The Canadian Chambion. Tuesday, September 30, 2003-i à4 à 1996 Iublw V6, pw, pi, pm, cruise, tilt, air, cassette, Stk X102-1. Certifieui ready to I 200 Grand Caravan IV6, pw, pi, pm, cruise, tilt, air, casa. Stk 2706 , Good People. MU Bad CWIdL LMt Hunt Chiyls HuIp Rusbbbsi Your Cir!M * Bwmpy * PouC,.i *WE CAN EP You Could Be Dflving ...A New Vehicle TODAV! PW, PL, PM, tilt, cruise, air, CD.j V6, pw, pi, pm, cruise, tilt, air cond. Stk# P2647 and P2711l do ST.S. De", Rd I n i J 4 i charges and taxes not included with any other. Sire deaier for complete detaits. Cash febates, low rate financing & cash lease rates are muturally exclusive and may not be combined. If rebats iS taken in lieu of 0% purchase tinancing effective rate oT inieresi r im% veflicies rney riut . --y