24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdsy, September 30, 2003 îndustry acciaîrned Computerizod Maintenance Management System (CMMS), has an imme- diate requirem~nt fora Programmer Analyst e sur Dakaitie office Tus position wiiI ineotue esal- oatitg, desigeing, developing, implementîng atd sup porting sur web based software application. Oualttications: Degsee n a computer science teint eti discipline os an eqeisalett combination of educa tise and werk enpesience. minimum 2 tests esperi ence n software deoetopment le a windows operating systen ennirsement; strsng written aed sral communi cation okîlla, abilîty te handie multiple tssks and pri- oritize; ftigh lesel of initiative, esceltent problem solo ing, anatytical aed tîme-management s/tilts: team on ented with the ability to accept sesponsibilîty Megematien Sysema lac. offero a competitise salany, benefito aed profit sharing plae; persoeal aed pnotessionat grewtft oppotueities, dnwntown Cakoilte location, tant paced, team orientedenoiroemeet interesied applicants sianuid tnrward Choir re- seme ta: ipotter@ megamationsystems.cnm FINANCIAL PLANNERS Due f0 ean rapid expansion at Laureetian Finsecial Sersices, ear Barlingten office s carsently too/ting ton eaperieeced Fleancial Plannens enfer indisiduals fo tsaie as Financial Piannens. As pad et Canadas ffth iatgest financiat institatien, we effet a generoan com- pensation package. lnteresfed candidates are ieoited te submit theit resame rpsoting ffet#tt3 200 en us betote Octebet 6, 20tt3: Lairentian Fmemeclal Sarvioma 3027 Hameatet Rd, #210,BurliegtaeON LiN 3G7 Fus 905-3334831 mmmli: lteyimr@its.ca We than/t att app/icanto, heweven on/y t/rose une/en cons e/e afon wtt Ire confacfed PWMERICA~ Become a part et a grow ng t nsnc ai ser v ces cora any Stan reqsired for * * * Thoroughbred Broodmare tarm. Contact Brun Perry N/ghts, Days, ut 905 361 1390 Fuit-t/me or ext 103 Part-t/me. Fax resumes /0 Dave @ 905-878-0713 Our ct/enfin West Os/tv/t/e, bas tmmediate Long-terni to Permanent Positions tor tigtnt tabourets in a ctean, state ot the art tacîtity. Rotating Coninentat Stnitts $9/hr. p/us 4% vac. Psy Steel ton boots & re//abte transportation are a muat. Pieuse cuit ta book an immediato appoiniment 905-639-7117 or tus resume ta 905-539-8506 WAL-MART PORTRAIT STUDIO F/T & P/T positions. No espenience necessary. Psitt train/cg prograffi. Compatit/ne tara/sgt with Sott.25-Oct.1,2003 weekty bonus opportssity. Comprehensive henetit package tac/odes psitt vacation for tut/-t/ma. Muet ha asttrusiasttc, enîoy working w/Un chi/dren and ha abte ta work est/y enta/sgt and Satsrdays. Appiyie pomme, Wei-Mert Peatrait Studio: or cati: 905-257-5700 or 905-524-0092 Mon. - Sun., lOam - 7pm EOE/M/FN/H CLEANERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Eam $600. /$1500 PerWeek HBC Home Cteaning@ the Bat. Carpet, Upholstery, Air Duot cteav/ng semice s aeeleing esper/esced oah-csntractoro. We tto ai t t h e adverho/ag, assant att t/te phases & suppty att the customeraYos ast do Une wottet Muet have te//ah/e van t/rude or p/de-a p w//h Cap. Caîl Jett 905-677-5956 Now acoept/ng appi/cations for evenings & weekends. Appt In person 420 ~eÇatrt