30-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 3, 2003 d ~CLASIFIE HOMLNL 905475.3 £ 1 81 CLASSIFE» HOURS: Monday te Friday il 9:00 amn- 5:.00 p. itipion i fl elsife _____________ ~, s iil , i l iJJl 2( 1!131 E i DISTRESS SALE Bankc Forecaseuros Free faft of Forecloaure propersies in Mition, skivlle & Budkfmn ares. Recelve a free compuderized poinfoutf Pros recofsied mes- ID91042 MILTON. 3-rides end unit townhome. 1900 aq.ft lsdl. prof. fislshed banint. $232,500. 90"-78_10631. PRIVA?! sale, 3-bdrm fownbusse, 1.5 halls. Openf Hosse 5Sfi. &Sun, Oct 4Un &5Un 2-4pm. 235 Oronfe St. LAKE N0ISSU4 SOUTH1 BAY Great Uishing brip, sdik- an-Sammer and Thanka- ging getasyt Dont be, disappoinfed-csli foday: Sasses Cave Lodge 1-800- 563-4395 *Pmmised Land camp 1-888-847-7742 *Rockview camp 1-877- 752-3067 BIRTHDAY WANTED TO PUR' Profitable Bus in Halton ar Eifher invo(ved with printin ing or dependant upon r ub(icify or delivery toi home Inforasted in business than $200,000 in annuel prof Ali inquiries trested in conf id P(oaae forerard informationb Box 2133, cle OakvIIIe BSe 467 Speeft Rd. Gakyilo, 0 SDINEYS Diatributora needed for Une mont eocUt- ig new merchanising pro- gram everf No seiling, no compelltiios, backeri by multU-mitis datro roo fional sdvertising cam- pslgn. Hamesa Une power of corporations f te Dis- ney/Ninfendo. Min. isvesit Ment $17, 600. Pros mats package. 1-8»78440979 MARKET yoar Business Opportlnihy wiUn Melrolssd Communify Neaspepera. Ditribsuon of over 4 mil- horst Cati foday for informe- flan on weely word adi rates. 41"403-1300 esf-237. 66Money 3$10 lt: 2nd and 3rd Mortge. Bad credO 0OK. Cati Ontario Wide, 1-888-307-7799. BUSINESS finance spe- cistatt - business, loano for ai parposes hrom prime + 1%. Cal 905-890-987. H S. 3 bedroore mais floor, CHASE.. shsred yard, clean, no: ff65last, n smoking/pet. inessAvailatie nowe (9W5) 693- Sa 1419 or (416) 312-822 g an pubiah- ACTON large 2 bedmons, gromd ionand - pund 30ocr $775/iUn plus; prootin ad 59)8534M90 (519) 853- s n area. Sm8 clarning more DOWNTOWN, apacloos l. <80Osq.ff.) ground laea, ance. newly resovated, t-bdrm o: spi. Appliances, lasndry, Y iaededi & diveway. iver, flst$8Wmn Kurtîs NLOK3S4 519453-0471 N LO 3S4 FALL SPECIAL CAU. 1NOWII 1 &2 bedmor spart- mt avadtable Sept. & Oct. Pnidge & Sfove, laasdr faciUnes, No doge 51943 4374 open 7 daya/fweak rame day approval.Oa m 1 "Homsectoher 5-7,1-4pin LANDLORDS& HOUSING SEEKERS Landiords - fre. advertlalngl "Free ad on the Internet " Free ad on Housing Boardf " Frais Referralal Houslng Seekers - fre. seaîrch aaalatancet "RentaI Vacsncy Uistingal Information on Tenant Rights & Responsibiitiesf " olIose up & Support! For more information please contact: The Hallon Reglon Houslng HoUp Centre 905-825-60001-866-442-5866 Ext. 7142 www.region.halton.on.ca FOR lassa. 1300 sq.bt. CALL SCFS 905 844- goouliocation. Cet Joe 905- 1245. lys 3.55, 5yr 510im I 876863cU r evenlngs 519- ARM 3.75. Alan equity 703-902 mortgaga programs, re- REASONASI! Industri gardless ai iscome or creri- Units for reiif.1,600- 3,200 fil sq. ft. Loading docks & drive-in. Phone 1-905-277- 9347 or 1-905-275-683ffl._______ 1 ~1 bedroom baisementsapar- ment sn Milton; 2 apart- lb Ocra VALVER CLumom50 mants avaitabie Ocfober S Due to the upcaifg SUn. Ideal for single proIes- Th8nbdgvisIg Holiday, sional people- Open the CIamMued Deadilme for our Hosses Ssnday October lbe.do Deftlcr 311 gesr SU0» 1l am f0 1 Pm an wfi be 202 Fverplae*, aid 1:30 f0 prWI g<y« l 3:3Opm an 256 Knsgligh. est Il &M a p R Plnts are t~I Castiaicilsqas 85000/69000 10541110- 833 I-T" LARGE 2 bedroom hase- mont w/tirefriace. Avaisal N\ ENGAGEMENT FIRSTr TIME . BUYERS Why rent ehen yoa cen onen wiUn zero dean? Free lIan of homes avat- able aif h under $1300mn in MiUton, Oakville Burlingfon ares. Free recordei message 1-888-268 -3496 ID01051 Ramas Blue Sprngs FOR lasse. 