8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 30, 2003 F K~NOum www.buoufowudmcom C ù 487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 r Goodail named Mi*lton's Senior of the Year Active Miltonian surprised by award a;g *t,. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion When several workers and volunteers from the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre invited fellow volunteer Ed Goodail to dinner last week, he knew something was Up. 1I Usouglit, 'It's tont early for Christmas"' M. Gnodall said. But when hie questioned "Use girls" from Use seniors' centre, Usey ail remnained tighs- lipped. They did, however, tell hlmi Usat Usey'd ail be going to Town Hall after din- ner. At Town Hal, M. Goodail was caught off guard during Use counicil meeting. 1I went over and Use mayor called me up," Mr. Goodail said. It was Usen Usat M. Goodali found nut what ail Use seerecy was about. He had been namned Milton's Senior of Use Year. The awards, established in 1994 by Use Ministry of Citizenship, are designed tn recognize a senior in eseh municipality 'who "after Use age of 65 has enriched Use social, cultural or civic life of Use commu- nity - wiUsnut Usought of personal or fmnancial gain," reads Use ministry's Web site. Standing befnre Mayor Krantz, Mr. Goodaîl said hie gave an imprnmptu speech. "I said I wasn't in favour nf indi- vidual achievement," said Use 79-year-old, adding Usas what he's accnmplished in Milton is Usanka to Use many volunteers he's worked wiUs. Mr. Goodali has lived in Miltnn wiUs his wife, Carnlyn, for more Usan 40 years. One of his greatest accomplishmnents is Use Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, which hie helped bring about. Since thse 1990s, Mr. Goodall bas been involved wiUs varinus seniors organiza- tions. After becomning a member of Use Royal Canadian Legion and serving on Use executive of branch 136, Mr. Goodall was appointed Use title of seniors liaison. He mediated, between Use Legion and what was Usen called the Seniors Recreation Centre, which met at Use Legion. "In 1993 Use centre asked me so serve on Useir advisnry board and a year later I was eleeted president, serving two tenus," he said. It was while hie was president that some seniors camne up with the idea of havmng their own building. "T'hey discovered that a long-ternu care facility was gomng to be demnolished," hie said. So Mr. Goodall and a group of mostly seniors lobbied three levels of government to save the building and then raised money so refurbish it. It eventuaily becamne what it is today. Located at 500 Childs Dr., the centre provides recreation and a social atmosphere for seniors in town. "There's a plaque in the hall with my namne on it," said Mr. Goodail. 'mi proud of what I accomplished, but I didn't do il alonei As a mnemrber of the newsletter commit- tee, Mr. Goodall said hie continues to vol- unteer with tse Milton Seniors' Activily Centre. That's not all hie does, though. M. Goodaîl is also part of the Milton Historical Society and was publication chair. Working on the newsletter for Use Milton1 Historical Society and Use Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, as well as doing anme writing for Use Legion, M. Goodall said he's been able to actively pursue writing, someUsing he's always enjoyed. As if hie wasn't already busy enough, in 1999, Mi. Goodall becamne a member of Use Elderly Services Advisory Committee (ESAC). "ESAC is an advisory board of seniors and Halton Region staff who advise regional counicil on issues and con- cemns affecting seniors such as healUscare, housing, transportation and elder abuse," hie explained. It's been a rewarding experience work- ing to raise Use quality of life of seniors in Use Milton ares, hie added. Although Mr. Goodall said he's hion- oured to, receive the award, he's nos lessing it go toi his head. "I know that a lot of sen- iors have done just as much as me." Janet Davidson, co-ordinator of the Town's community programns, said the award is an honour for Mr. Goodall, but also the seniors' centre. 11t recognizes the contributions seniors are making to Use centre and Use communi- ty as a whole." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Ed Goodai proudly displays the Senior of the Yoar award ho receiveci from the Province of Ontario lest week. Kee01n Nu* HItNI tmo Programming Schedule - Tuesday, Sept. 30 - Monday, October 6th, 2003 Tiedy SeP id ..ned . br1 Tus. Ocoe 2 *ia. .stbe 3 Sna. Ocoe ody e.6 vwUR .COgec.cO. 5. & fçm Pige h syWe dto 155,8 h PgJIn!dEy Wek Eti 5,& p Plugged In! EMly wemEditMon [55s6" PIugged In'Lst WekEdito 1O:30a o geoSors ge NORTH HALTON STUDIO 6:30P. Opt,,rnsTV Bigo (Iiw) 6 305. SwpTl L" 6:3Opn m5d Watch MM Roitin vi oreD 5:3Opm Mo.y Week Launer Plaza M Th Chdidate 9:Opm MiltnCounil Septmer22nd &O~ HkMgD5MMLm 53O5, WeekGditio OM Wà et 5OO0pn, Hiln it HCouncil 953Cpm HeftRegm Council 5 30m WthGo eseOGpr Sp.,ZONE Lrn, 500 Launer Avenue Septrne,22.d Septm5b. 17h p, 7:005rh OsierHeahCned Milton, ON L9T 4R3 &S pr The Issue iS.(Reply) 905-878-9306 Keep Northi li4aItol funied ON