8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 26, 2003 c e 1h ducaionChudleigh's absence draws £1 risible, independent-thinking disappoîtitm ent ait nietinig 'ts forthe rigours of university level study, SJohn's-Kiimarnock offers a chailenging curriculum By KIM ARNOTT school carnier in the day Monday. Family Coalition candidate <where students and teachers work together Special f0 The Champion Organizers weren't the only ones Giuseppe Gori told the audience inin the quest for excellence. Four out of five might not be bad disappointed that Mr. Cbudieigb that bis party wouid spend lens SJK is a leading independent schooi located in the heart of Canada's Technology Triangle wvith varsity and extracurrîcular programrrs. Currenly acceptina cab for September 2004 ad2005 - imIfedspaces liwaiIable. Viait us on Octob« 9 orNoven*er2O from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Mr on Open Hous. St. John's-1<ilmarnock School Tel: (519) 648-2183 www.sjkschool.org Lnc-ated t4f Hwy. 7, between Kitchener and Guselph on Shant: Station Rciad. eLe Ilf you are qualified to vote and your name is on the Voters List, you may vote before election day at any advance poil in your electoral district. Ballots cast ait advance poils will be counted at the close of the regular poils on election day. If you have flot received your Notice of Registration card and you wouid like to vote ait an advance poil, you can apply for a Certifîcate to Vote ait your Returning Office or ait the adivance pol location itseif when you go there to, vote. AVVAC POL VOIN s IL BEH . ln your Returning Office frm Satur ay, SEPTEMBER 20 through Friday, SEPTEMBER 26 (Sunday exdluded) between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m At Aiea Advance Polis Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 24 Thursday, SEPTEMBER 25 Friday, SEPTEMBER 26 betsveen 10 arn. and 8 p.rn. lu MALON u etntn Office 36 I"ebItE, tUb %W4116J31 or l»86.271.6881 " ItoS C-edIut*, 15 Wr*t% AMo " sietwd Il> (WcMý1 Godphkieoeptswt " Si AsifrewS Uak& 89 Momastew Rd S, Goirsswn " S Pad5 Nmdme Ch"re, M0 Herni FmISD li suiip " a jmof ArcW&lsWe.oi 2VeTtOiot *y osURW Ct2rs 21ttWdoaâ LeUeBmï So Smu suibcý 2850 DeM Rd W M&on *Cnotn C"ho MisS, 2110 Trd*UrRM, toistf mmR - N1WO11ONU1 CALE Us AT 1AMONUT (1-8«-mSU TMN 1.088.UL232 <fo doofmad ot bastmog a-UARLUSAT VIT OU. WU SAT SPublished on behaif of electorai district Returning l iOfficers by John L. Hollins Chief EI«tion Officer If you require a sign language interpreter, Ontario Interpreter Services (OIS) makesr them avaliabie to voters across Ontario on a first-come, first-served basis. Cail OSI~ at the Canadian Hearing Society office nearest you to determine their avaiaiitL or contact Elections Ontario for additionai information. If you have friends or relatve who have iff«icty reading, please male them awvare of the information in titis notice. for dental surveys, but surely isn't great for ai-candidates meetings. The organizers behind what tumed out to be a 'some-candi- dates' meeting at Martin Street Schooi Monday night were disap- pointed that PC MPP and Haiton candidate Ted Chudleigb didn't attend. "It isn't that he couidn't corne, but that he wouldn't corne," said Colin Best, who helped organize the meeting that focused on educa- tion issues. Mr. Best said! he was toid by Mr. Chudleigh's office that the candi- date would attend oniy two meet- ings in each community in the rid- ing. In Milton, he was to attend the meetings organized by the Chamber of Commerce and the Jayces. But Terry Jackson, a campaign spokesperson for Mr. Chudleigh, denied that and said the Tory can- didate was busy with a fundraismng event Monday night. "We did regret that we were flot able to he there," she said. "We've donc ail the events he's been able to, accommoldaite with his busy schedule." In addition to, the Martin Street Sehool meeting, Mr. Cbudleigh also failed toi appear for an ail-can- didates meeting ait an Oakville bigh was a no-show. Severai of the about 50 people who showed UP for the debate said tbey had speciftcaliy wished to question Mr. Chudleigh about Tory educational policies. lIm personaily insulted that (Chudleigh) is not here," said one man. The evenmng, organized by the scbool's parent counicil, aiiowed candidates an opportunity to out- uine their party platforms in the area of education. Liberal candi- date Barbara Sullivan told the audi- ence that ber party would spend an additional $1 .6 billion on educa- tion. cut class sizes for young chul- dren, raise the drop-out age to 18 years and improve relations with Ontario teachers. "You can't take $2 billion out of the education budget and expect that we wili have a system that wiil work and produce the highly edu- cated yotmg people that we need in our society," said Ms Sullivan, cnit- icising Tory policy. Jay Jackson, the NDP candidate for Haiton, said bis party would spend an atiditionai $2.1i billion on education, mnitroduce full-day jun- ior and senior kindergarten, reduce waiting lista for speciai education and cut post-secondary tuition fées by 10 per cent. money on both education and bealth care, but improve the quali- ty of service. Mr. Gori said the Famiiy Coalition Party endorses a vouch- er-style education system, which wouid aliow parents to sbop around for any scbooi tbey believe their cbitdren woutd succeed ini. He suggested that system wouid improve the quality of scboois by introducing an element of competi- tion, as weii as ailowing parents to bave direct control over the type of curriculum their cbildren ieamn. 'Education centralized and big doesn't work," be said. "It needs toi be decentralized." Matt Smith, who represents tbe Green Party, said be believes Ontario's education system is cur- rentiy in disarray. -I tbink everybody agrees that the Progressive Conservatives bave been destroying our educa- tionai system," he said. He said bis party would keep smaii neigbbourhood schools open by introducing community use of the buildings. Candidates aiso fielded questions about teacher training, school boards, currculum, testing of stu- dents, programs for exceptionai students and literacy testing. 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