St. E (Beside Harveys) Mature appi/cants encouraged Canadas fashion leader is looking for enthusiastiC, style-savvy individuals to aCt as Seasonal Consultants this holiday season. If you thrive on providing optimal Customer service, we want 1cr meet wtth you Holiday Recruitment Fair Friday, October 3~ - 10 Lm. - 8 p.m. Saturday, October 4ei - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Bay Burîington - Burîington MaIl The Bay Mapîeview - Mapleview Centre The Bay OakviIIe - OakviIIe Place As part of our team, you Can enjoy: - compe/itive pay top-notch training an attractive shopping disCount Unable to show us your style n person? Obtain an application from the human resources depar/ment at a store near you. For more information WAREHOUSE PERSON Euh rime Days - Duties Pick orders, shippieg, receisino Orisers ticeese, computer s/tub, gond physical csndition roquired ffesc/tliff and/or woodwor/tîeg Espenience an asset. Ma/i resuma ta: F0. Box 6418 c/o ibm Oakviiie Beaver 467 S p mers Rd., Oakviiie, ON. L6K 3S4 Fax resume ta: 905-336-2857 E-maii: antariosoaner@hOtmait.cnOS e URGENT 'Start immediateiy * L/ght tabour I Warehouse workers * Required to work shirts * Mustbeab/eto/ittupto25/bs. Appiy in persan with reaume ta: 2754 James Snow Parkway 16 Miiton <Highway 25 & Jemea Snow> Exit 320 att 401 or F~x Resume to: 905.693.1895 Between 9em to Spm Mon ta Fridey An Excltlng Career In Fitness. Canadas /eading woaene titnese chais now h/ring. t you have a s/rang interest n titsess, a des/re ta succeed asd as enthusiast/c per- sosa/ity, Ch/s may ho tht carter for yout We off/ar tht h/ghest compensation package n tht induttry asd provide a positive, cha/tesgisg tavirosmeat w/th costinsous traisisg. Pas/t/oas ava/tabte s the tottoaing arase: Saperaisors * Generai Managers * Progrum Direcors * Suies Consuitants * Finor instructors Lerobica instructors * Fitness Directors e. Formard ressaut te: Fax: 905-761-8542 E-mati: careers@fitnessose/orwomen.Com Fast graaisg w/tu/teste distnibstion campant sttering tati-t/me pst/t/oas le tht tottaaing. Maaday to Fr/day, day eh//t en/ff: Sbipper/ Receiver. Tht /dea/ candidate muet have a h/Oh echoot education as watt as previose aurehouse to- I par/tact. Doues Ca inciade: Shippisg, Receiv/sg, aven- Cary, some heavy //ttiag isvotvtd. Cusomer service ski//t an asset. Muet commun/ca/e at/t w/th others and worh at/t under pressure. Fax: 905-823-3697 or E-mait: cantect@mester-distrtbUhinfl.cOC We t/tank ail/houe w/to apply, /towever on/y those se/ected for an /ntert'/ew té/I ha cont.acted. * * I - Il Ontario's Leading Sporting Goods Retailer Requires Fuli-Time Sales Associa/es And A Shipper Receiver For Our Oakviîle Location. Please Drap Oit Resume At 210 North Servie Rd. W. or Fax ta (905) 338-6631 At/n: Store Manager EXPEDITE DIVISION BROKERS NEEDED DOCK LEVEL STRAIGI-IT TRUCKS TO RUN CROSS BORDER AND CANADA * Home moat aeekends * Sîgn on bonus * tucentîve Ptuns - Benetit Package * Direct deposît * Fteet nacrasse Avartabte For addtttonut intormution cuit Putrîctu Barbe 1- 800-366-0375 ext 243 or Emuit Co putrtcmu.burtee@dysummx.com e--. Ste/t/cg Eeg/lob speakers/o/tac/t Eeg//eh tu chitdree and adulte. We train n