3 bedroom house w/garage, 11/2 baUn. No pets $1300 + sUifes. Near Trafalgar & Steetes. 908-876-4M3 NEW 3 bedmoom hoaoe, Miffon, 5 appliances, A/C, November 15, $1450/mnonUn + utilities. Cai Femando 900-878-306 3 7bdrn, 2 f0ll baUns, sear GO & fsghwsys, 4 applisso- es. $t300/nUn plus aUlUles. Nov. 1si. 647-2981713 AVAILABLE nor for fess. 6-moomé plus mec room, 2 baUn and garage.! Lalceahore Rd. & Bronte Rd in Oakviile. 61650/mo. Please cal Roy Magna, an 1-888.885818 IMMACULATE tswnbume- 3 hedmooms plus garage. Ail appliances inciaded. $1300 + utilifies No pets/smokng. Referasces & credit checks required. Aveul. Nov. ltf 905-75- 1380 NICE 2-bedroom. Hard- wood hloors, 4 appliences. Crise f0 ai amesfles park- like sebing. tmmn 61029/mo + uhiitiies. Available Oct/Nov. Arfingfos Olnd., Burlisgfon. 9056811-0070, erenesmonlise 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE 1&2 Bedroom Aptl ICrise no Downtoas I usstop i (905) U76j-1249 wwrealstnc MILTON large 1beor basesent apartmrrent aveu-» able lmmediately. No pets/chiren, 2 applasces, A/C $850/monUn utiltiies isld 11 Cl 90"-75- 3418 between 5-Upon M0ILTON, evaflable, 1 bed- roons grouni toor w/patio $875+, t be<lroom avait- able $835+. Cali Mary (M0) 2804628 MILTON. Clean large 2 bdrm api. on Main St. 10OOsqUf. e/lassdrette are. Mature aduti, nlo Pet. 6900/mo plus oUtliesf (eu6) M6308 Avail Oct. 15 MILTOIALTON Hlio 10 Mmns. from 401. Bright surn- ny ose benlroomn main ffoor apartmenit in eoeculive country home. Peacefsl cosntry location. Newe baUn- room, kinchen, jacuzzi, cerarrsc, parhing, shîlUes nc. Sou single non-simok- ing professoal. $800 nct. Finit and st monUn, rater- ences. 90-878-1815 ONE bedmoomi $865 monUn pls hydro. Modem buîld ing, central Miton, reserveri perking, snoveifrldge, Nov. 1. No Pets. Rleferences. Firast. 906.8784123 ROCKWOOD, 1-bedroore 6695/mon, 2-bedrsom $795/ionUn, eat-i hUches, Includes appssceW/Uliw and parking, in quiet build- ing 51-8584-06 SIJITABLE for woslong par- son. Ose bedmoom apt saeraie entrance on sec- ond levai of hous in Million available November biraI. No pets $76000 al inids- sive. References. 05-878- 2737 3 tnedr ouse availlable, October lst $115.00 + sUt- Unies. Flrsbtast monUn, relier- ences reqaired. 901!Î478- 1403 BRAND new Greenpark Semi Approo. 1600sq.Ut. Available Noviot. S ap- pliances included. 3 bey- room, 2 1/2 baUn + garage. $1550 montr plus sutlUles. Cai 905-884-3435 Rick/irances CARLISLE 2-heroom et- tacheri home. 2-baUnronms, family room w/gas lire- place. Watt out petio. Son room, C/A, CN, Single car garage sace. Availabte Iimmediately. 61300/mo. auiies inctudei. No rida/no pets, nos-smoking. 905- 689-5109,908-3204148 COUNTRY bungalow. South of Mihon $1025/mo. Avail. miri October. Sandy -a-o 906-845-437 Non. 1sf $800monUn + aSti tie U 78.023 ARE YOU AFFECTED BY SOMEONE ELSE'S DRINKING? MILTON ground floor 2 Milton Alanon Group beronaatnn.Large bakad&dek rsl Monday evenings 8PM decorated. Avait. NovAs St.PauI's United Church SgSOmo indi gai Contact 123 Main St. E., 2nd Floor Debbre 90-75OM1w Konnoy-eMy à Lonna (no@ Cooke) are proud f0 annoance Une bifi of Uir deughter, Moagon Aosdoy on September 6, 2003. weighlng Blbs at MDH. Proud grendparenfs are Joan Cooke f MIftIn Matyann & Gsny Ellwood of Miftion and Gerry & Gwen Kennery of Niagera Falls. And veny proud great grandipsrents Ethie Rabishaw, Jean Kenney & George Pnisnak. Speci tianks no Or. Hunfer and all tne nurses ai Milton. Frannese- David WiMolne (nos Allen> af Mllion are pleased t0 announce Une birth of ffneir daughter AMngoln Jamin, weighn 71 bs Uoz, 21' et Millon Ditic HospUtal on Augusf 26, 2003. 