0 -Teen sought in breakmi Police are looking lor a boy in bis early teens in connection with a break-in at a Main Street mantiai arts studio. At about noon September 25, a man arrived at the studio and saw a maie breaking into the studio's office. The suspect fled through the samne wmdow he entered. He was iast seen runing northbound on Ontario Street. Nothing was taken from, the stu- dio. Police are iooking for a white, baby-faced maie in his eariy teens who's about five-foot-four with a chubby build and a pale complex- ion. He was wearing a dark blue or black sweater with red patches on the sleeve, blue jeans and a multi- coioured beanie. He was carrying a black or pur- pie knapsack. Anyone with information is asked îo cail Det. Briani Smith as (905) 878-5511, ext. 2416. Valuable figurines stolen A rural residence on Appleby Line was broken ia lasi Friday between 7 a.m. and 1: 15 p.m. Unknown suspects forced open a door to gain access to the bouse and once inside, took 27 antique. fiimted-edition Royal Douiton fig- urines as weii as cash, liquor and jewelry. 1 in 10 women wiII develo B REASI CANCER The rusk increas- es with age. The Ontario Breast acreening Programn provides breasi examina- tbon and a mamn- rrogram ai no costto womnen who ara 50 years oftage or ocer. Make your appointmant todayi For the centre neareet you cali: Re-800h-dation Police Blotter The estîmated value of the stoien property is $40,000. Impaired charge laid Police laid an impaired drivmng charge Saturday as about il p.m. Police stopped a vehicie on Robert Street and asked the driver to take a breath test. Charged with biowing over 80 miiiigramis is a 32-year-oid Georgetown man. Rural home broken into A rural residence was broken into September 25 between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Unknown suspects entered the Guelph Line house ibrough the uniocked rear patio siiding door. They took assorted coins and a Sony stereo. 'Me estimaied value of the stoien property is $3,000. Electronics stolen in break-in A Fitzgerald Crescent home was broken intc0 Sepicinher 27. Sometime between i ain. and 2:30 p.m., unknown suspects entered thc garage and ihen kicked in the door inside the garage iead- ing ta the home. They stole a 36-loch Sony TV, a DVD player, liquor, a digital cable box. a portable stereo. sîlverwa,ue iighs fixtures and a mini grandifa- ther dlock. The esturnated value of the stoien property is $2,500. Two cars broken into Two thefts from vehicies occurred ovemight iast Friday on Morley Avenue. One theft happened between il p.m. and 8 arn. when unknown suspects took a iaptop computer, business documents and a leather bag from a vehicie parked in a driveway. 'Me value of the stoien propersy is estimnated at $2.300. lIn the second thefs, unimown suspects took a ceil phone wortb $300 from, a vehicie also parked in a driveway on Morley Avenue. Jewelry swiped Police are ùvvestigasing a rural Milton break-in that occurred Sepsember 25. Somnetime between 8:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.ni.. unknown suspects broke loto a No. 5 Sideroad home by smashing the glass panel rear door and reaching inside to uniock the door. Once inside. shey took a goid neckiace, a peari neekiace and loose change. The estirnated value of the stolen property is $1.000.. c~ e in Education t s 1psble, independent-thinking frterigours of university level study, ,U M s-Klmamock offert a challenging curriculum wee students and teachers work togesher I1in the quest for excellence. SJK is a leading independent school loceted in the heart of Canada's Technology Triangle with varsity and extracurricUlat'programs. Currently c aoe mfr September2 «W25 i$tqWspocu waiabe. vusi us on Octobar 0or Noven,*20 frout 90.m.to 12 noon ro Open House n'Pl St. John's-1*Ilmaraiock Schoc* Tel: (519) ft4S4Z$1' e ~www.skschool.org Sr. 5ohs,K ,,,,d Loeated off Hwy. 7, betwem Kheer andil4lph mn~~ S 5mStc Re The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Ocober 3, 2003--13 Crime ' Stppr o' til -Rare plants stolen from garden centre Haiton Regionai Police are investi- gating a ihefi froru Country Squire Gardens in Milton. Sometime ovemnighs September 19, thieves entered an unfenced property as 2601 Deniy Rd. and stole extremneiy rare perenniai plants from the gardens. A rodgers bush and swo paeonia bush- es were taken. The total loas is $620. If you have any information that leads to an arresr in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. Yau will neyer have to give your name or testîfy in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton doesn't subscribe ta cal! display. Call J-800-222-TIPS (1- 800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at www.halton- crimestoppers.com. We believe...e in helpmng. Angone. Anytvhere. CONGRATULATIONS HALTON TEACHERS! The Halton Catholic District Sohool Board and the Halton District School Board commend you on World Teachers' Day October 5, 20%20. Thank you for your contributions to our excellent education systemns. Your leadership, commitment and dedication to improving student Iearning are truly appreciated. As an educator in Halton, you make a significant difference to the lives of our students! "Teachers - Opening doors to a botter world" AI Bailey Ethel Gardiner Chair of the Board Chair oi the Board Lou Pioveaan -. Duaty Papke Diractor of Educaion Direcior of Educaios cO.A.C.-RA*rÙ SUJC ONTAJHo MORTGAGE AMION CENTR fl). 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