14-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 30, 2003 ,,Proposed zoning bylaw has sotte residenits up iii armts *e Full service, inchviduatized weight * management counseling. * *Clients loseup tol7lbs parweel(- safely, easily, and naturally! * Extensive tine of hlghest quality, * stanclardized herbs, vitamins and mineralsi ------------------- j------------- * M4 2 QUITT~2products / ~00Q Magie 1uaa Taopa quaiit> hrbai blonds. CaukbOUF" i bwav. u lth with 1-------------- - -- -- -- - -- --------- ~~ ~165+ Centre atmes Cmaa 15 MARTIN ST. _________________ (Carlage Square, MILTON CAIL FUl - INPOSMA11O * 905-693-9594 - Bàeed en full Droaram. exeludes product. Coupon expires Oct 3 pp~ eWEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1 2003 CHtECK OUT DUR FACITIES MN RECIEVE A... EEE45 MINUT ~h1M L TONINS SESSION By JASON MISNER The Champion Before buymng their Milton home on Hwy. 25 north of Hwy. 401, Kelly Dennis says she and her bus- band asked the Town if they were allowed 10 build a snowmobile dealership/repair facility on the site if they so chose. Understanding they could, the couple happily bought the half-acre land in January two years ago. But this past July, a discouraged Ms Dennis said she wtt informed by the Town their property is in line for a zoning change, meaning they wouldn't be permnitsed to put up those buildings. She said thatïs nos fair and is urging the Town to reconsider. "We would nos have bought that property - neyer, neyer, neyer - knowing this would happen," Ms Dennis said in an interview follow- ing a public meeting held during the September 15 adminiistration and planning committee meeting. "It was the only reason we bought the property." Ms Dennis was one of a handful of individuals who aired their con- cemrs and frustrations as the meet- ing over a proposed comprehen-- sive zonmng bylaw. It's one of the Mot important piecet of legisît- tion dhe Town bas deals with in years. The zoning bylaw will go before town council for an officiai vote next month. Zoning bylaws are an integral part of how a municipality sets out its growth by determining land uses and the types of buildings that can be construc ted on a site. The aim is to, bring Milton's cur- rent zoning bylaws, which were last revised as a complete piece of legisîstion in 1986, in line with its Official Plan (OP), the major docu- ment that sets out a long-termi vision for a municipality's future- The 0P wtt last reviewed in 1997 and will be reviewed again next year. The Town held three open hous- et in April Usatstaw more than 160 people attend. Staff alto received more than 70 written submnissions from residents wanting their zon- ing concemai addressed as quickly as possible. "We made a conscious effort to retolve every possible itsue we could," Nick McDonald, a consult- ant hired by Use Town to help crafs Use zoning bylaw, told counicillors. 'Me intent is to, create a "well- Usought and defensible" bylaw Usas can wiUsstand legal challenges, he said. The Town bas responded to every question but will attempt to resolve sorme outstandmng issues before politicians vote on it next month. One of the more contentlous aspects of the bylaw is greenlands designation. The Town wants "to proteet as much as we have lefs of the natural heritage system," Mr. McDonald said. Howard Motn, a lawyer repre- sentmng the Ontario Renaissance Festival among other groups, expressed concern to, the commit- tee about a possible greenlands designation that could impact the festival. The festival is located north of Britannia Road, south of Denry Road.' In an interview Mr. Mott said festival participants mnight want to ereet different features and attrac- tions to, enhance the activities and there is worry the designation could prevent those kinda of addi- tions. Town staff have been working for two years to crafs a complete and unified zoning bylaw. The rea- son for the delay has been mostly due to the Town's rapid growth in recent years. Currently zoning bylaws are revised on a case-by- case basis Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@milioncanadianchampi- on.com.