--New subdivision 's controversial biÏke path put on hioid tor now By JASON MISNER The Champion Residents are tbrilled now tIsat construc- lion of a mucb-maligned $125,000 paved bike patb in thse Hawtborne Village Nortb subdivision tbat was supposed 10 start ibis week bas been put off indeftnitely. Paul Cripps, thse Town's engineering director, told town council last week tIsaI bis staff bas received "a lot of phone calîs, e-mails and letters" over tbe design of tbe bike pati. .Thse paved bike -path is proposecl to run between boulevards - open pieces of land in front of bomes - and would cross resi- dents' driveways. As a result of complamîts, Mr. Cripps said Town staff asked Mattamny nul 10 pro- ceed witb tbe path's construction until issues eau be resolved, and tbey agreed. Mattamny bas been "very co-operative," Ise noîed. Mattamny, wbicb still owns thse subdivi- lion smnce it hasn't been tumned over 10 tbe Town yet, is responsible for paymng for and constructmng tIse bike patb. A letter sent 10 tbe developer September 17 by tbe Town sîated: "Due t0 thse sensi- îivity tIsaI the bike patIs bas created, we require alI construction activity te, cease witbin tbe developruent until furtber - s« rteatud etor on pge Residents complamned earhier thisa montb, up in arms about tbe bike patb going iu because tbey say tbey were neyer infonned about il when they bougist their bomes. They say tIsaI wasn't fair. Robert Destauriers, a resident of Waldie Way where part of the bike patb was sup- posed 10 be constructed, addressed council on beIsalf of residenîs living on the four streets wbere the path is proposed t0 be laid. He spoke about bow tIse bike patb would dramatically lower property values and asked why Mattamny didn't build tIse patb from tbe outset. He said residents "don't waut te, be part of tIse problem, we waut t0 be part of tIse solution." ln au interview afler tbe meeting, bie said it was great news tIse patb is on hold. He said residents look forward to tIse meeting witb Town staff aud Mattamy 10 resolve the bike patb issue. "I feel we're on tIse road to developmng a safer aud equitable bike path system for Milton," Ise said. He stressed residenîs aren't against bike patbs, but felt tIse design of bisectmng boulevards aud crossing driveways was too, unsafe. He doesn't understand thse rea- soning bebaind tbe bike path design and would like Mattainy 10 explain il. The Town is culTently examang the legalities of possibly having thse bike path re-located or redesigned. Counicillors expressed some reservations about tIsat. Tbhe Town has said the path is part of au agreement signied with the developer before housing construction was allowed to stani a couple of years ago. "LIt was part of the subdivision agreement and il's enough 10 give me somne concem," said Mayor Gord Krantz. Jason Misner can be reached or jmis- ner@&miltoncanadianchampion.com. I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 30, 2003-7 Thé îisk inuum uwithOwt. 1h. Onlarie rist Screenieg Pregram prOVideS 1 > R M ýrqtq s A 1 msmqrio Mo" cost ta womon who are 50 years ai age or over. M~thî,nrnsr:locaI!~' Maki your appointmênt todoy.! 1 -8 00-66 8-9 304 (* elDr. A4glk~ 'kot~ Chwop actoi- I-(2as inaed fier ofiwe to. 3 311 'MartùtStreet, (905) 878-5165 Vïolunteers recognized