Bell School Lino 503 White Dr. GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 4, Saturday, October 4, 8arn - 12 noon 8am - 11:30am 337 WlIIfaÉ Ave.;- I Rshaià Ut.: lien lamiture, olf clubs, aes a( Saby lI6a, childran lp & basabails,, bih.ir, lais oflgaaai aultil cilhli anad lois muralit GARAGE SALEGAGESL Saturday, October 4,GG Satr A LOoEr4 7 arn - 2 pmSatryctbr4 420 B.ndy Dr. 7:00 arn pmnery &Tiadmau Merlb Emtsal 601 Woodward Ave. Funlura, hidu laya, lolit Sncb, hausahal Ies GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE r Satirday, October 4, Saturday, October 4, 8am - 2pm 8am - 2pm 341 Wilson Or. Unit 1112 Davis Lune Antiquas, toole, gaidan supplias, #42 hntsa ach, skatas, claihing, Christmas itams & lais mate!! hausahald and mach mare GARAGE SALE FUNDRAISING SALE Soturday, October 4, & BAKE SALE Saturday, October 4, 9am - 12:3Opm lam - lpm 810 Cedarbrae Ave. 296 Ontario St. Lais atlhousa andl claîhas, laui langlht Fundraising for lui sanoan, salique achoal dash Debra's Home $7a.o am mre Rain ai Shinal FIHINC FOR A GARAGE SALE GREAT DEALf?' Saturdoay, October 4, 8am -12 noon 26 Coates Dr. Hausahalul itamakdt lii' aa VISIl tbose firlaIt GARAGE SALES lays,sfulia, cri suai andl math mare Ibis weekenil I

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