Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Sep 2003, p. 12

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I. 12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 30, 2003 Sctober 3,4ru Fviay à"- Sat. MS- SU.. 1M. Largest Sîelection ln the area. NEW & USEDê Pinsitals For information cal 1-8004i81-7172 Financung Available O.A.C. îCouncillors accuse each other of using A 47'* se Il ul eÀt~y J Ak.  h By JASON MISNER The Champion Some Milton politicians have accused each other of using aIse issue of deploying defibrillators in Town buildings as a political football in Use mun-up to Use November 10 municipal election. Last week representativea fromt Halton Region'a heaith depart- ment made a presentation to, town counicil about setting up deflb- rillators - life-aving medicai equipmnent Usat provides a shock to, kick-start Use heart - in various Town facilities. The Region would act as the coordinator to get the programi started and Use Town would psy for acquining Use defibrillators and to train people on how to, use Usemn.- Blake Horst, Halton's CPR programn coordinator, told counicil Chat ideally Milton couîd have 25 or 26 defibrillators in places like arenas and Use leisure centre to help increase survival rates fol- lowing Use onset of cardiac arreat. 'he cost for the machines is estimated at around $1 80,000, which includes training time. None of the counicillors were against the notion of deploying defibrillators, but were strugglmng with determining when and how funding should be made available for themn. Wards 2 and 4 Regional Councillor Rick Mslboeuf, who's run- ning for mayor, put on the table a motion to bave the Town start part of the programi this year. Lt was suggested siot reserves could cover the costs. He said he was shocked after Mr. Hurst pointed out that 35 people in Ontario go into cardiac arreat a day and that the use of defibrillators in the early stages of cardiac arrest increas- es the chances to survive. Mr. Malboeuf said afterwards that he felt there was an irmmedi- ate need to get defibrillators out into the community. Waiting, he said "would be puttmng our residents unnecessarily at risk." Counicil voted againat Mr. Malboeuf's motion to, get defibrilla- tors into Milton facilities night away, citing the need for more information about on-going trainissg, the maintenance of the machines and if the Region will provide future funding. But afiler the meeting, Mr. Malboeuf said he thinka those who voted againat bis motion did so because they support Mayor Gord Krantz's pursuit of re-election. "TIbe senior miembers of council commnonly refenred to as tise old boys club voted as a block to delay this projeet" he said. "Those who voted against it are thse ones voting for the mayor." However, Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor stressed to, council- lors that everyone is on aide with defibrillators, but suggested Mr. Malboeuf's urgency to, get them into the community is more about politics. "Politicizing anybody's heaith, I don't like at ail," he said of Mr. Malboeuf's motion. A report wiIl comne to, town counicil October 20 outlining how thse defibrillator programt could be imrplemnented next year based on thse 2004 budget. Mr. Hurst told counicillors that between January of 2001 a nd March of 2003 in Milton parainedica received 37 VSA calla - vitai signa absent - and not one person survived. Ambulance service is a regional responsibility. "If's not unrealistic to think that we could go from a zero for 37 to a 20 per cent survivai rate," he aaid with a defibrillator programn. Mr. Horst aaid later the other regionai municipalities will be con- tacted about the defibrillator programn. Fire Chief Harold Penson aaid in an interview he would love tse progrannito atart as soon as poasible, but that if's council's decision when to, ttart it and bow to, fund it. What stil needs to be deter- mined, he said, is if there will be funding from Use Region for the programi should Use Town take it on. Alto, he said Use Town would need to hure a new staff person to co-ordinate Use defibrillator program because of Use workload it would require, like training Use appropriate people on how to use it and doing consistent equipment safety checks. Jason Misner can be reached or jmisner@miltoncunadian- champion.com. Container Enthusiasm New that tht hida are welli nIa acheel andl me are detintely lIst taiil Ra isrUe ta make tare sammer psanters get tresheset ap. Traaatarmiag these piatters inta Iheir tull tai aplendoar la tht tepic taforChia weelf TERRA Trendt. plantera wtth eact aew saser s wttat maket coatainer gardenial se mach tan. 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