The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, September 30, 2003-15 Former fair queens reminisce at l5Oth event By Sf~PHANîi IHi~~~N The Champion W hile a night ofpound- ing raiB prevented some Miltonians from visiîing the Milton Fali Fair Saturday rnorning, it was gomg to take more than that to keep diehard fans away. Yes, Saturday moming was quieter Usan usual. And by noon, it was clear that a number of activities would have to be can- celled or re-worked. Rut the rather loud sound of ram boots schlepping about in soggy fielda and Use undetesTed laughter of kids proved, once again, Usas Miltonians are troopera. "Considering Use weather, we did very well," said fair president Charlie Tilt, despite Use cancellation of Use tractor pull and horse biteh. "I'd like to Usank Milton for acknowledging the fair's 150 years." There were a number of displays set up and activities to help celebrate Use fair's birth- day. The opening ceremonies included about two dozen past fair ambastadors. Perhaps Use moat notable was Janet Guimond, who was crowned Use Halton 4-H Queen in 1969. Ms Guimond arrived from New Brunswick Friday to reminisce with fellow pass ambassadors and pay tribute to Usose good old days. "I remember Use fair being a happy day," Ms Guimond said. "I fels proud to represent Use 4-H." Joyce Gowan, Use 4-H Queen in 1972, travelled from Hamilton for Use day. "I have wonderful memories of Use fair," Ms Gowan said. "The fair was a good part of growing up." Local dignitaries alan recognized Use importance of Use fair's bisthday. "Even Usough agriculture bas evolved and Use county's changing, Use (fair) tradi- tion continues on," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. "It's part of our heritage, and we want it kept as strong as possible." Outaide, in Use ever-popular food area, vendor Beverly Bordeau was mentally preparing herseif for Use Usrongs of kids and aduits who would soon be lining up for fried Mars bars. "They book like pogos," Use explained. "It's a frozen Mars bar on a stick, and Usen it's dipped in funnel cake hatter and deep fried. They're really popular now." Vendors sold everytbing froro temporary tattoos to mylar ballonna to clothing. Fortunately, moat of Use vendors sold Useir wares beneath sturdy tent-like structures. Cambsidge resident Mike Dooley, who ran Use Watkina produet tent, said he sets up bis booth in Use saine manner rairs or St) Ht K Cl )tH-211 IIH.H .ll~ weather. "These tents are designed to take the weather," he said. But there were a few unlucky vendors who found the ram a force too strong to be reckoned with. "Not everybody has this caliber of awnmg. TWo were completely destroyed last night," Mr. Dooley said, pointing to a tarp once resembling a roof that was still aagging from the pool of water it had gath- ered. The midway waa just gathering steam at about noon Saturday. Rick Alward, a carni- val worker, said even if it were to starS min- ing again, most of the rides would côntm- ue runnsng. "They go until there's no peo- pie left," he said. Eden Milis iesident Ed Langevm took bis 'Littie Brother' from the Big Brothers organization so the fair for the day and was spending some rime m the poultiy build- ing. "This is the firat fair I've been to iii Milton. So far it's great," Mr. Langevin said. Altbough the pair was disappointed the tractor pull was cancelled, Mr. Langevin waa simply enjoymg spending time with bis 12-year-old 'Littie Brother'. "We juat got matched up in the spring. This is one of Use great thinga we're domg," be said. For many kids, one of the best parts of Use fair is seeing their crafis and projeets on display in the kids' building - many bear- ing first, second or third-place ribbont. Samuel Ganton, 12, walked quicldy to the kids' building. excited 50 sec if bis cas- tle model had won. "Where's my castle? Muat fmd castle," said Samuel as he searehed frantically. He smiled when he saw that a blue sec- ond-place ribbon sat neatly beside the well-constructed silver castle, made froro plywood, juice cana and toilet paper mils. Samuel's father, Richard, said bis son wants tube an arehiteet when he grows up. Derek Joncs, a grade 2 teacher at Brookville Public Sebool, said he helped the cbildren in his cîsas prepare their entries for the faas~ "They love it," Mr. Jones said of the annual competition. "They like it whess they win a prize and get to corne and see something that's theirs." Aa be cbecked the resulta of bis class's section of coloured pictures, Mr. Jones said: "I'm juat excited for Use kids. A lot of Usero have tried really bard and it's exciting when they're rewarded." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at The chfldrons pet show St Uu f511 fair Ssturday momlng featured a wlde varlety of pets, such as 1h18 pet newt, shown by Breanna Harlnga In the moat unusual pet catsgOry.