22-The Canadian Chamion. Tuesdav. Seotember 30. 2003 MItON Central Station 405 Steeles Ave., Milton, ON L9T 3G6 (905) 878-9251 Date: Saturday, October 4, 2003 Time: 10:00 arn to 2:00 pm Corne visis the Milton fire fighters at Central Fire Station on Steeles Ave. (between Ontario St. and Martin St.) The fun filled day will provide the whole family with lots to see and do. You can watch your local fire fight- ers in simulated situations, visit with Sparkv tihe Safety Dog. tour the fire trucks, and learn about fire safety. FIRE FIGHTER DEMONSTRATIÔNS RBQ! -Water Rescue - Auto Extrication - Children's Combat ChCh llenge Anl j Rescue *Thermal Imaging Camera 111 IceHawks 'inconsistent play continues with weekend split By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Predicting tse IceHawks' Western Conference finish bas heen especially tricky tItis season. And thfis past weekend's resisîts didn't make that task any easier. At home against dead-last Bramnpton Friday, Milton looked ready for a hasty plummes ta the division base- ment - wiUs a complete non-effort and subsequent 4- 3 lots to the sheli-of-their-former- selves Capitals. nsgth e brerk moe losely Acrt the brer Us me olowmg C resembled Use upper-echelon con- tender they've always been. Facing a Buffalo Lightnmng team that's usually tough so dommnate on home ice, Use rebuildmng juniors pow- tredte-g a log skid.ot nds ereeir ay on a72 ot ni sape. The weekend split kept Milton dead-even at 4-4- a record Usat no doubt has many diehard fans a little panicky Usese days. But it's Use team's lack of physi- cality and consistency Usat's been moat troublissg to head coach/general manager George Dupont. "These guys have got to leam what it takes to comn- pete7 as junior hockey," he said at practice Sunday. "Friday was detinitely s wake-up cail." Added assistant GM Kevmn Lachance, "I Usink it's Use growmng pains of a young teamn. We're stili trying to get everybody on Use samne page." While Use IceHawks will certainly benefit froni a I I fuil-strength lineup - and perhaps Use addition of a couple of seasoned leaders down Use stretch - Dupons stressed Usat Usere's six or seven division opponents Usat Milton "should neyer lose to." And at Use risk of tatmng Use obvious, Brampton is one of Usem. However, a complete lack of mntensity and powerplay punchless prevented what should have nos only heen a victory, but a cakewalk. The IceHawks; squandered six straight powerplayt ad were held scorelets over Use last 33 minutes. Goais came from Jeif Caister, Shane Mohr and Brad Snetsinger. In Buffalo Saturday, Milton took its lumps againt a team that hy ail accounts should have heen more heavily penalized. Nevertheless, a five-goai victory that capped Use night returned Use local juniors to mid-pack status - and more importantly, restore as least tome of Useir confidence. Jamie Flury heat bis former teamn for Use second straight tirne, while teven different playera lit Use lamp. Native Miltonian Mike Novak and fellow fresh- mari Mike DeMarchi had Usree assista apiece. The IceHawks expecs to have rookie defeiscemen Casey Gilholm and Jason Fortino hack fromn injury tonighs when Usey travel to Streetsville to face Use Derbys. Game tinte is 8 p.m. Steve LeBlanc can be reached at sleblanc@halton- search.com. -Fa vur téam reports andi sports story idéas to $teve L,è0lanc t(95 878-494, or eaniaii them to miltoneeJ@hetonsearoh. com. Reach a potential audience of 243532 mnonthly for as Iuiw as $M9 annually.. That's one full year! Tile and Banner ads available now. Contact your Canadian Champion rep to book today! 905-878-2341 e Cukvileave Reanuulntm Psta BurQfVingtoAPos HALTOBusiessÏmes FLAMBOROUGH Review Ha1tSlc(omfleîn, VOUR INTERAC'TIVE COMMUNITY *Average page views for the months of Aptil. May and June. 2003