2nd grsnddaugh- ter f0 Joanne Allen, Joanne Frenzese and Emie Freozese. Many Unanikso thUe patient hoapUta staff. Malaye- Giomn li Eri .n and big sisfer Michaela are U0f lIed f0 announce Une sale arrivai Of Seom VWHI$n on Tuesday, Sepfember 16, 2003. Prravd second Urne granniearents are Karen & Gene Boyle frm (>filie and Nenny Sheila from Mihon. Lareoc:Mr i il fPic ereO. are Ulied ta announce nhe sale arriva rot Morgan EUeos, 7 bs 13 oz, onSeptember 6, 203. Oignsis- ter Elle asd grandperents Paf asd Ray Smith of Vancouver B.C. and Ed asd Elseno Lawrence f Mifon are dellahted. iliver, crystal, fes caps, Royai couton, Swamvski, glass, jewellery, old toys, collectibles, estates. Cal John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. LOOKING for buse/ors- house toi rent sn Dorset Park ares in Million for Nov. lst Cai 906-403-1434 FREE oa good home. 10 week old maie kIdIev wdth abuta sp toi date. Inchudes liferi fray scratch pont & boa s. Phase 9111615 0305 1094 GMC Jimmy 4x4. 4 door, 4.3 Vortec, 6 ogi, aato, AM/FM cassette, 10 desc CD changer, P/W, P/I. P/ leaUner sais, creise, A/C. As- $300 000 Cai 905- 893-1517 199 Honda CvIoSi, auto, blk, 1 08K kma, riaded, sasi- roof, a/oU CD, $12000. 906487&M02 GUELPHI record & Cd show, Ssnday October SUn, 10:30 f0 5 p11. LPs, CD's. DVDs,45's, video and relatei memorailia over 40 vendors. Ramada Hotl, 716 Gordon Sf. (opposte Universty of Gauelph) Admission $3.00 The famiy of Frances Dulmatra issUe yos toi an open buse f0 celabrafie her 9OUn BirUday. sn The Commos Roora, 11 Ollntrio St. Sunday October MU fram 3-S Pm. iîz in ron ror raarcni 2004. Csregtar ais as- Cahsnrem- MkcIao id Catherine (n» 9IAqu >m cie ldy cospie on occa- are Uniiled f0 welcome Mancello M"l. Bor on sian. Thealog langsage Auut28Un, 2003 waighing 5 Uns 12 oz. Proad gan- usatul $8fnr. 418.314.862 parents are Oriai & Joanne Cunningham aid Tony & Maria Aquilina of Milton. 1 f ru -m n ? Single Honizons houri Over 250 Adventareo for 4000 Trimline treadmil in DINING ROOfe l3pce. Sîsgles. wam nle Ihoç gond conditon. Purchused 1 Cherry, 8 chairs, buffet, izons.om.t 90111-1711-7843 for $2000.00 a steal for 1hutch, server, devetaid cen- $1000.00. Has pro- 1 truction Onll in boxes. gmammed workouts & au Cost $Î11000. Sacrifice D n eLf tomatic incline options. Cal $300 905-567-9459 I teDak Robin (906) 875-9007 DINING roomn sote, rai---fre A igPîllowop Mattreoo tional dort cherry, 9 pro. Set. New in plastic. Coot $0 B 0-511 $1600 Sacrifice $450.20. LARGE mal unif, 6 diniog 905-587-9459 can debuver. ichairm, card table & chairs, BED Amazîng bargain, 878-4057 it/apgo queas orUnopedc pillowtop î se, nea in plstic, warrasty NEED a Computer? Donft $150. 905-567-4042 wil Have Cash? The original deliver. M Pentium 4 PC for $1 a BEDROOM set. 8pce cher- Osy No MIne Doasf Fast rymoori. Oed, chat, dreso- deliveryl Free digital cam- er, mirror, night stands. erat Cal NOWI 1-800-488 Dovetail construction. Nen- 18369 www.dollaraday.com er opened.. Coat $8000. sacriffce $20.9057 PIANO SALE Octobar 3-5. 4042.G Living Arts Centre, ai- DIIGhutch. Oest oller. UsPianos & DigiCf Sn reas w/rimei for Acura 1806-281-7172 for mbt. Istgr. Beaf offer 905- UNFURNISHED $500/monn. Oren baUn- ronm, shared kitchen, 16001% sqht home in Millon. Non- smoking fainais prelerred. 418-771-2704 ROON for rent in toan- bouse. Fall use of hosise, $tl0/aeet. Cal 90"-93- 0782 SHARE oew 3 bedroomn Milton toashouse. Lasndry, own baUnanom, femnale pre- ferred, Nov, lst. Victor 418 5616 L057- Apymox. Sept.23 Milton/Mississauga/àak- ville. Black Onyx & olver bracelet. Cali 905-78 450 RAINBOW VI LLAGE Day- cars bus spaces availabie for chîldren 2 1/2 yra to S y5195r&55.Vstu ai 1 a F-I%