Groundskeepers & Event Staff Contact Ulrich @ 905-691-6734 or fax resume f0 905-456-3305 Futlf & Part time available GLASS FABRICATION Company in Oukeille souks energetic people f0 loin our fast-paced production & installation feamo. Fuiltlime positions anailable for " custom glass fabrication machine eperafer, fecirnician, glass crotter. " glaso & mirror insfaltero & assistants. Applicants must hune prerolous work expenience, nu- collent English & mathemnatical skillo' Production jobs require Autocad & basic computer okilîs. Coorpefitise waoes, uniformo & beneftfs. PIeuse fan resume f0 Production Manager, 805-829-1103 BRANOCO FOOTWEAR OUfLET BV THE NEXT STEP na neeking Oas, Enaninga & Waekends Preene appty in person ritir resamne te: Handyman (M/F) Jack-011-AII-Trades $20-$25/H-our Skilted in: Carpenfry, Plumbing, Elecîrical, Ceramtc, Painting, Watt- paper, Drywali, Piaster, Floor coveriro + others. Flexible irours. Recoîve Tsf choque by Friday aa Fooee loOOOOOO Outiet i fa on +10 yearseen I IMton M ui icalir.Adrth i~ i905578-4So i Buey trucki simpi roquires Licensut Truck Muhlanlce or 41h or 518 yv apprerif se immiedWMtsy- Good waes & hanatits. Excellent wsrhtng condiions. Fan renoms te 905-878-3520 or Cali for esquirian to 905-878-090 MECiiANIC REOUIRED IMMEDIATL For buay and grawing sets repeir sirop incesMu hans diagnonstc aspenance. clans A icnsensae but mey cossidar 4fr yser egprsotics or higirer. Farward resumea to PO Boa 16 Acton, Ontario L7J 2M2 or Pen te (519) 853-3M9 TRANSMISSION RE & RE PERSON WANTED Futlf time. Experience required. Monday f0 Fniday. 1 Milfon (905) 878-8156 EoEperienced in indastriel installations and control circuits. Expoeure to PLC systema woufd ba an exeat. Minimum 5 yeera f icensed sopenence. plan fa risaise ta: M.S. Eiectric Co. Ltd. 905-827-7430 NEW OPPORTUNMES FOR: *Certified Milg-Tig Watdera *Certified Mitwright . f ndustriel Efectriciene Tow MotorAOteretors Apply Un persan wlth resumne ta: 2754rJames Snow Parikway # 6 Milton <Hlghway 25 & James Snow) Exit #320 off 401 Btween 9am to Spm Mon ta Frîday or fax resume fa: 905.693.1895 or eail: ptlatafflng@wavOII.cofll APPRENTICE MECHANIC Raquireot for auto repeir siropsi Acton. Valid rivers hecenne reqomred. Forreerd rearomen to PO Boa 16 Acteni, Ontario L7J 21V2 or faento (51 9f 853-3094 SALON & DAY SPA 0Oakvil la Town Centre Wile are seeking high-energy and i talented team members. HAIRSTYUSTS For info. cal I Barb et 905-338-3333 or fao reaume: 905-338-9561 OFFICE MANAGER REQUIRED A progressive speciatty Contractor requirea a quel ifiad candidate for the above position. The company tocated in Terra Cotte, in buasiness 20 yearn+, seeka an able, outgoing individuel who han multiple strangthe, comifortable wilfi ail boolc-kaapng and ffnencial management reeponsibilitien. A lhorough working knowfedge of Simply Accounting Pro, Mirosoft Office Excel and Word, togethar *with a knowlvedge oaf computer hardware, software, including AutoCAD, and network systema would be an enset. The position woufd appeal to a seaaoned individuel with a wide background in management or a CMA graduata. Setary commensurate with experienca. Benefita availabte. Fax your Reaume to; Dave Rutherford 905-877-6818 After Sales Service Administrator The ouccfssofe casdidate must have eoperlssce sn IbiS ares. They must have atrog edminis- tretine aod pile Skif s and