letersatluitat TESOL le Missiesauga and Cancan, Meaico. Free toto Seestons Wed. Oct. lut 7p.m. n Mtssissauga: Academy OC Engi/Sit 90 Dundes Si. W. Susta 1611 in Burita ton: Cha ters Bookutare SANDERS SALTERS SNOWPLOW DRIVERS Experienoed preterred- Current abstract and DZ bosse requîred. Star/ng Nov lot. Fax/o: 905-857-9355 At/n:Terry Phono 905-857-3500 r ~CHOUL BU~ ~RmV~RS WANTUD NOW TRAINING NEW DRIVERS * No Erreninga * No Weekends * Morning ond Afternoon runs * Free for other octivities & hobbien, golfing, shopping, or juat do lunch. * Bring your own children * No Boby-si/ting cout L Free Troining *Competitive woges * On site troining * Extro Work ovoiloble "SAFETY IN MOTION" T~RTATION!NC> For more information cou 905-333-4047 for Burlin~ton ond Qakville only. SET YGUI MOTOR BUNNINS HCR bas Cite unsîde Crack on greet opportunîties with e mator AUTOMOTîVE parts menutacturer 10 Mîtton Avaîlabte pesîtlans inctade Machine Operatars mnd Production Techniciens. s $tî-t2/heue * Att shihe are assitahie s s ) iêî-It i. t. I--Si Pieuse bneg ysur SIN, phsto 10, two refeneecen and nésomé If yos are intenestvd but anabte te at5end, or moolé. tike to necaîse more întsnmatîoe, ptease csetact HOR tedsff. 1-888-411-1660 * Fax: 1416) 622-7258 * wwwhcrpsi.com SHIFTCNG AUTOMOTIVE JOBS iNTO HiON GEAR - i. Real Estate Graphic Designer Maternity bave T/se Oakvi/Ce Beaver is carreon/y took/ng for a graphie des/lnaerlmarkeeisg assastans 10 work /0 our Reat Essuie Deparement. You w/Ct he worCc/ne as a member of a teaca to presutuce our week/y Reat Essaie section. Dus/es inctude ad des/eu as we// as cuseomer T/se candidate mass have strong des/go ,iud desktop pubtishine exper/ence. T/se succens- fut candidate muse be abte to bu/suce ma/si- p/e projecis sud shoatd work me/t isdepend- en//y sud in coajunction w/eh tesca members. As we// as au exeepe/osut typing abi/iiy. he/she w//C have sîruog computer ski//s usiog graphies software sueh as QuarkXpress sud Photoshop. The saceessfut candidate mant possess excellent coînmao/eatiou skstts. This ts a one year eontract pas/t/os /uterested applîcauts please forwsrd resume to.mdi//s@ha/tonseaech.com Rai/et Commua/Cv SapeurS Wortaer A nen-pen/it agency which prusîdes programu fan mn- oumen s/muets/haut/s semices seeks un indiolduat ta praside commuaity cane munssement and sappertise housisa seruices te peuple loins le Nnith Hsaen. iA.pptosimutetff 4-Ohrstweeki. Degree n uppraptiste discipline et wtt/tino/naseau s degrea s required; case masugemeet trsising/espeoeflce preterted, ustid dri- sera ticense esuentisi. Piesue Fus us e-malt neaume by: Octoher 7,2003 Te: Coordina/er, Oummît Hoase Fao: 555-u53-5343 Emuti: aumm/t~tBra-ut5.Oa Imsp.ctees/ SI? tVa alfas? * Year reuvd pool/inn * Futt tnaînîng *Osah7 leado Ivavide: * A cat * Gnsd cemaseicatian n/tilla Ucmeumu tar Surs Hemmeetrai Lita: Maman itmaeercms Fus: 905-851-8300 or cati: 9064814101 t0tLicensed Cor use ta Cenuda by Sears Canada mc. IWANTIDI Exp ouple o monruse e O0 o nirsuseunts 'Peex smm tir bonus *Punrbngundees n exp Fax 905 842-6468 e mati JOBS AVAILABLE Iproductsawnrkl Its/heMiLToNsreal I$11-$12/hrl ~jjavatta/ttJ Fax resume Ct HCR 416-622-7250 or Tet 1-008-411-1650