I. "The businessthdat considkrs itlef immune to the necessity for advertislng sooner or iater finds itself immune to business." DrbyBronm Pe ve là àaWt m ium ilm M mif. Thursday, October 16 1:30 P. M. - 8 P. M. Seniors Centre, 500 Childs Drive ,Saturday, October 18 9a.m. - 1 p.m. Milton District Secondary School 396 Williams Street For cIinic Information cai: 1 888 236 6283 188 OS200NR www.bloodservice.Ca FENCE CLINIC and set-up demnonstration Prof essional advice on electric tencing for starting and existing tencing. SATU D OCT BE 18h 11:0 am * :0 Woodfmeld Farm, 5269 Tremaine Rd. (on the east side, halfway between Lower Base LUne & Britannia Rd.) te Learn how to build a long lasting, cost effective POWER FENCE with the latest technology avoulable. " See fence layout ideas that will work for you. " Ask us how to apply Gciagher fencing 1solutions to your specific requirements. LUNCH è~he aian Champion, Fniday, October 3, 2003--i * 1h diii incrum wib o. Thi Oniario rinss Suening Prqram provides Vis.. ts brecrit examirratron ond 0 manmmoqrnm ut no cea? re i w hû ure ýJ yee ai üge oiwil à à k, ' Moite yoier appoininent Iodoy.1 1 -800-668-9304 'C Imader Ernie Eves ragomwn on the lesmi j ~~ udielt0 W t) m Ch9ilato lo JogNe Eves (belew) M oCdlelh*Apple 0as inaved fier qffiae ta: ndserdISmson. Il M PC tws rr iâpe to, wlawt provicia wms- 311 qMartnm Street, ýAHAMPAnVÉ(905) 878-5165 Sign-up Sheets at MILTON COUNTRY DEPOT 28 Bronte Street North, MILTON (905)878-2391 For further details call