a kees soder- Standing o the ONHWP quidelises. This par- son witl recalas asd rantea service reqaesfs with new homeowsers, issue wsrk orders asd toIt ow ep for camptetion. Also respassibf e for ait service correspondance and record keepixg. f nterssted candidates please forward resame: BPAN11-1ý\EN HOMES .Fax: 905-689-7484 Email: kfunkeObrsnthav.omOl No phone catis please. On/y those selected for an interview wii be confacfed Furia Bilingual Customrer \R0375 service Rep. A national mfr. and diofnihator of Spitt Centrot prodects is loakiag f0 fil the position 0f Bilinguat (French/ English) Cestemer Service Representa- fine. This position reports directly to the Ceofom- er Service Superviser and aifi he accorotable for uit Icustomar service deties and responsihifitieo. Candidates for this position reqaîre excellent coma- munication and orgenizatienaf skilts, weith a profi- cieocy on MS Office as watt as eroperience with Ac- coentiog Software. A min, ut 3 yearo eroperience os a definite assef. Pt ase forward resumes to: Sales Administretor C.c-Rosa Envîronmmntaî Services 2270 South Service Rd. West Oskvitle, ON L6L 5M9 - Fax: 905-847-7175 Sandiron Automation Limited os lronking for relluhie, triendly oufgoing people f0 titi the tolloaing trol-time positions: Insîda Salas Reps: Must be sales orienfed, upheaf and able fa think quicirty. Computer enp. and gond phono rooice a must. $12/hr Office ClarkI Raseptîonist, must ho triendly, cheerful, retiahie, gorod phono anice, irhty motinateot and have eeperience wifh word and excel $111 OI/bn Te appfy cati Cati Michefe ut: 905-827-8230 hetwsen Mon-Fnl, 8:3Oam -5pm Career-Mlnded Accountants- Corne Joi The lndustry Leader! FIC BOOKEEPER ...........T $21ll STAFF ACCOURTANT .....TOsiUM ACIIOUNT.. CLRS T014 Specietized Finuociaf Staff ing Cat i l inquire ahorot our encollent henefîts progrum. Ph: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 . burlîngtonQsssuntemps.0fl Fast pucoot Grrowing Gakville Telecommunication Hardware Distribution Company 10 lonking foran on-i fhosiastic, wel ergarlioed self starter f0 be re- sponoible for a cnmpoferized occounfing syofem f0 trial balance including A/P A/R and real -fime invnrory. Business Visin enpetience preferred and i encel prof icinncy a must. Pleasn forward resume fa. Fax 905-827-4514 RECEPTIONISTIACCOUN11NG CLERK Eitas mufacturlflg requtren an eapeftenced recep- ionist. Same cierical/administretive respunaiilriiea are anan- ciared wih rtre positon. Applicanta must hane a positve attitude andi ie sabte te function in a fant paceot enniroament. Competinie saaam and benef ira. Please fax reaume te: (905) 878-9211 or amaI ino0erionmanufactariag cer ACCOUNTUNG CLERKI RECEPTIONIST requîred by a Software House locafed rn Soufhweot Mississauga, wirn s o hard-working, personable indi- vidual with sfnnng communication & time management skills. Asoîotîng tire Accourtant, you wiut be responsible for varinos accounfing dulies, & gererat reception duties. - E-mail resome, indicafing salany oupectationo to. RecepionistILogal Assistant For Milon Law Office, o coner matemrit teane. Tire appttcanf sooad be preticient in MSWord, Ou0100k and Word Perfect. Eoperience wirir PCLaw andt Conneyancer wnuld ha an enset. Satary range $22- o25,o00 baned on eoperienoe. Please fan response 10 Siraron et 905-639-0459 or emai . salha e r-ae m mhefnre Octobar 4 Office Assistant Rleqa red part-tiee R AL for Milton Traiter P A nhop. If yoa have SAIES aoparience in CIRIK Simpty account- 40 hra/al4 days, ing, Word, Excel & p-mnnaen have baaic book- Harris keepeng akîf f a Stationery Ltd please fax reaume 182 main St MIice ito Denni aet: 905-876-43771 Applin nperoon with 1 rename ta Mn. Srene Boomn 3313 Tues- Set Burlington EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON REQUIRED We rem rooking fora oroccessfrol prrofesoîronal that hao the dée o lbe Il! Tire opportunify eniots fror tire riglot peroron lx soit 20+ neiies a mronth in our facility. APRIY UN PENSION OR IY FAX TO: Bab ftans 21116 Plin d . Srllgtau (Corner rot Beant & Plains Rd.) Fax: 9015-633-8815 * Tei: 9015-633-8811 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUN An todependent expressive saff-drinan parson wih erm & 6 res forea busy heetir ctistc. Stona computer akiltu pratarred. FIT, FÎT caner laster & renomse to: Boa 1009 co Canadien Champion 191 Mers St. Miltes, Ontario L9T 4N9 Drnd5use: FRfdy, OrS aber 10, 2003 The Canadien Champion, Tueedey, September 30, 2003-25 50 market Orive Milton Are you an energetlo, enthiratic people pernon? Are yoo tookng for part-time dayn, enenings nr weekendn' Tiren we ment y00i Apply inpesn o Oebh e ae Harvey'n on Market Or New Hfiring Cooke & Servera Appty Witin 55 0nterio St. N. JOE DOG'S DNPT is Hirin1g DO RSAANT i q iSTURAN Flour Manager CONFERENCE Salary, 1HP, benef ifs, CENTER eroperience preferred. Lookina for ail Reoume and positions Caîl: , Pleene appîn in parnon 9054632-5110 1 Remede Hotat extl. 6'3 161 Ciiniom Or., Milton To arrangeu aninterview 1 Parkview Children's Contre East Brrtngfon. The ochool has ropenîrgo for: PAR TIME TEACHER FULL TIME PIIESCIIOOI. TEACHER Must ho a graduate rot a program in ECE. Eroperience with alternative cuorriculums an asset. Parkview roffers an encollent oalary, benetifo and work environment. Creafive, enthuotaofic individuals toreard resumes f0. The Director 5481 Lakeshors Rd, URdissie, OM Li. l El Fax: 9054634-9850 Gen bbeyI~ IChiiicrel IRequreol Examancdl IECEI Cajjr inervej or Fao: 905-849-7456 BLUE HERON WOODWORKS -FALL BLOWOUT- Furniture Lawn Sale Ramn or Shine Sat.,Oct. 4th. 9am-3pm 11998 Wlnston Churchill Bivd., Georgetown 1 1/2 Miles N. of May- fieid Rd./Rivor Dr., Georgetown New ready ta finish handcrafted furnifurie: Oueen Steigh bed, Dressers, wardrobes, armoire, TV armoire, TVNVCR stands, TVNVidea cabinet,coffee & end tables, hutch & buffet, bookcases, china cabinets, dea- con banches, sofa tables, plant stands, diy sinik, wash stands, harvest table, corner cabinets, desks, ourla cabinets, sterea cab- inets, quilt racks, btanket box, pantry, jam cuphoard, jly cabinets, magazine racks, magazine tables, and much much more. Dring a TRUCK mmd faie lit wtth youI Orders weIcome. GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 4, 8amn - 1 pmn 81 Robert Street * HUGE 16 FAMILY RAMADA INN I alton Hurricanes Garage Sale Fa ltime and part-Ume uhift worr enaarte Ior Miner ewe"u HOUSIEKEEPING Hockey Tu.n 1 Must eae to werk weekensd Satarday, Oct. 4, 8am- 1lpmî Appy in persor or tan Milton Mail Parking Lot mmu zoeia (905) 878-9701 Raindata: Saeday, Octohar 51h iAE Mkn [19 ie wfil YOME Advetlse your Sie aii ui for detaki MOVINO SALE Saturday, Octaber 4, 8amn - 12 noon 2070 Biacklock St. BrookvIle Rain or Baisai